We invite the submission of original and high-quality research papers in the topics related to biased or scarce data. References will not count towards the page limit. Online. Hence, there is a need for research and practical solutions to ML security problems.With these in mind, this workshop solicits original contributions addressing problems and solutions related to dependability, quality assurance and security of ML systems. Babies learn their first language through listening, talking, and interacting with adults. The main interest of the proposed workshop is to look at a new perspective of system engineering where multiple disciplines such as AI and safety engineering are viewed as a larger whole, while considering ethical and legal issues, in order to build trustable intelligent autonomy. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) begins to impact our everyday lives, industry, government, and society with tangible consequences, it becomes increasingly important for a user to understand the reasons and models underlying an AI-enabled systems decisions and recommendations. Thirty-Sixth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI 2022), (Acceptance Rate: 15%), accepted. Submissions may consist of up to 4 pages plus one additional page solely for references. GeoInformatica (impact factor: 2.392), 24, 443475 (2020). Submissions can be original research contributions, or abstracts of papers previously submitted to top-tier venues, but not currently under review in other venues and not yet published. Xuchao Zhang, Liang Zhao, Arnold Boedihardjo, and Chang-Tien Lu. The first achievements in playing these games at super-human level were attained with methods that relied on and exploited domain expertise that was designed manually (e.g. There will be live Q&A sessions at the end of each talk and oral presentation. Please refer tohttps://rl4ed.org/aaai2022/index.htmlfor additional information. Although textual data is prevalent in a large amount of finance-related business problems, we also encourage submissions of studies or applications pertinent to finance using other types of unstructured data such as financial transactions, sensors, mobile devices, satellites, social media, etc. To push forward the research on acronym understanding in scientific text, we propose two shared tasks on acronym extraction (i.e., recognizing acronyms and phrases in text) and disambiguation (i.e., finding the correct expansion for an ambiguous acronym). 625-634, New Orleans, US, Dec 2017. Submit to: Papers are required to submit to:https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dlg22. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Novel AI-enabled generative models for system design and manufacturing. For example, failures in IoT can result in infrastructure disruptions, and failures in autonomous cars can lead to congestion and crashes. Journal of Biomedical Semantics, (impact factor: 1.845), 2018, accepted. We will accept both original papers up to 8 pages in length (including references) as well as position papers and papers covering work in progress up to 4 pages in length (not including references).Submission will be through Easychair at the AAAI-22 Workshop AI4DO submission site, Professor Bistra Dilkina ([email protected]), USC and Dr. Segev Wasserkrug, ([email protected]), IBM Research, Prof. Andrea Lodi ([email protected]), Jacobs Technion-Cornell Institute IIT and Dr. Dharmashankar Subrmanian ([email protected]), IBM Research. in Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM 2018), regular paper (acceptance rate: 8.9%), Singapore, Dec 2018, accepted. Negar Etemadyrad, Qingzhe Li, Liang Zhao. Distant-supervision of heterogeneous multitask learning for social event forecasting with multilingual indicators. For further information, please have a look at the call for contributions. 5 (2014): 1447-1459. Computers & Electrical Engineering (impact factor: 2.189), vo. DI@KDD2022 Call for Papers Organization Program Keynote Talk Accepted Papers Call for Papers Document Intelligence Workshop @ KDD 2022 UPDATES August 6: Final versions of the papersare posted! The 28th ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining (KDD 2022) (Acceptance Rate: 14.99%), accepted, 2022. December 2020, July 21: Clarified that the workshop this year will be held, June 20: Paper notification is now extended to, Paper reviews are underway! Papers should be up to 4 pages in length (excluding references) formatted using the AAAI template. Data mining systems and platforms, and their efficiency, scalability, security and privacy. Research efforts and datasets on text fact verification could be found, but there is not much attention towards multi-modal or cross-modal fact-verification. In recent months/years, major global shifts have occurred across the globe triggered by the Covid pandemic. Proceedings of the IEEE (impact factor: 9.237), vol. Moreover, the operational context in which AI systems are deployed necessitates consideration of robustness and its relation to principles of fairness, privacy, and explainability. Interpreting and Evaluating Neural Network Robustness. With the rapid development of advanced techniques on the intersection between information theory and machine learning, such as neural network-based or matrix-based mutual information estimator, tighter generalization bounds by information theory, deep generative models and causal representation learning, information theoretic methods can provide new perspectives and methods to deep learning on the central issues of generalization, robustness, explainability, and offer new solutions to different deep learning related AI applications.This workshop aims to bring together both academic researchers and industrial practitioners to share visions on the intersection between information theory and deep learning, and their practical usages in different AI applications. The final schedule will be available in November. KDD 2022. July 22: The workshop Programis up! Such advances would enrich the range of applicability of semi-autonomous systems to real-world tasks, most of which involve cooperation with one or more human partners. Submissions will go through a double-blind review process. The ACM SIGSPATIAL International Conference on Advances in Geographic Information Systems 2022 (ACM SIGSPATIAL 2022), poster track, to appear, 2022. Some will be selected for spotlight talks, and some for the poster session. All submissions will be peer-reviewed. Towards Quantized Model Parallelism for Graph-Augmented MLPs Based on Gradient-Free ADMM Framework. Submission site:https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/AAAI2022HCSSL/Submission/Index, Ali Etemad (Queens University, [email protected]), Ali Etemad (Queens University, [email protected]), Ahmad Beirami (Facebook AI, [email protected]), Akane Sano (Rice University, [email protected]), Aaqib Saeed (Philips Research & University of Cambridge, [email protected]), Alireza Sepas-Moghaddam (Socure, [email protected]), Mathilde Caron (Inria & Facebook AI, [email protected]), Pritam Sarkar (Queens University & Vector Institute, [email protected]), Huiyuan Yang (Rice University, [email protected]), Supplemental website:https://hcssl.github.io/AAAI-22/. