jeremiah 33:14 commentary

"He spoke of the Messiah as `The Spring of Living Waters' (Jeremiah 2:13), `The Good Shepherd' (Jeremiah 23:4; 31:10), `The Righteous Branch' (here and in Jeremiah 23:5f), `The Redeemer' (Jeremiah 50:34), `The Lord Our Righteousness" (Jeremiah 23:6), `David the King' (Jeremiah 30:9), and as `The Agent of the New Covenant' (Jeremiah 31:31-34). "And the word of Jahveh came unto Jeremiah, saying: Jeremiah 33:20. . Notice there's no mention here of sin offerings. His situation looked bleak, as this was not a good time to be a true prophet of God. anointing glory of god prophetic prophetic word rene picota unity Sep 14, 2022. Similarly, in chapter 33, the prophet speaks of the coming restoration, the restoration of normal, everyday life. As a king that shall protect his subjects from all injury. THE CONTEXT Chapter 33 is the last chapter of the Book of Consolation (chapters 30-33)three hopeful chapters that promise redemption and restoration to Israel and Judah. These are Christians, called by the apostle Peter "a royal priesthood" (1Peter 2:9), and of whom the prophecy declares that "They live and reign with Jesus Christ a thousand years!" Ultimately, they are combined in the highest sense in Christ (cf. On this first Sunday of Advent, one cannot read the prophecy of a "righteous Branch" springing up for David in anything but a messianic light. Much like the standard Childrens Sermon answer, where do our minds immediately go when we read about the true branch of David who shall enact justice and righteousness in the land? Though it is likely that this particular section of Jeremiahs prophecy is a later addition (33:14-26 is lacking in the Septuagint), in its current literary context, the promises are spoken to address a dire situation. 2. In our text for today, Jeremiah is languishing in a prison attached to the palace of the besieged king (Jeremiah 32:1-3). Now this is after he has been calling. The streets of Jerusalem will soon be filled with the corpses of her people (33:4-5), and the prophet Jeremiah himself is imprisoned by King Zedekiah (33:1). (w) "Verbum optimum", Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Schmidt. The continuity of a succession of rulers on the literal throne of David and the perpetual ministrations of the Levitical order in their offerings of burnt-offerings, etc., represented to the Jew the full and perpetual restoration of his national life, along with freedom from oppressive foreign rule, and restoration of all the rights and privileges of his holy religion: Furthermore, it was impossible for the Jewish mind to have comprehended such marvelous blessings apart from such promises as are found in these five verses. He is a branch of righteousness, not a usurper, for he grows up unto David, descends from his loins, with whom the covenant of royalty was made, and is that seed with whom that covenant should be established, so that his title is unexceptionable. As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured: so will I multiply the seed of David my servant, and the Levites that minister unto me. For I will cause to return the captivity of the land, as at the first, saith the LORD ( Jeremiah 33:4-11 ). Jeremiah 33:14 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord Or, "are coming" {t}; future times are respected; yet such as would quickly come; five or six hundred years more, and then would be fulfilled what is after promised. 1 Kings 8:56. He is the maker and former of Jerusalem, of Zion, built them at first, and therefore can rebuild them-built them for his own praise, and therefore will. The limitation of language itself has been frequently mentioned in my series of commentaries. In short, the true application of prophetic truth is, that we never lay hold on, and really embrace the promises of God, except we look forward to the days that are coming, that is, except we patiently wait for the time prefixed by God: and further, except our faith leans on the promises, when they seem to he dormant, it is not firm, and has no roots or foundations; for as the root which nourishes the tree is not seen, but lies hid in the earth, and as the foundation of a house is not visible to our eyes, so ought our faith to be in like manner founded, and to drive deep roots into Gods promises, so that its firmness may not be in the air, nor have a visible surface, but a hidden foundation. that good thing that came out of Nazareth: the good Shepherd that Jeremiah 13-14 - Speaking Through Signs A. with a "behold", as being a matter of importance, and deserving God will fulfill His promises for He is forever: Yeshua, Jesus, God saves. That the Prophet then might still support these, he bids them to extend their thoughts to a future time; and he had prefixed, as we have before seen, seventy years. positive used for the superlative, as frequent in the Hebrew For nearly four hundred years, descendants of David had occupied the throne of Judah, and God had promised that it would always be so (2 Samuel 7; Psalm 89). The armies of Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, are advancing on Jerusalem. Wait a minute. The inhabitants of Jerusalem shall have this name of the Messiah so much in their mouths that they shall themselves be called by it. The descendant of David who will execute justice and righteousness in the land is the one for whom we wait in this Advent season. 