"But after this I think we went to far.". Lana farts even louder. [They go inside and Danica and a large guy with spiky blond hair named Earl are the announcers.]. I took advantage of the whole jinx thing for free time, but I felt lonely and I was kicked out by my whole family, when I confessed I was still rejected." "You don't have to wear that mascot suit anymore." Rodney: Ill get across that finish line if its the last thing I do! That was the only feminine point about her, the rest of her body could be mistaken for a boys. "The label said dry clean. "It's an ice idea Lincoln!" "You can't do this to me!" Lainey: It shows. Please consider turning it on! Lynn Loud Lynn: Don't need to. Paula: I hope you win, girl! said Lynn. Around the letters, Lynn had drawn dead smiley faces with a red crayon. "You caused this to happen to me?!" Well, maybe we can! Lori fired back, pulling her younger sister away from Lincoln. I threatened you to come at my game. Can Lynn beat him? Lynn: Well, my dad knows one or two sports, and he taught my sister Lori golf, and shes pretty serious about it, but none are as serious as me. Because of this animal control i One Night in the loud Residence Rita Loud and Lynn Loud Sr. Bring home a shocking surprise, what could it be? He slammed his bedroom door behind him, throwing his backpack onto his desk. With renovations going on in an almost empty house Lincoln, Lucy and Lynn need to share a bed. Nadia: Thanks. Dont. Lynn ignored her sisters comments. [He lunges forward, swinging his sword, but Lynn ducks. and thanks to Lisa, two familiar faces will be joining him. His first task: finding people who are worthy to wield it. ], [Lana takes a hose and makes a muddy patch, which the girls then jump into and they start rolling around in the mud, shoving each other over, and throwing mud at one another. [The girls go to the pool, change into matching white swimsuits with blue numbers on them, and dive in. . said Lynn. struck Lincoln odd. Earl: This is quite the winning streak for Lynn! "Oh hey. /This story contains mature theme/ Brown Loud parents reaction to Lincoln being kicked out, Loud House - Lincoln Gets Busted at the Millers. Around the letters, Lynn had drawn dead smiley faces with a red crayon. Lincoln sighed. Were having our two month anniversary of our first kiss soon! Its Alexander Scott, Samantha Warren, Lynn Loud, Olivia Richardson, Blake Peters, and Rodney Walters! At 14 years old (13 before), Lynn is the fifth-oldest child of the Loud family, and the youngest of Lincoln's five older sisters. Luan: And we know her well, and we know that this underdog can bite! We both wanted something and it ended up being rejected and being the laughing stock." They keep laughing and farting, while Lola walks past and gags.]. Cut to the tennis court where the girls are playing tennis Lynn with Margo, Diane with Amy, Maya with Paula, Nadia with Lainey, and Polly with Maddie.]. [They go to Auntie Pams and eat ice cream sundaes like the one Lily almost got. "Apologize for being right? Alignment "Oh come on! The anger and thirst for revenge had taken over her body and consciousness, to the point where she forgot her surroundings, the only thing that she could think of was to beat them up. tip: hetalia f/f sort:kudos. Dislike Could it be-because of her? *preparing my T-60 power armor immediately*. Hello. The driver shouted as drove off. "Ewwww!" Lori Loud: (sobbing softly) He is not coming with us. "We thought you would go nuts!" A thermometer was stuck in Lincolns right ear, and colorful band-aids covered his entire body. ", Then someone knocks on the door. I can handle this, just leave us alone. [Lynn is pitted against Olivia, who is a blonde girl about Lynns height with a ponytail.]. [Lynn and Roy, who is a few inches taller than Lynn but other than that its hard to tell what he looks like since theyre both in fencing uniforms, face each other on the stadium.]. I have nine. No blood or gore. Despite their parents words, Lynn and Lincoln had used it as their fort. Lynn groaned. Alexander: I could win against you in my sleep, pipsqueak! Lynn: Mine was soccer, and I was three too. Lisa deactivated Lincoln's tracking implant. "Yeah she turned us into hippos." The bandages also bound his left arm and right leg to his neck, which made him look like an awkward mummy. Lynn: *laughs* Thats gross, but hilarious! Let's put this whole thing behind us and never speak of the jinx thing ever again." It's my first ever one shot I've done. Luan shouted. She turned on the van and drive away as they left the Santiago House to return their home. Lincoln said to the readers. "Prove it, did he go to one of your events without the anti-jinx suit?" 5.1K 113 9. omfggggg ok so ive seen so fucking many of wack ass fanfics abt the loud house like gurl- y r the . Lynn asked. Or with any of her siblings. "Well, I should apologize too." I found they were losing, so I tried to come back to bring them good luck, but I ended up having to run away from some ushers, and I ended up on the rink and scoring big points! "Whoops I guess we forgot to put it on the other side." "I proved it, right before we ended Lincoln's torment which is your foul chamber you call a mascot suit.". Lynn scores another. She was now accompanied by Principal Huggins, who was screaming something about calling her parents. Until Luan comes up with a project that may save their beloved sisteror get her in even more trouble. They start swimming laps around the pool.]. said Lincoln. "Tell you what? "I got a better place for this." He smelled of pond scum, and his clothes were slightly burnt at the ends. Tears started to make their way down her cheeks. Lincoln stared at his Lynn, who looked at him beggingly. Lisa pitched the bridge of her nose. That means no sports until you apologize to Lincoln." "Let's just go to the park." there is an actual Loud house movie, you'll need to have seen at least the beginning to undserstand this story. You learn how to jump well when your brother has a habit of setting up tripwires. "I guess two wrongs don't make a right." [She winds down the windows and they fart all the way home. "Awwww!" Cheryl was coming closer to her, her shouts getting louder. Its an alternative Ending Creepypasta. Danica: Youre a lot of fun, Lynn! Earl: And Lynn and Katie are tied for the winners! Lynn: The most famous female athlete! None of them had ended up good. Lynn: *excitedly to herself* Eee! Lana then jumps and lands on Lynn, who laughs, and then the girls lie in the puddle and stare at the sky. Lynn, wait!. Home "Dude, she made us into monsters, made you wear that mascot costume 24/7. Whoa! ], [She stands up, strikes a pose, and jabs Mallory in the stomach, giving her a cramp and making Lynn the winner.]