The kids, meanwhile, pursue the Eds on a wild chase through the Cul-de-Sac, the junkyard and the construction site. Eddy tries again, and the engine coughs again. He must have mailed it from this amusement park! "Ed: [joyful] "He's got moo-moos, Double D! "Ed: "Lucky me!" He finds Edd sticking leaves to a spiderweb. "I've followed all the rules! Stop!" Yes? [He points to a loading dock for the building: the Lemon Brook Gag Factory. [helping Edd up] "Don't answer that. ]Ed: [drenched and shivering] "Cold! Edd heaves himself out from under it. After the events of "The Ed, Edd n Eddy big picture show" the Ed boys have finally been accepted by the other kids in the cul de sac. A classic. Kevin's stomach rumbles, and he moves closer to Nazz. This is accentuated when he runs into a tree. The kids back up as it lands in front of them. WHERE ARE YOU, BUDDY? Double D ran to Eddy's rescue to hear him say, "I made it all up. By using a candied apple, Sarah and Jimmy manage to befriend the pig and they ride him out of the sunflowers and escape the Kankers. It happens another time before Edd, Nat and Eddy grab Ed and pull him behind the pole. [Eddy kicks the door open. While Ed, Edd n Eddy was in the middle of its fifth season, Cartoon Network confirmed on March 1, 2006 that a sixth one had been approved. "Help me out of this molasses, it's trying to swallow me. The Eds, however, have an ace up their sleeve and escape in Eddy's Brother's Car. It says so on my comic book!" Who's after our boyfriends! It's illegible!" However, he knocks over a link of sausages, which baits Wilfred into wandering off. Rolf (Ed Edd n Eddy) Sarah (Ed Edd n Eddy) Jimmy (Ed Edd n Eddy) Jonny 2x4. "[Kevin slams them a third time, and this time they spin in circles. "Eddy: "Why you dirty"Ed: "Tag! "[Edd clutches his forehead. "[As he storms off, Eddy's eyes fill with tears. In response, the other kids attack Jonny and Plank. "Edd: "Hurry please, I'm afraid I can't hold on for much longer gentlemen! "Ed: [still giggling] "Aw, we're sorry, Double D. Jelly bean?" The fans were pleased by the ending, but many were upset that they couldn't hear the post-credit roll scene with Jonny and Plank becoming villains due to it being overshadowed by a commercial. [moving Edd aside] "Look out! ]Rolf: "We must not be seen, as the Ed-boys will surely flee, Wilfred! "Eddy: "You better believe it! "Jimmy: "Ow, ah! You interrupt Rolf's study! Series creator Danny Antonucci directed the film and co-wrote it with Jono Howard, Mike Kubat, Rachel Connor and Stacy Warnick. Edd approaches the gap. [He begins to slip out.] [He throws it back down. He's described to be a "whiz" at many things. ]Jimmy: "I'm getting stretch marks!" At the end of the movie, the A.K.A. However, Plank mentions that there is no time left in the film. "Edd: "Eddy! Rolf sips deeply of the milk. [Ed chuckles. Rolf, using a muffin, an egg and a bottle of olive oil, searches for evidence of the Eds, but just as he finds something, Wilfred eats the evidence. "Lee: "Grab the two squirts, girls. See? NO! You're it! Edd then turns back to Eddy and resumes screaming at him. Pain! ]Ed: [eyes rolled back in his skull] "If looks could kill, I'd be dead. He looks around. Proof that the remaining 10% is worth sacrificing a jawbreaker for here: These are recommendations made by Tropers for Ed, Edd n Eddy Fan Fics, all of which have to be signed to stay on the page. Meanwhile, the Eds are waking up hungry, the obvious reason being that they didn't have enough time to pack any food before being run off from the Cul-de-Sac. Edd's (Double D) log: Monday May 31st, 2010 10:00 a.m. It's hard to believe that almost the entire year had passed after all the trouble we caused with the last scam Eddy had concocted, which made Kevin, Rolf, Nazz and Johnny chase us all out of the Cul-de-sac out of anger. Edd thinks about it. "Eddy: "Bro! "Oh look, lots of stuffy stuff. "[The Kankers turn to the fiery-headed newcomer. Suddenly, Ed grabs him. "Edd: [considering] "I suppose one could get used to the confining nature of tights. This is a reference to the musical artist. Since Eddy does not actually know where he lives, Edd (called Double D) tries to piece together Eddy's inconsistent facts about