1. "The good word" is, according to Deuteronomy 28:1-14, the blessing which the Lord has promised to His people if they obey His commands; cf. Psalms 110:4) and are yet to be fulfilled in the reign of Messiah on earth." At the same time, as I have already said, whether God offers to us his favor and mercy, or denounces vengeance on the unbelieving, his word is ever good and right, though it may not be pleasant. And the burnt-offerings what about them? The blessing promised to the people in the "good word" culminates in the promise, Jeremiah 33:15., that the Lord will cause a righteous sprout to spring up for David. that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah; or, "that good word" (u); that gracious word concerning Christ and salvation by him; that mercy promised to the fathers; that good thing that came out of Nazareth: the good Shepherd that laid down his life for the sheep, preferable to the shepherds before spoken of: or rather, "that best word" (w); the positive used for the superlative, as frequent in the Hebrew language. The mention of Jerusalem instead of Israel is connected with the general scope of our prophecy, viz., to comfort the covenant people over the destruction of Jerusalem (Jeremiah 33:4.). The Jews say that in the days of the Messiah all sacrifices shall cease but the sacrifice of praise, and to those days this promise has a further reference. There shall be religious joy there; temple-songs shall be revived, the Lord's songs, which they could not sing in a strange land. (Spoiler Alert: Its always Jesus.) This land that you say is desolate is going to be filled with voices of joy and happiness, voices of the bridegroom and of the bride." (Revelation 1:5,6, KJV). In Jeremiah 29:10, on the contrary, "the good word" is specially referred, by the following infinitival clause, to the deliverance of the people from Babylon. Help us purchase electrical generators for churches. ], "Days are coming" (Heb. These guys who are telling you the church is going through the Tribulation have told you that He is, but listen to what God says about it. A promise in prayer. But that, through the mention simply of Judah and its capital, the ten tribes are not to be excluded from participation in the coming prosperity, may be seen even from Jeremiah 33:14, where "the good word" is referred to Israel and Judah, and still more plainly from Jeremiah 33:24, Jeremiah 33:26, where this promise is made sure to the whole seed of Israel. Grace Evangelical Church Buzzsprout-10942767 Mon, 11 Jul 2022 14:00:00 -0500 737 Dr. Young, DJY, Grace Evangelical, Grace Evan, Germantown, Memphis, Collierville, Bible, Jeremiah, Church, God full false Wednesday Night | The Exquisite Beauty of Christ and His Bride: Part 3 | Jim Umlauf In the change from to in Jeremiah 33:14, we must not, with Hengstenberg, seek a real difference; for in Jeremiah these prepositions often interchange without any difference of meaning, as in Jeremiah 11:2; Jeremiah 18:11; Jeremiah 23:35, etc. II. It may be helpful here to pause over the verse 16 word saved for a moment. They are those who participated in the "first resurrection." God responds to this lament with a promise of redemption and healing for Israel (Jeremiah 33:6-18). Christ is here prophesied of, 1. Time is like a river and its current is swift. language. As they were then exposed to slaughter, though the unbelieving still entertained vain hopes, yet the children of God saw thousand deaths; so that it could not be but that terror almost drove them to despair; and in their exile they saw that they were far removed from their own country, without any hope of a return. Explanation and Commentary of Jeremiah 33:3 Jeremiah heard this Word from the Lord while he was confined. A righteous Branch will spring up. But how about the plurality that seems to be here implied? Instead of priests alone being able to approach God, all will know God. However, its meaning sometimes is to establish, and sometimes to rouse, (90) so as to make that to appear which was before hidden. In those days shall Judah be saved, and Jerusalem shall dwell safely: and this is the name wherewith she shall be called, The LORD our righteousness. There was peaceful cooperation between them and together they helped to reestablish Israel (Zechariah 6:13). That son is the Son of God, the Messiah. Jeremiah 33:22. It follows . This word of tenacious hope is spoken to counteract all of the life-sapping, despair-inducing evidence to the contrary. show to the prophet, ( Jeremiah Advent is a season that messes with our sense of time. Now the word of the LORD came unto Jeremiah, saying, Thus saith the LORD ( Jeremiah 33:19-20 ); Now is God going to turn off Israel? Behold, the days come, saith the Lord . To that end, our congregants benefit from finding links between the two, to see the completeness of the story