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering (TKDE), (impact factor: 6.977), vol. iDetective: An Intelligent System for Automatic Identification of Key Actors in Online Hack Forums. Introduction: SIGKDD aims to provide the premier forum for advancement and adoption of the "science" of knowledge discovery and data mining.SIGKDD will encourage: basic research in KDD (through annual research conferences, newsletter and other related activities . As for the Kraken, they made one trade a month ago to acquire a seventh defenceman, Jaycob Megna and did nothing else (from 'Kraken remain quiet as NHL trade deadline passes,' The Seattle . At least one author of each accepted submission must be present at the workshop. Andy Doyle, Graham Katz, Kristen Summers, Chris Ackermann, Ilya Zavorin, Zunsik Lim, Sathappan Muthiah, Liang Zhao, Chang-Tien Lu, Patrick Butler, Rupinder Paul Khandpur. Publication in HC-SSL does not prohibit authors from publishing their papers in archival venues such as NeurIPS/ICLR/ICML or IEEE/ACM Conferences and Journals. Benchmarks to reliably evaluate attacks/defenses and measure the real progress of the field. NOTE: May 19: Notification. : 507-516, Singapore, Nov 2017. AAAI is pleased to present the AAAI-22 Workshop Program. 17th International Workshop on Mining and Learning with Graphs. Submissions should be formatted using the AAAI-2022 Author Kit. Long Beach, California, USA . Papers will be peer-reviewed and selected for oral and/or poster presentations at the workshop. We are excited to continue promoting innovation in self-supervision for the speech/audio processing fields and inspiring the fields to contribute to the general machine learning community. We welcome full paper submissions (up to 8 pages, excluding references or supplementary materials). This has created a strong demand for transcript understanding. SIAM International Conference on Data Mining (SDM 2022), (Acceptance Rate: 26%), accepted. Additional advantages are possible, including decreased computational resources to solve a problem, reduced time for the network to make predictions, reduced requirements for training set size, and avoiding catastrophic forgetting. Despite gratifying achievements that have demonstrated the great potential and bright development prospect of introducing AI in education, developing and applying AI technologies to educational practice is fraught with its unique challenges, including, but not limited to, extreme data sparsity, lack of labeled data, and privacy issues. We welcome submissions of long (max. "Misinformation Propagation in the Age of Twitter." Xuchao Zhang, Xian Wu, Fanglan Chen, Liang Zhao, Chang-Tien Lu. Guangji Bai and Liang Zhao. We have invited several distinguished speakers with their research interests spanning from the theoretical to experimental aspects of complex networks. Multi-objective Deep Data Generation with Correlated Property Control. World Wide Web Conference (WWW 2018), (acceptance rate: 14.8%), Lyon, FR, Apr 2018, accepted. Recently developed tools and cutting-edge methodologies coming from the theory of optimal transport have proved to be particularly successful for these tasks. Attendance is open to all; at least one author of each accepted paper must be virtually present at the workshop. Advances in complex engineering systems such as manufacturing and materials synthesis increasingly seek artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) solutions to enhance their design, development, and production processes. Previously published work (or under-review) is acceptable. 2020. The submissions must follow the formatting guidelines for AAAI-22. Yanfang Ye, Yiming Zhang, Yujie Fan, Chuan Shi and Liang Zhao. Guangji Bai, Johnny Torres, Junxiang Wang, Liang Zhao, Carmen Vaca, Cristina Abad. Adversarial attacking deep learning systems, Robust architectures against adversarial attacks, Hardware implementation and on-device deployment, Benchmark for evaluating model robustness, New methodologies and architectures for efficient and robust deep learning, December 3, 2021 Acceptance Notification, Applications of privacy-preserving AI systems, Differential privacy: theory and applications, Distributed privacy-preserving algorithms, Privacy preserving optimization and machine learning, Privacy preserving test cases and benchmarks. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. After seventh highly successful events, the eighth Symposium on Visualization in Data Science (VDS) will be held at a new venue, ACM KDD 2022 as well as IEEE VIS 2022. 40, no. CVPR 11 deadline . ISBN: 978-981-16-6053-5. 4. Attendance is open to all. Temporal Domain Generalization with Drift-Aware Dynamic Neural Network. The workshop is a full day. The 33rd European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databasesg (ECML-PKDD 2022) (Acceptance Rate: 26%), accepted, 2022. Hyperparameters such as the number of layers, the number of nodes in each layer, the pattern of connectivity, and the presence and placement of elements such as memory cells, recurrent connections, and convolutional elements are all manually selected. TG-GAN: Continuous-time Temporal Graph Deep Generative Models with Time-Validity Constraints. Papers will be peer-reviewed and selected for spotlight and/or poster presentation. Design, Automation and Test in Europe Conference (DATE 2020), long paper, (acceptance rate: 26%), accepted. We collaborate with Saudi Aramco to use machine learning for simulating oil and water flows, . Submissions are limited to a maximum of four (4) pages, including all content and references, and must be in PDF format. 27, 2022: Please check out Speical Days at, Apr.