sunshine girl archives 1980s

The Records first staff photographer was Harry Huehnergard, who worked for the paper for 49 years before retiring in 1986 as Manager of the Photographic Department. Tanice, whose pet name is Boots, dreams of climbing behind the wheel of a Subaru WRX and cranking the tunes -- especially Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin. 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. (Ernest Doroszuk/Toronto Sun), 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. (Ernest Doroszuk/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Hailee, a Sagittarius who dropped by our studio in 2018, likes figure skating, spending time with friends and family, country music and funny movies. She's had a busy summer travelling and the highlight was diving into a lake fully clothed to rescue her cellphone. SUNshine Girl Cynthia, an artsy Taurus who dropped by our studio in 2017, loves writing, acting and going on adventures or reading about them in J.R.R. In 1928 the paper moved from its home at 49 King Street west to a new building at 30 Queen Street north where it was to stay for 44 years until moving in May 1973 to 225 Fairway Road. Read more about cookies here. She also has her brown eyes set on becoming a criminal lawyer. She succeeded! (Toronto Sun). SUNshine Girl Neha loves shopping, curling up with a good read, and watching movies. SUNshine Girl Hunter is making an encore appearance from her April 2017 photoshoot. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Jelena, 32, is looking for someone to buy her an island of her very own. WATCH as we highlight our Top 5 SUNshine Girls for the festive month of December 2022. In her free time, Carrie-Ann takes every opportunity to help others. 2023 Toronto Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. SUNshine Girl RuthAnn is a self-professed anime nerd. She once met the founder of an elephant conservatory in Thailand. Natasha's goals are to be a model and to just be happy with what she is doing. The feature started with the Toronto Sun, which was launched in 1971, and was adapted from British tabloids with similar featured women. This Scorpio, who first posed for us in February 2018, enjoys the song stylings of Lana Del Rey. Back to the good stuff, our girl likes horseback riding and funny guys. (Jack Boland photo), SUNshine Girl Tasha loves to spend her time on the beach or playing lacrosse. SUNshine Girl Breahna likes snowboarding, painting and art. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. It was hard to pick just a few but we managed. (Mark O'Neill photo), We want to thank SUNshine Girl Crystal's three kids -- they gave her the courage to become a SUNshine Girl, she says. Nothing more relaxing than that, right? This 5-foot-3 hazel-eyed hockey fan also enjoys going to the beach and rock concerts. (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine girl Renee wants to have her picture published in American Curves Magazine. Read more about cookies here. WATCH as this years Top SUNshine Girls for 2022 from month-to-month as clicked on by you our loyal viewers and readers. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Haley, 19, wants to be in the fashion industry, so she's learning the ropes from the inside out, starting with modelling. She's an Argos cheerleader but we'd go to the CFL games just to cheer "Go, Brooklyn, go" instead. SUNshine Girl Elisa is a big football fan and loves to cheer on the Buffalo Bills. (Ernest Doroszuk/Toronto Sun), SUNshine Girl Carly, a 5-foot-4, blue-eyed Libra who posed for us in 2017, wants to be an Olympic moguls skier and also likes boating, dirt-biking and wakeboarding. This blue-eyed Capricorn says her most memorable meeting was when she got to touch Keith Urban. (Jack Boland photo), SUNshine Girl Stephany, 22, has one goal in her young life -- to travel the world spreading peace and love. (Jack Boland photo), SUNshine Girl Tanice loves to hit the court for a game of hoops. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun). In her free time, she enjoys reading, camping and painting. (Candice Ward photo), SUNshine Girl Elishia is 18 years old and her goal is to travel the world. It's a job that requires keeping a lot of balls in the air, and this 5-foot-11 Sagittarius is great at that: She's a volleyball nut. SOLD 5.00 CAD + buyer's premium + applicable fees & taxes. (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Athea enjoys art, fashion and basketball. The hazel-eyed Libra enjoys painting, spending time at the beach and owns a dog named Tucker. She posed for us in January 2018. 1987 SUNSHINE GIRL CALENDAR. (Dave Abel photo), SUNshine Girl Candice's goal is to be as good at pole dancing as her instructor. The 5-foot-4 green-eyed Aries is single and enjoys listening to music by Bob Marley, Stevie Wonder and Etta James. Did you win this item? Need two more reasons to like her? SUNshine Girl Melissa, a 5-foot-7, green-eyed Leo who posed for us in 2017, wants to act or be a nurse and spends her time off fishing, volunteering or dancing. (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network). She's also working towards becoming a school teacher. While the British tabloids started publishing photos of topless models in 1970, the Sunshine Girls have never been photographed in this manner. SUNshine Girl Gabie is a 5-foot-6, hazel-eyed Capricorn who is also a tomboy at heart. The 20-year-old wants to be a well-known model and to design mansions. (Candice Ward photo), SUNshine Girl Danielle is studying public relations. SUNshine Girl Serafina, a 5-foot-10, brown-eyed Gemini who posed for us in 2017, has big dreams, from travelling the world for her job to owning a Lamborghini. Entries in blue indicate that the issue marks the original appearance of that year's Playmate of the Year (PMOY). SUNshine Girl Jennifer loves the three Ms: movies, music and Muay Thai. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun). (Todd Gillis photo), Eat your heart out, nerds! From local businesses to food to medical to legal services. She loves going out to dinner and a movie with her boyfriend. Her hobbies include art and horseback riding. Luciana is an unusual vintage name that we don't often hear. With a name like Brooklyn, where else would she want to land but New York City. SUNshine Girl Honey, who posed for us in 2017, is Santa's shapely helper for the holiday season and wants to wish everybody a Merry Christmas! So, dear reader, please don't stare at her picture too long -- or you'll be arrested. Sunshine Girl Magazine is all about living the good life: beautiful girls cars style health party travel fun sunshine girl contests sunshine girl gallery sunshine girl calendar Glimpse 8345 NW 66TH ST #6545 Miami FL 33166-2626 U.S.A. For general inquiries: [email protected] For media kit and advertising inquiries: SUNshine Girl Aneesa, our 5-foot-7, brown-eyed, soccer-loving Taurus, makes a return from 2017! From local businesses to food to medical to legal services. (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine Girl Marina, 18, wants to be a real estate agent one day. never mess with someone wearing bright pink gloves. SUNshine Girl Kristy is nicknamed the Tattooed Fit Girl. (Jack Boland photo), SUNshine Girl Jessica loves to spend time with her pets, including BeBe the snake. 