which the original New Testament authors saw themselves. Today we hear the story of the prophet Jeremiah, who was born in Josiahs time, but went on the prophesy during the darkest times of Judahs history. Jeremiah 33 Commentary | Already Promised To begin, in verse 14, the Lord points to the fact that he's already promised this kind of thing before. The promise is, "If you will call unto Me, I will answer." Jeremiah 33:20. w "Verbum optimum", Junius & Tremellius, Piscator, Schmidt. These New Testament passages clear up completely any problems that are alleged to appear in these verses. "The predicted restoration (the days are coming) is not, however, to be looked for in the immediate time of the return from the Captivity. The worst has not yet happened, but it is inevitable. It was threatened (Jeremiah 7:34; Jeremiah 16:9) that the voice of joy and gladness should cease there; but here it is promised that they shall revive again, that the voice of joy and gladness shall be heard there, because the captivity shall be returned; for then was their mouth filled with laughter,Psalms 126:1; Psalms 126:2. Jeremiah 33:14-16. And it's just an offering of fellowship with God as I just give my life to You, God, and the eating of it signifies that oneness with God and the fellowshipping with God. They sang together in praising the Lord, because he is good, for his mercy endures for ever. They are those who have been loosed from their sins and cleansed in the blood of Christ. Nevertheless, he has purchased the land as a pledge, as earnest of Gods redemption: For thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel: Houses and fields and vineyards shall again be bought in this land (32:15). Let us then learn to embrace his promises, so that none of us may look for this or that, but know that then only he will be propitious to us, when we lean on his word. But, inasmuch as they were thereby brought into a peculiar relation to the Lord, and thus had vouchsafed to them not merely privileges and promises, but also had laid on them duties, the fulfilment of which was a condition of receiving the privileges, this relation might be called a covenant; and indeed, in Numbers 25:11., the promise given to Phinehas, that he should have the priesthood as an eternal possession, is called a covenant of peace and an eternal covenant of priesthood. The danger is when such readings lead us to discard the Old Testament as irrelevant after Christ, and with it the people of faith who still claim it as ultimate testimony: namely, the Jews. c. Praise the LORD of hosts, for the LORD is good, for His mercy endures forever: Instead of the anguished cries of a city under judgment, they would hear the sound of people praising God for His goodness and ever-enduring mercy. The difference made in the repetition of that promise is really unimportant. The days will come, though they are long in coming. From the captivity to Christ is one of the famous periods, Matthew 1:17. These blessings come in their fulness only through Jesus Christ, the messianic Son of David, the Great High Priest (Matthew 22:42-44; Acts 13:33-34; Hebrews 4:14; Hebrews 10:11-18). For I will turn their captivity, and take pity on them.". Future days would come, the Lord promised, when He would fulfill His promises concerning the restoration of all Israel. When it is so, let us learn to exercise faith and patience, so that our souls may not tremble, though Gods promises may not every moment manifest their power by being actually fulfilled. So the meal offering, the same thing. "Behold, the days come, saith Jehovah, that I will perform the good word which I have spoken concerning the house of Israel and the house of Judah. under the Gospel dispensation, and promised to them, who are Promises are given, not to do away, but to quicken and encourage prayer. The people of Israel grew weary of Jeremiah's message of repentance, and even asked the king to silence him by putting him into prison. Jeremiah is not someone who looks at the world through rose-colored glasses. Nov 28, 2012, 04:25 AM EST | Updated Dec 6, 2017 Jeremiah's promise of a future restoration for Israel and Judah centers on the image of a righteous branch. He afterwards speaks of the kingdom of Israel, and of the kingdom of Judah, to intimate that he would be merciful to the whole people, though the ten tribes had been for a long time separated from the tribe of Judah, and from the half tribe of Benjamin, as it has been stated elsewhere. He imparts righteousness to his church, for he is made of God to us righteousness; and believers are made the righteousness of God in him. Commentary on Jeremiah 33:14-18 Last week on Christ the King Sunday, we heard about the reforms of the great King Josiah. God shows him that the people of Jerusalem are desperate. Glorious promise of God. But instead of pitting the traditions against each other, perhaps there is a kinship-rope knotting us together in the final two verses of this text: the first (Jeremiah 33:17) a promise for a king of the line of David, the second (verse 18) a promise that there shall also be no end to the line of Levitical