him to determine a location. "Mama, assist Rolf! But that's what you get for wrestling walruses. ", When Edd mentions the series, he says "And it only took 130 episodes, 4 specials, and a movie, Eddy. It spurs the two to get into a full-out brawl, with Ed ordering his two friends to stop fighting, but to no avail. [The bucket hits the wagon and boomerangs back to hit May in the back of her head.] Pain! On his ID, his school picture from. This is a reference to the 1965 film. Wilfred, look! Edd then loses his cool and asks Eddy if that was what he thought about all this time: that Edd went on this quest just to impress Eddy's Brother, that Edd would forsake his home and family for something so trival. Hello!" ]Ed: "Chickens, Double D! ]Lee: "First one inside gets to give him mouth to mouth! "Eddy: "Talk about stupid." ", [Rolf and Kevin ride into a field. ]Jimmy: "My hero. ]Rolf: "Wilfred!" "Eddy: [tearing the comic away] "Lemon Brook? Childhood. His attacks include a head slam (activate button is B . Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show is an animated road comedy television film that serves as the series finale for the animated series Ed, Edd n Eddy. What movie? As we watch, it lifts its head a few inches before dropping the beak back into the murky water. ]Kevin: "Hey! Likewise, Akira does this for his friends when he becomes Devilman. Giving it to Wilfred so that the pig could sniff out the Eds, Rolf menacingly proclaims that he will have the Eds "on a spit by nightfall". "Eddy: "Nope. While Ed goes racing off to look for food, Eddy and Edd following, they end up running off a cliff. "[Ed runs faster and faster, spinning the wheel at incredible speed. Sarah looks at the ladybug.] The car goes off a mountain of trash and this acts like a ramp. ]May: "But that would mean we're lost! ]Eddy: "Double D! - Overcame their personality flaws in the Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show and finally became friends with the other kids. The sign breaks off and falls. ]Rolf: "Who goes there? ]Eddy: "DON'T HURT ME!" "[Kevin ducks behind him. Ed throws Eddy at Edd to dislodge him. Wilfred! ]Rolf: "Has the world lost its mind? [Edd stares at the board in quiet contemplation. ]Rolf: "Hallo? "Eddy: "That's his place!" Eddy hails that the Eds are finally "In". ]Eddy: "Ed! ]Eddy: "You catch that, Ed?" The movie was watched by 2.268 million viewers in its original broadcast in the United States. Now expressing remorse over his past actions, Eddy tearfully reveals that he lied about his brother in an unsuccessful attempt to gain admiration and social acceptance. Eddy hangs on to the door as it flips and crashes. It's a shortcut." ]Eddy's Brother: "That was good, Pipsqueak. Answer me!" "'Cause I got like a million things to do! ], [Outside the Melon Cave, a tree stump's top slides open and two heroes burst out. "[While his friends frantically look for Eddy's brother, Ed stands up and slowly walks towards something he sees, as if he's in a trance. [He picks up the note, folds it, and puts it in the trash along with many other failed attempts before starting again.] "Edd: "What would you do without me, Eddy? [He falls out of his pants.] "Oh, for Pete's sake. Water drips off of him, and he slips on it. "Lee: [offscreen] "Why's this place look familiar? He reaches over and pulls the pin from one of the hinges. ]Eddy: "Over here, Sockhead, hey!" [wrestling with it] "This thing must come" [It snaps back onto his head. Previous episodes, however, do not reflect this conditioning: When Kevin unties Nazz (as she dreamily looks at Eddy's brother), the blue bandana used to gag her is missing. "Where is everybody? [whispering] "I'm frightened. "[The three tug at Jimmy, stretching his body. "[As he looks for them, a long hedge rolls out. Rolf brings up the rear, having managed to rejoin the chase. "Eddy: [taking out his wallet] "Ta-da!" [He punches himself in the head on the last few words, and then cries. Unfortunately, on the way out, his mask gets twisted, rendering him blind. Eddy looks in, and an arm reaches out from inside the jacket and grabs him. "[The kids rumble towards the Eds. "A peanut? She smiles to herself sinisterly before turning around, a more