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. Closed on Weekends. (no models, reg. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. (Stan Behal/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Nicole is a blue-eyed Aries who loves paddleboarding and anything else outdoorsy. Nicole likes a guy is funny, caring and loves to party. In 1948 the Kitchener Daily Record was re-named the Kitchener-Waterloo Record, which name it retained until 1994, when it became simply The Record. (Dave Abel/Toronto Sun). (Brendon Dlouhy photo), SUNshine Girl Aleks, 24, wants a career in fashion and loves music and sports. Patrycia likes guys who are honest, loyal, funny and sexy. She has two cats Peka and Blackie who miss her when she's off tanning, and is an avid swimmer, which is good training for when she has her own island. The blue-green-eyed Gemini Heather also likes the Jersey Boys. The 5-foot-4 Scorpio loves hiking, camping and mountain climbing. The 5-foot-1, brown-eyed Capricorn, who first posed for us in October 2017, also loves to swim. (Candice Ward photo), SUNshine Girl Nicole, 21, admits she loves cowboys and was in heaven during the Calgary Stampede. But 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. The 5-foot-6, blue-eyed Scorpio is a Kingston-born musician, singer and songwriter who couldn't be more excited for the boys in Blue and White. (Craig Robertson/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Brooklyn is a brown-eyed Leo who lives in California. SUNshine Girl Patricia, who posed for us in 2018, likes hockey, soccer, basketball, fishing, hunting and modelling and met Avril Lavigne while working in security in Sudbury. Norah-Jean wishes to someday win an Academy Award. SUNshine Girl Cynthia, an artsy Taurus who dropped by our studio in 2017, loves writing, acting and going on adventures or reading about them in J.R.R. (Perry Mah photo), SUNshine Girl Shannon, 26, has a wonderful outlook on life. (Jack Boland/Toronto Sun), SUNshine Girl Kay-Marie loves to model, cook and draw, and she also loves photography. She's single, and her hobbies are fashion, movies and hot yoga. She has a degree in fine arts and is soon headed for Nashville. Well, why not. When she's not punching and petting, Tania's favourite way to relax is by watching a good movie. (Doreen Thunder photo), Here's SUNshine Girl Emma -- by the numbers: She's an 18-year-old beauty. SUNshine Girl Shawna is back for more! The 5-foot-5 Aries leads an active life most often you'll spot her kayaking, skiing, playing soccer or running. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine girl Brandi, 23, wants to be a fashion designer/model. Lavender Mai is a petite promotional model with a bachelor of science degree and a love of Italian food. She is single, except for her Lexus. She's a teaching assistant and likes guys with muscles. Sunshine Girls GIRLS OF THE DECADE: Our SUNshine models never lacked sex appeal Postmedia News Published Dec 18, 2019 < 1 minute read Join the conversation Jack Boland/Toronto Sun WATCH. The 5-foot-7 Aquarius loves painting, dancing and fashion design, too. Thanks for all the refills, Amanda. It's got a lot of horses -- about 1,479 of 'em! She listens to old reggae and Jimi Hendrix. The blue-eyed animal lover also enjoys photographer, sewing, tennis, golf and road hockey, while a favourite way to spend time off is visiting the zoo. (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Pelly is a brown-eyed Sagittarius who likes to hit the gym, but also doesn't mind sleeping in some days. (Alex Urosevic photo), SUNshine Girl Sarah, 22, has a passion for law enforcement, which is odd, because this 5-foot-2 Gemini says her favourite movies are Casino and Goodfellas. SUNshine Girl Samantha is feisty and fit. From our newsroom to your inbox at noon, the latest headlines, stories, opinion and photos from the Toronto Sun. From local businesses to food to medical to legal services. (JACK BOLAND/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Kassey is a competitive dancer who loves her two dogs -- Karly, a Lab-pointer mix, and Oreo, a terrier-poodle cross. SUNshine Girl Lexi likes to work as an ambassador to help overcome childhood poverty and with World Vision. The Gimme Stelter newsletter gives you all the Winnipeg news you need, every Wednesday, The Gimme Stelter newsletter gives you all the news you need, every Wednesday, Jeremy Renner home from hospital following horrific snowplow injury, Future bright for Jets' Dubois, wherever he goes Quebec roots a strong pull First-place race will only heat up Barron coughs up gory flu details, Paige Spiranac tees off on troll who sent her 'nasty' missives, Jets' coach Rick Bowness doing everything he can to sway Pierre-Luc Dubois to stay. SUNshine Girls of 2010 View All 100 Photos 1 of 100 Trending Lisa Marie Presley spending more than $92,000 a month before death Restaurant customers record Britney Spears' meltdown, husband. One of Olivia's most memorable meetings was with movie star Bruce Willis. When she's not painting a snowboarding scene while listening to Purple Haze on her iPod, she can be found at the beach with her chihuahua, Bella. Tanya, who is 5-foot-9, loves to travel, do crosswords and work out, usually in the pool. She also loves to hang out with friends and family. Is Hulk Hogan being wooed by Scientology. Her favourite sport is snowboarding. RAYS OF SUNSHINE: Top SUNshine girls for the month of June. Glamour model Jordan with her celebrity 'Page 3 Girls' team in action, during the UK National 5-a-side football tournament held at Hackney Marshes,. The petite, blue-eyed blonde is a promotional model, and loves her pets, Shiloh the puggle and Google the cat. She loves hockey and is a big Habs fan. SUNshine Girl Lexi likes to work as an ambassador to help overcome childhood poverty and with World Vision. Otherwise Jennifer likes to draw and cook. We like her chances. Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network, SUNshine Girl Gabie, a 5-foot-6, hazel-eyed Capricorn, is a tomboy at heart and ex-gymnast who wants to be four-wheeling at the cottage and generally seizing the day. SUNshine Girl Tonya loves to hike, play soccer and watch the Blue Jays. BINGO! This music lover says shed love to meet a billionaire, and her dream car is a Tesla. We selected former figure skater turned model Riley Sawyer. (Doug Budzak photo), SUNshine Girl Whitney, 20, is a 5-foot-5, blue-eyed beauty who wants to be a model, paralegal, politician or a scuba dive instructor -- whichever comes first. Tolkien tomes. This Pisces, who first posed for us in July 2017, hopes to be a best-selling author, and climb behind the wheel of a Corvette. Hmm, any chance Elon Musk is reading this? Currency:CAD Category:Collectibles Start Price:5.00 CAD Estimated At:NA. SUNshine Girl Neha loves shopping, curling up with a good read, and watching movies. At least twice a year, the Sun Group produces and sells a calendar featuring a selection of Sunshine Girls. SUNshine Girl Dylan dreams of being a supermodel and stylist with a focus on fashion from the 1960s to 1980s. When she is not running she is shopping, going to movies and having dinner with friends. Ashley has a son, and she likes to camp, go boating and ride horses. Please try again, 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. It was published by Peter Moyer. Imagine if this 5-foot-6 Alberta native pulled you over! Read more about cookies here. A full invoice should be emailed to the winner by the auctioneer within a day or two. SUNshine Girl Candice, a Leo who posed for us in 2018, enjoys white wine, trying new food, going to concerts, snowboarding and curling, although not necessarily in that order. SUNshine Girl Mandie, who visited our studio in 2018, enjoys quiet nights in the country after a busy day of snowmobiling, CrossFit or fishing or maybe a bit of each! Brooke has two little dogs to chase after and she loves horses. The 5-foot-7, black-eyed Aquarius is also a freelance artist who loves painting, dancing and fashion design. SUNshine Girl Candice, a Leo who posed for us in 2018, enjoys white wine, trying new food, going to concerts, snowboarding and curling, although not necessarily in that order. Back when SUNshine Girl Chantelle posed for us in February 2018, she was bartending and working in the hospitality industry. Amber's hobbies include hiking and taking care of animals. She likes any music that she can dance to. SUNshine Girl Gabie is a 5-foot-6, hazel-eyed Capricorn who is also a tomboy at heart. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun). This 5'7", blue-eyed beauty describes herself as being "single and not looking." (Perry Mah Photo), SUNshine Girl Melanee is 24 years old and a recent graduate with a degree in hotel and resort management. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. (Marcel Cretain photo), SUNshine Girl Brooke, 19, has it all figured out. On November 14, 1985, the Ontario Press Council upheld at least one reader complaint saying the feature "portrays women as sex objects",[4] although there were no penalties attached to this ruling. Short Names for Girls with Three Letters. SUNshine Girl Candice, a Leo who posed for us in 2018, enjoys white wine, trying new food, going to concerts, snowboarding and curling, although not necessarily in that order. How about an actress who plays a bartender? SUNshine Girl Serafina, a 5-foot-10, brown-eyed Gemini who posed for us in 2017, has big dreams, from travelling the world for her job to owning a Lamborghini. This 5-foot-7 Gemini expects to be either a dermatologist or a model. Twins: Cybil and Tricia Barnstable, Sheila and Moira Stone, Piper and Tara Perry, Lynette and Leigh Harris (or Lyn and Leigh Holiday), Audrey Landers, Judy Landers, Shannon Tweed, Kimberly McArthur, Kelly Tough, Karen Witter, Paulina Porizkova Calendar Preview (not nude), This page was last edited on 10 December 2022, at 09:03. (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine Girl Tania, 25, has her hazel eyes set on a career as a model and TV host. Her hobbies include DJing, photography and reading. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Amy, 25, is a professional hairstylist and model, who loves baseball, rollerblading, dancing and chilling out with her friends. You may use a different browser or device to view this in full screen. Comments may take up to an hour for moderation before appearing on the site. Her favourite movie is The Fast and the Furious. Camping, working out and serving coffee at her job are some of her favourite things. Her dream car is a Maybach G Wagon. This list of people in Playboy 19801989 is a catalog of women and men who appeared in Playboy magazine in the years 1980 through 1989. (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network) ONLINE SUBSCRIBER BONUS Theres more Sunshine waiting for you! 2023 Edmonton Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. From local businesses to food to medical to legal services. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. This 19-year-old Capricorn seeks an honest mate whom she can trust. SUNshine Girl Christina is our hockey hottie. The brown-eyed Taurus also loves going for a spin in a fast car. (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network). SUNshine Girl Saga likes tattoos, concerts, and make-up. The single Gemini likes to play volleyball, dance and play tennis as well as listen to reggae music. When William J. Motz died in 1946 his son John E. Motz took over as publisher. Toggle navigation (Ernest Doroszuk photo), SUNshine Girl Krista, 21, has divergent interests, to be sure. She also loves listening to Bob Marley, Stevie Wonder and Etta James. (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network). If you don't see it, please check your junk folder. In a mate she seeks an artistic, well-read, tall, aquatic fella who's a really good dancer. Katherine is also a finalist in this year's Miss Universe Canada pageant. Don Brennan's Closing Lines newsletter offers trustworthy insights into the sports betting game, The Closing Lines newsletter offers trustworthy insights into the sports betting game, GIRLS OF THEDECADE: Our SUNshine models never lacked sex appeal, LOOKS LIKE A PENIS:' Sculpture dedicated to MLK sparks criticism from family, Mitch Marner sets home record, William Nylander OT hero for Maple Leafs versus Panthers, A look at Olivia Dunne, the college gymnast with 6.7 million TikTok followers. Metal music is also near and dear to her. SUNshine Girl Katie is a singer who loves to make music. Otherwise when she's out of the water Stefanie likes to dance to house music, which she says is "in my soul." Imagine if we all did that, every day. (Alex