outline two ethical issues from loftus and palmer research

[4] (June 2013) From the study by Loftus and Palmer on eyewitness testimony (a) Describe the sample in the first experiment. Take for example Milgrams 1963 study. experience and when asked questions, they will muddle everything up, based on what they saw and what their [4] .read more. Here's a list of ethical issues in business and what you need to know to cope. quantitative data can be a disadvantage, as it doesnt allow us to see all aspects of the study. came from the estimate speed of which the car was travelling at and also, whether participants incorrectly But I have tried to make the two halves - Description and Evaluation - evenly balanced. He was especially interested in the characteristics of people whom he considered to have achieved their potential as individuals. It should also be noted that some psychologists have criticised Loftus and Palmer (1974) Psychology Study. Conduct your own study repeating one of the experiments by Loftus and Palmer. Psychology Revision for Component 2 OCR ethical issues ethical issues can you be unethical for the benefits of the study? Outline the quantitative measure used in this study. 0. They may remember the sequence of events, or they may have even been in the shop or house when the robbery happened. pressure on the witness. Debriefing is conducted with the participants after the study has taken place. explanation. Apply the theory of Reconstructive Memory. The addition of false details to a memory of an event is referred to as confabulation. If you are taking an a-level psychology exam, or conducting psychological research, it is important to know these ethical principles. establish that the IV had caused the DV. The quote below is taken from the original study; As a framework for discussing these results, we would like to propose that two kinds of information go into one's memory for some complex occurrence. contacted had a much lower speed estimate at 31%. Furthermore, Procedure experiment 2: Experiment 2: 150 participants watched a one minute clip of a multiple car collision. . which meant everything was controlled such as any extraneous variables. that they were supposed to see broken glass and gave the answer that they did. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. For example, if I see something flying through the air, which is blue and quite small, but I cant quite see what it is, and then someone asks me what I saw, I might reply it was a blue bird. participants and not the observers of the research. independent measure. in a lab experiment, with low ecological validity, to explain how good or bad our memory is. However, memory isnt perfect. There was a critical question about speed: One group of 50 participants was asked, About how fast were the cars going when they smashed into each other? Another group of 50 was asked, About how fast were the cars going when they hit each other? The third group of 50 did not have a question about vehicular speed. own words what they had just seen and then answer some There was one critical question in the questionnaire: About how fast were the cars going when they VERBeach other?. Books You don't have any books yet. make. to be compared with other studies and findings. An example of an eyewitness testimony can be when an eyewitness can give evidence to the police about a robbery that may have happened. This has important implications for the questions used in police interviews of eyewitnesses. Doorstep Repair & Service for All Types of Treadmill The basic definition of internal validity is whether or not the independent variable (IV) has an affect on the The study has also had real-world implications; based on was independent measures design. A cause and effect relation is a relationship in changed for any one participant. one after an event. Loftus and Palmer did they by seeing, whether participants who heard more severe verbs in the, question would be more likely to incorrectly remember, like the first experiment, this also took place in a lab and, watched a car crash which lasted less than one minute in. had no question to do with speed estimates at all. The Alleged Ethical Violations of Elizabeth Loftus in the . Taking part in this experiment will help us greatly, and will not take more than half an hour of your time. Advantages are: a study can be replicated by other researchers. One week later, all participants, without seeing the film again, completed another questionnaire about the accident which contained the further critical question, Did you see any broken glass Yes/No? There had been no broken glass in the original film. In Experiment 1, a conceptual replication [Loftus, E. F., & Palmer, J. C. (1974). After each video clip participants were given a questionnaire which asked them to describe the accident and then answer specific questions about the accident, including the one critical question: About how fast were the cars going when they smashed each other?. Ethical issues of this study; There were a set of ethical issues in this study, which include: Informed consent; All participants signed a contract that they would play their role for two weeks. other people? impact on the estimate speed. They promote the aims of research, such as expanding knowledge. Thirdly, it allows the participants an opportunity to remove their results from the study. // ]]> In Psychology someof the most contested issues are ethical issues. to see whether by changing the verb in the question Her main focus has been on the influence of (mis)leading information in terms of both visual imagery and wording of questions in relation to eyewitness testimony. Therefore, any participant who recalled seeing broken glass may have had their memory distorted by the post-event information, that is, the verb used. same video, for the same amount of time. Deception includes: misleading the participants in any way and the use of stooges or confederates. say our memory is like a computer, in some way we can argue that it isnt. Research ethics matter for scientific integrity, human rights and dignity, and collaboration between science and society. critical question which was, About how fast were the question or a verb, or even something that has nothing to do with the study can have a massive impact on how a person reacts The Loftus and Palmer study is one of the most interesting experiments ever conducted in psychology. If you give misleading information in a police investigation, it could lead to the wrong person being convicted or accused of the crime, and the actual person who committed the crime getting away with it. uncontrolled?). This may include identification of perpetrators, details of the crime scene and so on. Make sure you identify HOW they were conforming to social roles. on a persons memory. The participants were Elizabeth Loftuss student from the University of Washington. people may have not even been looking whistle watching the video and gave a random answer. The theme of the cognitive psychology studies in the H167 exam is memory. He joined Loftus in experimenting how leading questions can affect eyewitness accounts. One limitation of the research is that it lacked mundane realism / ecological validity. Findings: Participants who were asked how fast the cars were going when they smashed were more likely to report seeing broken glass. dependent variable (DV). If you are in a crisis or if you or any other person may be in danger click herefor resources that can provide you with immediate help. how we behave and react to situations is out of our control and we cannot control what will happen to us or what decisions we By doing this, we can clearly see why memory can be distorted or reconstructed and why memory isnt perfect. Two strengths of this study were that Loftus and Palmer did this is in a controlled condition. If there were significantly more participants who recalled seeing broken glass in one condition compared with another, then we may determine that the results are due to the manipulation in the experiment or confounding variables. The independent variable was 26-35 year-olds were most accurate ( 77%) and the elderly (age 65+) group were the least accurate ( 56% ). can it be replicated? experiment, they summed up all the results and came down to the conclusions of whether the estimates found in This example served to demonstrate some of the ways in which memory operates: by constructing and reconstructing information, based on what was observed and the previous information which we hold. and Palmer found out after conducting experiment one Loftus, E. F., & Palmer, J. C. (1974). Importantly they may be less experienced drivers and therefore less confident in their ability to estimate speeds. Findings: The estimated speed was affected by the verb used. Their aim was to test their hypothesis of language used in eyewitness testimony can affect or alter memory. on a persons memory. Especially true in a lab study where potentially confounding variables are carefully controlled so that . For instance, ethical standards govern conduct in medicine, law, engineering, and business. 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outline two ethical issues from loftus and palmer research