sincere smile on her face. [He points to it. ", [Eddy is shoving things into his suitcase. He then lies against it, using the dirt as a blanket. "Ed: "Do tell! [He tosses it away. Taking another opportunity to try and get close to Kevin, she attempts to flirt with him, but the floor gives way beneath her. They fall everywhere, including on Nazz and Kevin. Do something! [He tosses it in the sand.] Eddy leaps up, terrified. Cartoon logo has a watermelon background; a tribute to Captain Melonhead. [11] Matt Kapko of Animation World Network described the premiere of Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show as a "huge ratings success for Cartoon Network", noting that the premiere "earned double and triple-digit ratings and delivery gains among all kid demo[graphics]". If you are looking for . [He holds out a can. But they can help us find a safe place to rest for the night. [through a megaphone] "What the heck was that? It was then confirmed on fansite that Danny Antonucci found out the movie was airing in the United States on November 8, 2009. Throughout the movie, numerous lines from previous episodes can be heard: The key to Eddy's Brother's car is behind a glass case labelled "In Case Of Movie Break Glass". ]Sarah: "Cut, cut, cut cut!" Nazz is gone and the fire has been extinguished. "[Captain Melonhead and Splinter the Wonderwood climb aboard and nervously deposit five quarters into the collection box. ]Edd: "Um, excuse me. "Jimmy: "Okay. Devastated, Eddy furiously yells at Edd to go home and that he doesn't blame him for his course of actions, since everything that happened to them so far was all of his fault. I almost had em! "[A crowd of flies settles above Ed's head. We'll never make headway if you keep rummaging for" [A rubber chicken hits him. "Eddy: "Just keep your eyes peeled, chuckles. "[Sarah brings the bucket up into Lee's chin. Trouble! "[The two creep up on the rock. ]Ed: "Ahh, comfy." Kevin then invites the Eds to his house for Jawbreakers. [Eddy chuckles. The second he sees it, he loses his composure. "Marie: "I got em, Lee! "[Sarah grabs the paint and proceeds to slam it down onto Lee's hand. Can't sink in it! When it comes out, it is covered with spit. ]Edd: "Gotcha! If I might partake in this chat? However, when our brave captain looks at the driver, he sees an unexpected sight. "This can't be happening. While Ed plays in the water, Edd then says that maybe Eddy's Brother would be more apt to talking about Eddy's and Ed's immature behavior. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. I'll be right back. The wind blows, and some dandelion seeds come loose and float to another lawn, where a checkers game seems to have been in progress. Whaddya think they did this time, Jimmy? ]Rolf: "Rolf will draw forth the pitchfork of retribution!" "I'm returning home! Plank decides that they should take a bus. "Yeeeesssss" [serious] "The goody-goody-two-shoe days of Captain Melonhead and Splinter have come to an end!" Afterwords, a trailer was released for the "Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show Weekend Marathon", a weekend of Eds' episodes before the movie. I've got nothing to go on!" As the older sibling, don't you think you should rather be setting an example for Eddy, and notum" [Eddy's Brother smiles sinisterly.] Uncle uncle! "[The door flies open. These represent Ed's hallucinations of the kids throughout the episode: Medusa's Hair Salon . "[Kevin looks back towards their campsite. ", [Edd stands at the office door. "Ed: "shortest elephant!" However, Ed and Eddy reveal that it was all just a joke and that the mud is only ankle-deep. "Edd: "Courage, courage Eddward. ]Lee: "So none of our beeswax, huh? "The Gourd: Beginnings"'Idea by Captain Eddy Synopsis: Taking place six months after the Big Picture Show, the Eds and . ]Eddy: "Better hurry up, big bro's a-waitin. "[Edd rushes over and parts the curtains only to find that it's been bricked up. "[An arm reaches through the space where the doorknob used to be. Suddenly, Ed's leg slips out of Rolf's teeth, and the Eds slip back into the car. Wilfred!" ]Edd: [rushing towards Eddy with Ed in tow] "Eddy, speak to me!" "Eddy: "Poor little ol' Sockhead. Ed then suggests that