priests before [God]. While we might claim the Messiah in our tradition, we can never lay claim to the Levitical birthright or Priestly office that this verse lifts up. A model of repentance never fulfilled. Such is Advent faith, and Advent hope. "As an Advent text, this passage not only calls us to reflect on the faithfulness of God in the past as He worked in Israel?s history, especially as that faithfulness worked out in the Coming of Jesus the Christ. Both the king and the city will be true expressions of Gods righteousness (14-16; cf. Voices of praise unto the Lord as they come into the temple again offering the sacrifices of praise. The words "He shall rule as king and deal wisely," which in Jeremiah 23:5 bring into prominence the contrast between the kingdom of the Messiah and that of the godless shepherd of the people, were unnecessary for the connection of our passage. Hence the stability of the promises then appears, and is seen when God raises them up, they being before hidden and concealed from the faithful. A righteous Branch will spring up. For over a year the Babylonians besieged the city. People will not need priests as mediators between them and God, because God himself will deal with their sins. Moreover the word of the LORD came to Jeremiah, saying, Consider thou not what this people have spoken, saying, The two families which the LORD hath chosen, he hath even cast them off? - Calvin.). But the parts of it they would offer, the fat and all, they would offer and burn up to the Lord as a burnt offering unto God which was an offering of consecration. Jeremiah knew he had been called to preach a tough message. After centuries of idolatry and oppressive practices of Judean kings and elite, God withdrew the divine protective power, and the unrelenting armies of Babylon laid siege to Jerusalem. . Again we have proof that when radical critics wish to expunge some verse or some chapter from the Bible, it is merely because they cannot understand the passage; and for many of them, their failure is due to their apparent ignorance of everything in the New Testament. Thus saith Jahveh, If ye shall be able to break my covenant (with) the day and my covenant (with) the night, so that there shall not be day and night in their proper time, Jeremiah 33:21. 1176. Jeremiah 33:23. 10 Thus saith the LORD; Again there shall be heard in this place, which ye say shall be desolate without man and without beast, even in the cities of Judah, and in the streets of Jerusalem, that are desolate, without man, and without inhabitant, and without beast, 11 The voice of joy, and the voice of gladness, the voice of the bridegroom, and the voice of the bride, the voice of them that shall say, Praise the LORD of hosts: for the LORD is good; for his mercy endureth for ever: and of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise into the house of the LORD. Jesus himself presses his followers for this very connection in our optional Gospel reading for today, Mark 8:27-29. (t) "venientes", Montanus, Schmidt. For I will cause to return the captivity of the land, as at the first, saith the LORD. 33:1). "Through him (Christ) then let us offer up a sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of lips that make confession to his name. Ultimately, it fell, and its king and elites were exiled to Babylon. A temporary loss of the throne is not thereby excluded, but only such a permanent loss as would be caused by the family of David becoming extinct, or by the kingdom in Israel either passing over to some other family, or in some way or other coming to an end; see on 1 Kings 2:4. But they are wasting their time, as the city is going to be destroyed (4-5).Nevertheless, God will not forsake his people. The promise in Jeremiah 33:14-16 has already been given in substance in Jeremiah 23:5-6, and in our verses it is only formally extended, and thereby made more prominent. Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will perform that good thing which I have promised unto the house of Israel and to the house of Judah. They are demolishing houses and palaces in order to obtain materials to strengthen the city walls against the enemys battering rams. Christ and salvation by him; that mercy promised to the fathers; Moreover the word of the LORD came unto Jeremiah the second time, while he was yet shut up in the court of the prison, saying, Thus saith the LORD the maker, the LORD that formed it, to establish it; the LORD is his name; Call unto me, and I will answer thee ( Jeremiah 33:1-3 ), Well now, he's just been calling unto the Lord. This is a prophet imprisoned by his own government because he keeps prophesying doom. . They shall never want one to bring and prepare an offering before the Lord. And yet, our Jewish sisters and brothers have wrestled and reckoned with this verse in their own tradition, and have come to different answers. 10 million Ukrainians without power because of Russia. ." It may be read, more agreeably to the original, This is he who shall call her, The Lord our righteousness. 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jeremiah 33:14 commentary