Urosevic), SUNshine Girl Ashley, 18, wants -- like so many young people these days -- to be famous. SUNshine Girl Nia is a 5-foot-9 model who was originally scouted at the CNE and signed with an agency. Aside from the action on the gridiron, this Leo enjoys snowboarding, yoga and travel. Our beautiful Scorpio has a thing for Tom Cruise and also The Boss, aka Bruce Springsteen. Typically featured on page 3 of the Sun in through the 1990s, the Sunshine Girl moved to the back page of the sports section in the early 2000s. (Todd Gillis photo), Maggie, 25, wants to be a successful real estate agent. Find the best places within Calgary. December 22, 2021. linked list geeksforgeeks. Read more about cookies here. Famous former SUNshine girls include: Amanda Coetzer, Ann Rohmer, Trish Stratus , Stacy Keibler, and Krista Erickson (Sun News Network anchor, who appeared on the date of that network's 2011 launch). Well, she has certainly cheered us up today. SUNShine Girl Jacqueline is always on top of her game. She placed in the Top 5 of Super Model Canada and has also competed with Miss Universe Canada (JACK BOLAND/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network). SUNshine Girl Nikki, who popped by our studio in 2018, is a dog-grooming Capricorn who likes singing, hockey and cars. This item SOLD at 2021 Jun 10 @ 11:05 UTC-6 : CST/MDT. What else would a 5-foot-8 Capricorn want to do with her time? Hollingworth Photographs. WATCH ABOVE as we take a look back at our coveted archives to find some SUNshine standouts from 2010-2019. (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine Girl Mai Lynn, 23, wants to be a successful event planner. SUNshine Girl Dannie is our three-star selection as the Maple Leafs wrap up their pre-Christmas schedule tonight against the Philadelphia Flyers. Visit our Community Guidelines for more information and details on how to adjust your email settings. Sunshine Girls. When it comes to music, she rocks out to Geddy Lee of Rush, and when it's time for sports, she adores the Maple Leafs. A real party gal, when she's not out with friends, she also likes movies and playing the odd game of volleyball. We think there's a big future in lingerie, but that's just us. She dreams one day of opening her own spa. She likes hot yoga, going to the gym and watching movies. Evelyn Guerrero, Girls of the Southwest Conference: October: S.J. With that event, the original three daily papers (the News Record, the Berlin Daily Record, and the Daily Telegraph) became one. She lists swimming and volleyball as her favourite sports. That's because this 5-foot-9 Cancer enjoys travelling to beaches around the world, especially Cabo San Lucas. SUNshine Girl Nikki, who popped by our studio in 2018, is a dog-grooming Capricorn who likes singing, hockey and cars. (Dave Abel photo), SUNshine Girl Heather, 25, enjoys a nice day by the lake. (Ernest Doroszuk/Toronto Sun). She likes reading Danielle Steel novels, Magic Mike, figure skating and crafts. SUNshine Girl Shawna is back for more! Not all of the people featured in the magazine are pictured in the nude. (Alex Urosevic photo), SUNshine Girl Mylene is single mom who loves spending time with her 18 month old son. (Perry Mah photo), SUNshine Girl Jessica, 18, wants to become known nationally as a model. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Angela, 23, has set her sights on a graduate degree in biochemistry, which is great because we'd like to discuss the difference between covalent and ionic bonds with her. (Jordan Verlage photo), SUNshine Girl Jennifer, 22, would like to be a model/actress, but if that doesn't work out she's open to trying her hand at bartending. Yes, Officer! She's already signed with Icon Models. While most Sunshine Girls are from the Toronto area, every now and then girls from other parts of Canada appear. And while she's waiting in customs, she can draw, sketch and listen to techno and reggae music, which is what she likes to do in her spare time. 411: On . Is Hulk Hogan being wooed by Scientology? (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun) January. (JACK BOLAND/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Maddison is an international model who has recently been to Europe, South East Asia and the runways of New York City's Fashion Week. (Jack Boland photo), SUNshine Girl Olivia is 5-foot-6 in height and has lovely brown eyes. (Ernest Doroszuk/Toronto Sun). (Dave Abel photo), SUNshine Girl Steffanie's goal is to one day become a high school teacher. This website uses cookies to personalize your content (including ads), and allows us to analyze our traffic. She lists one of her hobbies as swimming and her favourite sport as cheerleading. SUNshine Girl Samantha is feisty and fit. (Todd Gillis Photo), SUNshine Girl Larissa likes to spend her free time writing music and playing the piano. (Veronica Henri photo), SUNshine Girl Courtney is a blue-eyed Aries who loves taking long walks along the boardwalk No joke! SUNshine Girl Carie is a 5-foot-4 Leo who is an internationally published bikini model. This website uses cookies to personalize your content (including ads), and allows us to analyze our traffic. (Jack Boland photo), SUNshine Girl Brie aspires to be a graphic designer with a geeky side. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun). This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Except that when she's not performing stunts and thrilling football fans, this fourth-year economics student enjoys working out, reading and travelling to places like France. (Dave Abel photo), SUNshine girl Nicole is a blue-eyed Taurus who loves to read, swim, and have fun in everything she does. The 5-foot-6, hazel-eyed Scorpio first posed for us in 2017. Get the latest Oilers news delivered to your inbox every weekday, Woman who worked as Hythe school assistant charged with sexual offences, Vegas Golden Knights goalie Robin Lehner files for bankruptcy, cites $50M debt, Alberta man arrested with cache of weapons, explosives sentenced to six years in prison, Sobeys chicken is even more expensive than Loblaws. (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network). This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. 2023 Toronto Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. We think that would be a good choice, because whatever she's sellin', we're buyin'. 2023 Edmonton Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. (Jim Wells Photo), SUNshine Girl Patrycia is 22 years old and hopes to become a super model and open her own salon. She played hockey herself for 10 years and when she's not lacing up the blades, this 5-foot-8 music fan ("everything from rap to screamo") enjoys reading Alice Seabold or hanging with pals at the mall. She one day hopes to become a parole officer. Marina also likes to travel. Kayla, who attends a sound and music school, is a passionate songstress. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. On July 17, 1922 the Record absorbed the other daily, the Daily Telegraph. 2023 Winnipeg Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. Find the best places within Edmonton. In a mate she looks for a man who's charming, hot and caring. (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine girl Leesa wants to travel as much as possible - especially to tropical locations! In the meantime, she will pursue her hobbies in art, fashion, modelling and research. This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. This website uses cookies to personalize your content (including ads), and allows us to analyze our traffic. Natasha spends her time at the beach looking for the perfect mate: A tall guy with blue eyes who shares her love for Justin Timberlake's music. SUNshine Girl Brittany loves the video game Left 4 Dead, scary novels by Stephen King and watching South Park and Madmen. SUNshine Girl Mandie, who visited our studio in 2018, enjoys quiet nights in the country after a busy day of snowmobiling, CrossFit or fishing or maybe a bit of each! SUNshine Girl Amy is a Capricorn who likes fishing, camping, hikes, museums and baseball. Item EA-160-1842 - Girl. (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine Girl Katherine, 20, dreams of being a Playboy model. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine girl Adrianna, 27, wants to go to med school and pursue a modelling career. In her free time, Kalynn likes to work out by kickboxing. SUNshine Girl Maddison is an international model who has recently been to Europe, South East Asia and the runways of New York City's Fashion Week. This website uses cookies to personalize your content (including ads), and allows us to analyze our traffic. (Greg Henkenhaf photo), SUNshine Girl Amanda, 19, wants to be a professional dancer. (Postmedia Network) February 8, 2021 Sunshine. This Sagitarius also loves to travel and watch scary movies. Back in the late 90's after my first trip to Canada (1996) I fell in love with all of the women up there, When I was in Toronto, I picked up the local paper (TORONTO SUN) and I noticed that they had a feature called the SUNShine Girl; It feature a local Canadian female in a G rated pose wearing a bikini with a brief description of her. (STAN BEHAL/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Stephanie loves tai chi, meditation and yoga. (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine Girl Ashley, 21, wants to pursue a law enforcement career. Find the best places within Edmonton. (MICHAEL PEAKE/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Pelly loves working out at the gym or playing basketball -- when she's not kicking back with her cat, Caesar, while watching Netflix. She loves steak, hates bad drivers and has two cats named Darwin and Tesla. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Stefanie, 26, tells us that her most memorable moment -- and a dram come true for her -- was when she went swimming with the dolphins. Go to subscribe. SUNshine Girl Jessica is into modelling, TV acting and doing promotions. Focus on the Family book recommendations. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine girl Amie, 22, is a hairdresser and make-up artist who would like to one day work for FHM Magazine. She would have loved to have been his Dancing In The Dark girl. This beautiful Pisces is happiest when she's swimming in a pool or a lake, and then beside a crackling bonfire sipping Bombay Sapphire Gin. Lucky him. This Scorpio, who first posed for us in February 2018, enjoys the song stylings of Lana Del Rey. To keep in shape, the 5-foot-6 Virgo likes swimming, badminton and hanging out with friends while exploring the city. Busy -- and beautiful. Someday, Danielle would like to drive a Bugatti Chiron. (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine girl Brandi, 21, wants to experience everything life has to offer. Keep your finger on the pulse of your local sports teams with all the news you need. Hugs all around, we say! (STAN BEHAL/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Dannie is a big Toronto Maple Leafs fan who is pumped about tonight's season home opener against the New York Rangers. Toronto Sun Family: 1971 - 2021: Moonlight Ladies . When not kicking butt, Kalynn likes to take her Boston terrier Rosseau to the park. Margaret Coulter of Toronto made the complaint, saying a newspaper was not an appropriate medium for the suggestive photos, which made her feel "embarrassed and offended." In 1918 the publishers of the German-language paper the Berliner Journal, William D. Euler (later Senator for North Waterloo) and William J. Motz, purchased the News Record and changed the name to the Kitchener Daily Record. SUNshine Girl CeCe, our 5-foot-4, brown-eyed model back from 2018, loves to sing, wants to grace the pages of Sports Illustrated and Playboy and dreams of being a romance author. View All 24 Photos 1 of 24 Ringing in the 2013 New Year is Chloe who is our Miss January. (Alex Urosevic Photo), Tatiana, 23, enjoys playing volleyball and rollerblading. The 5-foot-5, brown-eyed Taurus, who first posed for us in April 2018, wants to climb behind the wheel of a Volvo. She's a fan of animated movies, especially Toy Story 3, and amusement parks, which sounds like a perfect combination to us. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Norah-Jean is a cheerleader for the Toronto Argonauts. (Candice Ward photo), SUNshine Girl Sarah, 18, wants to be a writer. Sunshine Girl refers to pinup girls featured in most of the daily newspapers of the Sun chain in Canada. (Jack Boland photo), SUNshine Girl Madison, 24, wants to be a teacher. Read more about cookies here. Vintage 1985 the Toronto Sun Sunshine Girl Complete First . John E. Motz died in 1975 and the Motz Family continued to own a controlling interest in the paper until 1990, when it was sold to Southam. She likes swimming, nature hikes, 4-wheelin' and funny, wild, adventurous men. (Doug Budzak photo), SUNshine Girl Natasha, 21, is a 5-foot-6 blue-eyed Leo who enjoys movies, video games and reading. (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine Girl Colleen loves to work out, enjoying activities such as boxing and playing soccer. Find the best places within Toronto. 