they sing a song. What's taking you? Lee looks up, alert, and runs in its direction. ]Edd: "Motels cost money, Eddy." Rolf drops the muffin, and Wilfred scrambles over and eats it. Edd stops in his tracks.] [gesturing to them] "Edand Double D."Edd: [starstruck, holding out his hand to shake] "I guthink it's very wuh ah ooh" [He swoons. "[Eddy looks down. "[Edd stops dead. Edd, realizing that Eddy's brother is a whaler, reasons that he must live near the sea and the Eds decide to build a boat to follow the river. Funny, isn't it, how it's always my fault when yet another of your amazing scams goes awry! Eddy meanwhile looks out of the window. [12], Critics have praised Big Picture Show as a strong conclusion to the series. Over there! "[Eddy chases Ed off a cliff. We merely need to float upon the current, and it will carry us to its opening and Eddy's brother's retreat. We are three no more, Eddy! He was the royal cook for the king of Englishland. The scam, my brotherthiswhen am I gonna learn, Double D?" "Ed and Marie: [shocked] "Double D! [Ed is so close to being dragged out.] ], [The Eds trundle down the road. ]Rolf: "Curse you Ed-boys! I think I'm gonnaBLLAAAH!" However, Jimmy balks at the entrance to the Trailer Park, where the Kanker Sisters live, because of his bad experiences with the Kankers. ]Eddy: "This is it! "[Marie giggles. Reply . [She attacks him. Though their car is in shambles, they realize that they have escaped from the kids, at least for now. [He sticks it to the web.] [He ducks into his jacket. Follow/Fav Ed, Edd n' Eddy's Big Picture Show: With a RWBY Twist! ]Lee: [menacing] "What did you say about our boyfriends? [He labels the rock. 3. He goes on to admit that everything he's done has been wrong: scams, lying about his brother, and the preceding events, then asks in despair if he will ever learn. I had read somewhere online the good point that in "Ed, Edd n Eddy's Big Picture Show" the Wizard of Oz reference foreshadowed the movie's climax, when Edd reveals he has courage by standing up for Eddy; Ed removes the door hinge, causing Eddy's brother's defeat and thus revealing Ed does have brains; and Eddy says he talked his . ]Lee: "It's those two runts! [He begins to search for his sidekick.] [weeping] "Why oh why didn't you listen to me? While making his case that Eddy's Brother is a jokester, Edd references several past items and episodes: When Eddy shocks Ed with the electric gum, Ed transforms into previous versions of himself seen throughout the series: When Edd and Eddy fall from the waterfall, several interesting items can briefly be seen under the splash they make. Nazz warms her hands by the fire. "Sarah: "None of your beeswax! AGAIN! What on earth did they do? The movie premiered in the UK on July 17, 2010 on Cartoon Network Too at 9am and later again at 5pm in the "Meathead Movies and Specials Weekend"; it also aired the next day at 12pm. [He collapses to the dusty floor.] ]Edd: [following him in] "Eddy, do you think this is wise? "You are so my hero! The Eds scream as they go through the woods and fly over a ravine into the junkyard. [Eddy closes the door. SHAKLAHAM! ]Eddy: [to Ed] "What else you got in there, lummox? Aah! "belittle himin front of hisfriends? "Eddy! "[Kevin is picking up speed when May is suddenly stuck into his path. ]Rolf: "Ah ha. We coulda stopped there." "May: "Aw, he's squirming! "Ed: "Choo choo!" ]Lee: "YEEOOWWCHHH!!! "[Plank, ripped and torn and almost destroyed, tumbles onto the windshield. Edd looks at them and then back at the wreckage of the car. [He picks up a sunflower and slams it into Ed's face. Kevin picks one up. ]Eddy: "Hey Sockhead, where you going?" ]Nazz: "I'm so glad you're okay, dude." He posted that the movie footage was in 16:9 widescreen (a first for Ed, Edd n Eddy), Kevin on his bike and Rolf wearing warpaint and riding Wilfred chasing The Eds in Eddy's brother's car in the junkyard, Ed powering the car by carrying it and Eddy "steering" the car (with only his three hairs visible). ], [A giant stack of items moves across the desert. [10] It runs for a total of 89 minutes. TV Listings; After a scam goes badly wrong, Ed, Edd and Eddy are forced to hightail it from the cul-de-sac. Among those, his