. First time posting here. All of the Loud siblings knew what their oldest sister was talking about, and all of them had experienced it. I know you can do it! And I feel thats a better way of doing representation than creating a character thats solely to let people know that the group they represent exists. Or was it Ronnie Anne again? She wasnt teasing him about his crush-ever since Ronnie Anne had punched Lincoln after he had kissed her, Lynn always had been wary of the 11 year old girl. She had never experienced this with any other bullies. She is also skilled in various forms of martial arts, such as kickboxing, Mexican wrestling (or lucha libre), and parkour. Megan: *arrogantly* Well, well, well, if it isnt the little klutz girls. Well, Ive got two more idiots for the day.. ], [Alexander does a somersault while dunking the ball.]. Winners, winners, chicken dinners! "I thought you loved Dutch ovens?" Lucy had brought him a potion that she claimed would instantly cure him, but crashed into Leni, spilling the green liquid over his bandages. Danica is at the door.]. He didnt mind back then, what really mattered to him was that he had a big sister to play with him and protect him. said Lynn and placed the squirrel mascot in a garbage can. [Alexander heads the ball into the net, then Lynn does the same with her eyes shut.]. Paula: I dont know yet. ", Lynn answered, "Because, my first ever baseball game changed my life.". Marsh first noticed Lynn, who was glaring at them intensely. You were 13 years old already moving because of family problems. y r the siblings dating- [Lynn farts. But with these two, she couldnt stop. Lincoln is tired of being the joke and black sheep of the family. What Lincoln was doing there, Lynn didnt know. Rita stated. Next to Rowdy McQuads, of course. said Leni. Lynn shouted with her voice breaking. Lincoln let out a small yelp of pain, and his hands instantly covered his swollen eye. The two people responsible for turning her into what she was today. Lincoln's acting totes weird right now., I have to come to a conclusion that our only brother has experienced a critical accident at his academy, thus bringing him to an unstable emotional state., Sigh. Now he has a somewhat Unorthodox family. - I was originally going to put Ronnie Anne in the story and beat up Lynn after hearing about what happened to Lincoln. said Lincoln. First they tried chanting, but it didnt work, then they tried offering food, but the students ate it first and it gave them gas. Started: Jan 7th What happens if all of royal woods have powers. Youve really made a big improvement from last time! [They line up for their pole vault. What did he want? "." here, and I hope you enjoy this as much as I enjoyed writing it! Then sold my stuff. He walks up to it and tries again, succeeding.]. Also please don't flame me. "Yeah, you're now free to come on put activities without wearing that squirrel mascot." "Hypo- oh forgot it!" [She turns around, slashes her sword, and gets Roy on the abdomen.]. ], [They get up, crouch down, and start wiggling and slapping their butts.]. nosuchluck psa loudhouse lynnsaine lynnloudjr. Lynn: Remember when we first played tennis? Lynn fires her shot and gets a bullseye, causing the crowd to go wild.]. said Lynn. Lincoln said. Danica pins Lynn, then Lynn throws mud in Danicas eyes. [They start playing. Lynn and Lincoln, fully grown up and married, have a wonderful passionate night with an erotic board game. Lynn: No, I will! [Next, they are seen on an ice rink, practicing hockey.]. [Mallory spins around again and gives Lynn a right hook. Lori: The boys then interrogated me in the cafeteria and accidentally spilled drinks on the janitor, but just as we were about to clean it up, it literally cleaned itself up! But the next day, we started having bad luck in our games, and it turned out to be because the ghost whose name was Shanks Bogey had been the schools caddy in life and was essentially a good luck charm. Thats cheating! Then, she discovers that. Because I was disgusted and hurt by this episode. Just around the corner would be the school playground. Lynn gulped and the dog chased her around. Work Search: The Loud girl that loves to win. She's a monster, she deserved it." She poked Conner, pointing in Lynns direction, and started talking. "No, she doesn't! Lori: and she tracked him down to the cemetery. . "No, I'm here to say I'm sorry." "Lincoln is not wearing his anti-jinx suit! Mr. Grouse shouted from his house. ], [Katie stands up and is given her silver medal.]. She clearly knew them, but not in a good way. "Now that you mentioned it, Lynn was the reason why were hippos to Lincoln." Its fromgym class.. I just hate when people feel sorry for me when I lose. Conners nose was broken, blood pouring out of it and staining his clothes. I apologised, but that didnt work, so I tried impressing him, and he taught me some new tricks. Lynn Jr said, "Daddy, no, you don't have to, he's got it in his room." Lynn Sr then turned to Lynn Jr and said, "I'm going to shoot you and end your life once and for all." Lynn Jr started crying and said, "Don't do that, Daddy, don't do it, I love you." Without hesitation, Lynn Sr then shoots Lynn Jr in the chest. Lainey: So hows Theo? There was a part of me that wanted to beat you with your own baseball bat. Luan: These videos say she's super polite, and is almost as big of a health nut as Lori, so if I were you, I'd save the junk food 'til the end of the day. She snapped. Therefor you have only yourself to blame.". "Oh really did you even see what I went through being lonely. Luna slides a plate of half a meatball sub out the doggie dog. We use cookies to enhance your experience, analyze site traffic, and for marketing purposes.