shuddersome stink bomb recipes, his heinous hot sauces, oh and my favorite, malicious misleading treasure maps, together with other contentious callous cons, lead me to suspect your brother's quite the jokester. ]Ed: "Say it again, Double D! Eddy, belly sad!" It ain't nothin but smooth sailin straight to big bro's place, boys! ]Edd: "Wait! ededdneddy littlewitchacademia. Outside, Ed and Eddy are still looking for toys. Sarah and Jimmy slide down from the sunflower. As they continue onwards, by the light of a group of fireflies, Ed cannot move any further and decides to call it quits at a small, abandoned park. [He grabs Eddy. It is with great sh-shame" [Edd puts down his pen and begins to cry. ]Edd: "May I borrow this, Ed?" [He pushes a heavy box into Eddy.] He sees the Eds pass and snarls. [He grabs his friends.] [Eddy snickers, and Edd goes off to do something. "[Edd and Eddy crawl out of the water. Nazz sees this. "Ed: "Oh, let me, Eddy! Foul!" Suddenly, he spots a glint of metal up ahead, and he leaps off. "[Ed reaches into his bag and pulls out Edd. Belly's empty. "Edd: "I've had enough!" ]Eddy: "Lighten up, Sockhead. ]Edd and Eddy: "WAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!! ]The Gourd: "And his evil cohort, Timber, the Dark Shard!" ]Eddy: "Breakfast? ]Kevin: "Yo, Nazz! "Eddy: "BIG BRO! "Ed: "I upped your chuck, Eddy! Ed, Edd, and Eddy's newest scam goes awry, injuring several of the neighborhood kids and angering them in the process. ]Eddy: [taking his postcard back] "Gah! [holding up Ed's comic book] "This publication was printed over ten years ago! However, the kids embrace the Eds as friends. "Eddy: "Double D! ]Kevin: "He's lookin at you, Rolf. He looks over to Ed, who is trying to get the camel to run. Bad! This muck's only ankle deep! It's those twerps! ]Ed: "I got it! Eddy's Brother then tried to pull Eddy from it. He stops, looking at it with a dazed look on his face. Create New. Pinocchio 3000/Ed, Edd n Eddy. "[Kevin runs into the swamp and begins to clamber up the tree. ]Eddy's Brother: "Park don't open till noon. "See ya. "Eddy: [tugging on the doors] "HEY BIG BRO! ]Edd: "Hardly." [trying to grab it] "I think I can reach it, Kev. Seeing no one, he smiles. [He uses his shirt as a bandana.] "[Lying in front of Rolf is a cow. He looks for the Eds. [He slaps another mosquito. "Eddy's Brother: "Just for old times' sake, let's playUncle. "Eddy: "WHERE'D HE COME FROM? It parks by a truck, and the doors swing open. [putting his hat on] "Thank you. [9], On December 1, 2008, Antonucci stated production on the movie was "wrapping up" after two years of work, and that it would air on Cartoon Network the following year. It's like a fairy tale come true! [sadistically] "Don't forget to wipe your feet. [He removes his gloves.] [Wilfred attacks Rolf.] Suddenly, he stops. "[Rolf punches straight through the tree. "Lee: "What's he doin to my man! Eddy meanwhile tucks his postcard back into his wallet. Jonny then comes running down the street, and the Eds and Nat stick out their feet and trip him.] AAAH! The car almost hits Jonny. Perhaps more conservative, yes?" [She empties the wheelbarrow of its cargo: Kevin, Nazz, and Rolf. If they get there before we get there, they'll never get theirs. "Kevin: "Aw, don't sweat it, doll. Sure enough, Lee and May knock Kevin off his bike and capture him, completely destroying his bike in the process. He sees Rolf searching for him. The door flies towards Eddy's brother and smacks him squarely, knocking him over. Oh! "Eddy's Brother: [sarcastically surprised] "Give it up? In a brand new feature-length movie! Ed Edd n Eddy Season 1 Episode 8 Fool on the Ed / A Boy and His Ed. ]Ed: "Ollie ollie oxen free!" [She turns to Sarah with a bucket of paint.] ]Edd: "EDDY! Sac!!! "Edd: "How mortifying! "[Ed releases the car door briefly and grabs at the steering wheel. Plank hijacks the bus and the bus is seen traveling towards downtown Peach Creek. Finders keepers!" His friends are no more. ]Sarah: [annoyed] "What's the matter, Jimmy? ]Edd: "Eddy, we're too young to drive! "[They land next to a river. Duh! I just wanted to see Ed, Edd n Eddy get clobbered! The bug flies off and hits a sunflower. [He looks through the device. ]Eddy: "It was just a scam, Double D! "[Nazz ignores him. I could eat a horse." The river ends in a swamp, where their boat is destroyed. [He takes the crayon.] [The postmark is smeared. Teach em a lesson, May!" Has anybody seen my pal? "[The kids grab Eddy and toss him in the air, catching him each time, and celebrating his victory. An incorrect scheduling situation in the UK, in February 2009, gave fans more info about the movie, courtesy of Yahoo! ]Ed: "Look, I'm Double D! He approaches Eddy. "Edd: "Ed, comic book, please. "Jonny: "I ain't goin near that one with a ten-foot pole, buddy. Sarah and Jimmy watch. ]Kevin: "Hang on! Edd tries to save them, but fails, and the duo seems to drown. "Eddy's Brother: [as Eddy tries to get away] "Belittle? Reply. ]Jimmy: "Forest imps! "Edd: "Perhaps the front doors will yield a response! ]Rolf: "Wilfred!" ]Ed: "Look! "[He notices the "Out of Order" label Edd stuck on the trunk. Ed uses one of his decade-old comic books to suggest visiting the Lemon Brook Gag Factory. ], [The car crashes down in the middle of a desert. You're headin back into the swamp!" ]Ed: "Say it ain't so! ]Edd: "By the authority vested in me, sanctioned by moi, I hereby christen this seaworthy vessel, the esteemed, um" [reading the writing on the side] "S. S. Mutant Almost A Chicken Duck?" [Wilfred clamps down on Rolf's stomach.] ]Jimmy: "Oh, please! Edd puts the glass to the door and his ear to the glass while Eddy stashes himself in Ed's pocket. "[Suddenly, a deep rumbling is heard, and an earthquake occurs. The Eds may have avoided the destruction by landing on an untouched part of the lane. "Sarah: "We fell off that stupid slippery pig all the way over here, Jimmy! Jonny was using his melon lock pick to pick open the lock on the window. ]Ed: "Hi Double D! Likewise, the characters weren't seen wearing their fall or winter clothing, as was usual in season 5. Kevin leaps onto the car, and his bike wheels off, coming to a stop against a sawhorse, perfectly parked. Wait!" "Edd: [pointing at it] "Are those salt deposits from your lamentation? "Jimmy: [after a pause] "Oh yay, Sarah! "[The Eds run to the front doors of the factory. Give it up! Ed stands up and steps out of the hole. May tumbles off, and the wagon sails forwards towards Lee. "Kevin: "It's the dorks! [He hugs the sponges.] Spotting Sarah and Jimmy, he jumps up and grabs his sponges. Don'tcha think?" "[Rolf takes out a key and unlocks a suitcase. As they run around to the front of the factory, the camera pans out to the fence of the factory, ominously marked with a sign saying "Keep Out". Meanwhile, at Edd's House, Edd is heard sobbing, with many of his belongings beside an open suitcase on his bed, while Edd himself tries to write a letter explaining the incident to his parents. [He joins in the attack. Ed, Edd N Eddy's Big Picture Show. The Ed-boys must not escape! I knew that I should've trusted my instincts and told myself to quit . Even more coincidentally, Kevin's bike is parked against it. ]Lee: [unravelling Kevin] "So much for your ride, huh, tough guy? Finally getting his sock off, Ed grabs two comics and Baron O' Beefdip. Infuriated, Edd decides to return home and face the other kids' wrath. ]Nazz: [forgiving him] "Yeahsorry about that, dude. You shoulda known it would go bad! This rage train ain't stoppin till I thump those three twerps! "Lee: "Back off Marie. "Jimmy: "Did we miss the Eds beating? You probably smudged it. When Ed careens through his bedroom door, he slams it onto the wall where his bed is. [Eddy pulls himself out. End of the line, dorks!" It looks peaceful and quiet. Though they have the same first name and live on the same cul-de-sac in the suburbs, the three youths have very different personalities, which contribute to the confusion, contradiction and just plain awkwardness that defines growing up. The other kids regroup, with Kevin telling them that they can't let the Eds get away with destroying the lane and wounding them like this. "Wait for me, girlfriend! "[At this point, Eddy is clinging to the trailer door while his brother is trying to yank him back to be punished. Arr! I'm Double D!" In the opening scene, the lane is shown completely destroyed. [from a telephone pole] "BRO!