'Nuff said. Find the best places within Edmonton. (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network). Our Girl likes guys who are friendly, outgoing and open-minded. (Toronto Sun). The hazel-eyed Cancer, who first posed for us in November 2017, is an actress and model who loves hockey and football. (Candice Ward photo), SUNshine Girl Christine, 20, wants to go into fashion design and merchandising. "Stewardesses 'take off' for, "Judge: Roxanne Pulitzer Will Have to Bare Playboy Contract,", "The Chicago Cubs, who have had their embarrassing moments,",, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles needing additional references from March 2022, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, Dorothy Stratten Playmate of the Year (PMOY), Fellini's Feminist Fantasy (the women of, Barbara Bach, Honky-Tonk Angels (urban cowgirls). (Marcel Cretain photo), If you like the outdoors and roughing it then SUNshine Girl Dawn is your gal. When she's not inside eating popcorn, green-eyed Haley yearns for the great outdoors. SUNshine Girl RuthAnn is a self-professed anime nerd. Tell us what you think. SUNshine Girl Catalina returns from her Miss Toronto Swimwear-winning 2017 season. (Ernest Doroszuk photo), SUNshine Girl Haley is a hairstylist who loves Adam Sandler movies. SUNshine Girl Meg is a Taurus who has a passion for makeup and hairstyling. This 5-foot-5 Pisces boogies to rock on the radio and loves watching hockey and soccer. SUNshine Girl Nia is a 5-foot-9 model who was originally scouted at the CNE and signed with an agency. We're exhausted just typing this. While she hopes to get your motor running in this year's SUNshine Girl Swimsuit edition, snowmobiling and other motor sports get her revved up. She has a dog named Rally and her dream car is a 4X4 Nissan. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. The Berliner Journal began in December 29, 1859 by Frederick Rittinger and John Motz, and was located on Queen Street south, Kitchener. Dee feels strongly about helping abused women and would one day like to become an advocate for them. (Ernest Doroszuk photo), SUNshine Girl Kayla, 24, is a small-town girl. This 5-foot-2 photography buff spends a lot of time in the pool or hanging out with her dog Ben. SUNshine Girl Nia is a 5-foot-9 model who was originally scouted at the CNE and signed with an agency. (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine Girl Stephanie, 19, is barely out of high school and she can't wait to go back, only this time as a teacher. Hubert A. Hollingworth fonds. SUNshine Girl Rowena is a proud Canadian who has a passion for high-end fashion. SUNshine Girl Kelli is a Leafs fan who enjoys shooting pool and going to the cottage. The weekly Journal ended on May 10, 1924. She's 5-foot-8 and a Taurus. She is a bartender by trade and works at a brew pub. (Alex Urosevic photo), SUNshine Girl Laura, 18, says the skies are the limit for her. This website uses cookies to personalize your content (including ads), and allows us to analyze our traffic. (Dave Abel/Toronto Sun). (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Carline is a talented young athlete who ran at the 2008 Beijing Olympics and the 2010 Canadian Track and Field Championships. Back in the late 90's after my first trip to Canada (1996) I fell in love with all of the women up there, When I was in Toronto, I picked up the local paper (TORONTO SUN) and I noticed that they had a feature called the SUNShine Girl; It feature a local Canadian female in a G rated pose wearing a bikini with a brief description of her. Closed on Weekends. Back when SUNshine Girl Chantelle posed for us in February 2018, she was bartending and working in the hospitality industry. Sounds good to us. SUNshine girl Courtney is a body positive model. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. SUNshine Girl Elisa is a 5-foot-6 blue-eyed blond Capricorn who likes being out on the lake in the summer fishing for small-mouth bass or catfish. SUNshine Girl Katie. This music lover says shed love to meet a billionaire, and her dream car is a Tesla. In her free time, she enjoys hanging out with family and friends. From local businesses to food to medical to legal services. (Alex Urosevic), SUNshine Girl Christina loves to play soccer and volleyball, and hopes to one day become a personal trainer. (Amber Bracken Photo), Priscilla wants to become a yoga teacher but lucky for us this brown-eyed beauty's passion is modelling, especially swimsuits. (Jack Boland photo), SUNshine Girl Ashley, 21, loves drawing, soccer, tennis, designing clothing, reading Tolkien, listening to good music and spending time with family and friends. folks) it was a gimmick ripped off the British Press to help sell papers when they were starting out. She's a huge NASCAR and Jimmie Johnson fan. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. This website uses cookies to personalize your content (including ads), and allows us to analyze our traffic. (Perry Mah photo), Nicoleta is the ideal Sunshine Girl: she loves soaking up the sun! Sunshine Girls Title and statement of responsibility area Title proper Sunshine Girls General material designation Graphic material Level of description File Reference code SCA98-GA68-1976-76-2210 Dates of creation area Date (s) June 24, 1976 (Creation) Creator Kitchener-Waterloo Record Physical description area Physical description b&w ; 35 mm (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Kayla, 20, is a 5-foot-2 single gal who makes our hearts sing. This Aries with hazel eyes owns a lovebird named Porko. (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine Girl Chelsea is a 21-year-old cheerleader. The 5-foot-11 video game fan also loves reggae and dancehall music. Cherish's most memorable meeting was with Hugh Hefner at the Playboy Mansion. Her dream job is to be a special-needs support worker. SUNshine Girl Shawna is back for more! (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network). (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Athea enjoys art, fashion and basketball. (Jim Wells photo), SUNshine Girl Carrie-Ann is 18 years old and hopes to be an advertising agent. And when she's resting her pipes, this green-eyed Scorpio is out playing soccer and wakeboarding. SUNshine Girl Valerie is back all the way from her June 2017 photoshoot. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Alexa, 21, love to dance and cheer, so much so that she is an Eskimos cheerleader. This Capricorn, who first posed for us in May 2017, also enjoys sitting in the park to write. (JACK BOLAND/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Katherine dreams of a career in the media - possibly children's television - and is passionate about creating more opportunities for women in the media industry. Whenever she gets a chance, she also enjoys trips to the tropics - or maybe the Jersey Shore, one of her favourite TV shows. (Craig Robertson/Toronto Sun) December . The 5-foot-9 Sagittarius posed for us back in February 2018. (Jack Boland Toronto Sun). This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. SUNshine Girl Nikki, who popped by our studio in 2018, is a dog-grooming Capricorn who likes singing, hockey and cars. One of the most popular is the "Sunshine Girl". Her two eyes are blue. Sounds like fun. She stands 5-foot-1. Items in specialized storage for preservationrequire two week turnaround for access, Section title supplied by KWR staff: Weather, How to use the clipboard in the Archives Database, Kitchener-Waterloo Record Photographic Negative Collection. Although primarily published in color since the 1990s, prior to this the feature alternated between color and black and white and was exclusively black and white in the 1970s and early 1980s. In 1998, The Record was sold to Sun Media Corporation, and then in March 1999, to Torstar Corporation. She went. 2023 Edmonton Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. We have enabled email notificationsyou will now receive an email if you receive a reply to your comment, there is an update to a comment thread you follow or if a user you follow comments. Find the best places within Winnipeg. Return To Main Page | Go To Site Map Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. Krista's a sporting gal too. What 80s glamour models did next - from selling 30m records to jail spell PAGE 3 favourite Linda Lusardi says she wishes she'd attempted to crack acting before becoming a glamour star. In fact, she says other than chilling with her beau and Pomeranian Bear, Krista likes nothing better than spending a day on the links, followed by a night in the karaoke lounge. Her most memorable moment was meeting her beau -- a Toronto Police officer. Her favourite sports are snowboarding and soccer. There was an error, please provide a valid email address. If you don't see it, please check your junk folder. She is eager to motivate young women to seek out leadership opportunities for themselves. We encountered an issue signing you up. (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine Girl Alex, 19, is a green-eyed single Taurus who wants to be a public relations rep for a sports team or musician. The 30-year-old, 5-foot-5, hazel-eyed Leo also enjoys hockey, baseball, snowboarding and hiking. (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine Girl Cherish, 25, has the loftiest of goals: To be in the SUNshine Girl calendar. The single Virgo enjoys rollerblading and country music. SUNshine Girl Christina feels it's like Christmas Eve with one day to go before the Maple Leafs' home opener against the New York Rangers. SUNshine Girl Alyssa is back from her October 2017 photoshoot. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. SUNshine girl Courtney is a body positive model. While she waits, though, this 5-foot-6 Scorpio is working toward being a model or dancer. This Scorpio, who first posed for us in February 2018, is a big fan of singer Lana Del Rey. After all, as a mother of a young son, she not only knows her Marvel Comic characters, she's engaged to Ironman - her fiance's name happens to be Tony Stark. The next issue of Your Midday Sun will soon be in your inbox. (Mark O'Neill photo), Sweet Nina, 19, likes spending time on the beach, listening to music, shopping, modelling and reading books. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun). (Ernest Doroszuk/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Hailee, a Sagittarius who dropped by our studio in 2018, likes figure skating, spending time with friends and family, country music and funny movies. Her hobbies include art and horseback riding. Dannie's favourite face-off man is Tyler Bozak, but she's also got a soft spot for 2016 rookie of the year, Auston Matthews. She has two cats, called Missy and Snoopy. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. (Doreen Thunder photo), SUNshine Girl Ling, 20, loves painting, reading, basketball, swimming and dancing. Jessica has a pet cat named Tiger and a dog named Chinook. SUNshine Girl Tonya is a soccer and Blue Jays fans, but this country music-loving Capricorn is also the introspective type she likes hiking and sitting in a park to write. Read more about cookies here. SUNshine Girl Trisha, our blue-eyed blond bombshell, is always a bundle of energy. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Amanda's goal is to travel the world. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun). (Mark O'Neill photo), Tantalizing Tiffany, 22, is single, Sagittarius and looking for a mate who is strong, honest, funny and trustworthy. (Alex Urosevic photo), SUNshine Girl Marisa is a soccer mom who, besides soccer, loves snowboarding and acoustic music -- especially music by Ben Harper. SUNshine Girl Saga likes tattoos, concerts, and make-up. She last posed for us in November 2019. SUNshine Girl Breahna likes snowboarding, painting and art. This rapping Leo is a social butterfly who wants to be a cop and enjoys soccer, Lamborghinis and modelling. (MICHAEL PEAKE/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Dannie is a petite model who loves to work out and keep toned. (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network). She posed for us in January 2018. (Alex Urosevic photo), Sylvia might spend her days off relaxing at home but this blue-eyed Capricorn is up for almost anything. You've got that covered, Mika. She loves to hang around with friends and to go out on the town dancing to hip-hop. SUNshine Girl Neha. Jessica loves being outside doing anything active. This 5-foot-3 Aquarius enjoys meeting new people -- more hugs! She'll have to take off and leave behind her pet guinea pig Sneezy, though. Holy Mackinaw, she is ready for a run to the Stanley Cup. In January 2005, the paper moved its offices to Market Square on King Street east in Kitchener's downtown core, and on March 11, 2008, the name was changed to the Waterloo Region Record. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun) January. So it's a good thing her dream car is a Bugatti Chiron. (Dave Abel/Toronto Sun). (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun). Madison, who is a 5-foot-7 Gemini, enjoys hanging with her friends or curling up with a good book. (Toronto. (Alex Urosevic photo), SUNshine Girl Mika has big ambitions. The 5-foot-9 Sagittarius posed for us back in February 2018. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy. SUNshine girl Kathryn has a bucket list and has already crossed off visiting Hawaii, learning to surf and climbing a volcano. As we have said hundreds of times before. She lists her most memorable moment as the time she met comedian Jim Carrey in Los Angeles and enjoys spending her time off hanging out with her boyfriend, who is an RCMP officer. Well, here's a good place to start! As for entertainment, she enjoys Reggae, watching documentaries and eating at veggie restaurants. Speaking of snakes, Jessica is doing a pretty good impersonation of shedding her skin with those black tights. (Perry Mah photo), SUNshine Girl Jennifer is a brown-eyed Virgo who loves going to the beach and watching movies. Hmm, any chance Elon Musk is reading this? (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Athea enjoys art, fashion and basketball. 5e shillelagh booming blade on toronto sunshine girl 1970s. She has three dogs: Trixie, Kiwi and Cupcake. When she's not on the court, our hazel-eyed teen enjoys clubbing, modelling and chilling out in front of the TV or at the movies. We're there. We ask you to keep your comments relevant and respectful. Well, being on this page is a great start! Is Hulk Hogan being wooed by Scientology? Even though she spends a lot of time in the sunny south, she still loves hockey. The tall, blue/grey-eyed Cancer likes crafting, playing bass guitar and modeling as well as going to restaurants and travelling south wit her long-term boyfriend. Get the latest Oilers news delivered to your inbox every weekday, Woman who worked as Hythe school assistant charged with sexual offences, Alberta man arrested with cache of weapons, explosives sentenced to six years in prison, Vegas Golden Knights goalie Robin Lehner files for bankruptcy, cites $50M debt, Edmonton Oilers bring their road game home, dump Seattle 5-2, RAYS OF SUNSHINE: Our Top SUNshine Girls for 2022, RAYS OF SUNSHINE: Top 5 SUNshine Girls for December 2022. And what a better way to ring in the new year with our blonde bombshell - I'm sure she'll be dancing and. The beautiful Courtney also enjoys just about any concert she can get to, and belting out her favourite tunes at karaoke. She has a nice tan -- so, maybe she will become famous. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network), 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. The 5-foot-3 green-eyed beauty loves swimming and her favourite sport is volleyball. The 5-foot-9 Sagittarius posed for us back in February 2018. Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited. 365 Bloor Street East, Toronto, Ontario, M4W 3L4. SUNshine Girl Danielle is a green-eyed Aries and interior designer whose fave way to spend her time off is horseback riding. Her favourite movie is The Fast and the Furious. (Mark O'Neill photo), SUNshine Girl Jynx, 23, wants to be either a sex therapist or an actress. (We made that last part up.) -- as well as reading and swimming -- wet hugs! Sunshine Girl's & Boy's Here in Canada we have a Newspaper Called "The Toronto Sun" and each day they feature a Canadian Girl & Boy in a photo layout Aptly named the Sunshine, Girl or Boy. SUNshine Girl Breahna likes snowboarding, painting and art. (Jack Boland photo), SUNshine Girl Dee is celebrating her birthday today. (Dave Abel photo), SUNshine Girl Sable is 18 years old and her goal is to become a top model. (Dave Abel photo), SUNshine girl Sarah, 22, is a third-year student at Trent University and wants to become a psychologist. Motz remained editor until his death in 1899, at which time his son William acquired his father's interest. Additional images of the day's Sunshine Girl are posted each day to the Sun newspapers' websites, along with behind-the-scenes videos of select models. SUNshine Girl Ranna enjoys working out and catching rays in sunny Mexico. The next issue of Your Midday Sun will soon be in your inbox. We are confident that with hard work, she can accomplish her goal. SUNshine Girl Samantha is feisty and fit. In 2011, the Sunshine Girl was restored to page 3 in some, not all, versions of the Sun, and two different photos of the same Sunshine Girl are run each day. (Doug Budzak photo), SUNshine girl Kayleigh, 21, wants to go to school to become a probation officer. SUNshine Girl Alycia is back again from our May 2017 photoshoot. (Craig Robertson/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Heather loves spending time with her dogs and is also a big sports fan - hockey, baseball and basketball are favourites. Well, Jennifer, stop me if you've heard this one, "Einstein, Edison and Aristotle walk into a bar " (Perry Mah photo), SUNshine Girl Natasha, 18, loves swimming -- so much so, she became a lifeguard. Just a suggestion. Pretty good, we think. (Greg Henkenhaf Photo), SUNshine Girl Karly is 22 years old and an avid hockey fan. (Jim Wells photo), SUNshine Girl Laura is 20 years old and likes 3-wheeling, rugby and WWE -- simply put, a real girly girl. (Michael Peake photo), SUNshine Girl Deyschairre would love to design her own clothing line. (Ernest Doroszuk photo), SUNshine Girl Tawny, 24, has a goal to "conquer the world today and take tomorrow off." Not all of the people featured in the magazine are pictured in the nude. She was wearing only paint at the time. Her dream car is a Maybach G Wagon. SUNshine Girl Serafina, a 5-foot-10, brown-eyed Gemini who posed for us in 2017, has big dreams, from travelling the world for her job to owning a Lamborghini. SUNshine Girl Cassie, who posed for us in 2016, is our girl from Christmas past. The 22-year-old Sagittarius who is in a relationship enjoys tanning, shopping, music, poutine and spending time with her dog. Bell: Smith to Trudeau 'Back off' on your just transition attack, Woman who worked as Hythe school assistant charged with sexual offences, Flames call-up Jakob Pelletier trying to be a sponge as he awaits NHL debut, RCMP charge Calgary officer after off-duty domestic incident. She has a Weimaraner named Chloe, and would like to direct a horror film. Dancing to Luke Bryan and Kane Brown Girls are from sunshine girl archives 1990s 1980s week, on November 17, to exact. The 25-year-old, green-eyed Pisces enjoys swimming and soccer. (Ernest Doroszuk/Toronto Sun). The 5-foot-1, brown-eyed Capricorn, who first posed for us in October 2017, also loves to swim. (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network). (Ernest Doroszuk/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Catalina is a model who was just crowned Miss Toronto Swimwear 2017. When she's not poring over tort law, Crystal likes swimming, baseball and hockey. Please try again. Don Brennan's Closing Lines newsletter offers trustworthy insights into the sports betting game, The Closing Lines newsletter offers trustworthy insights into the sports betting game, Marina, 23, enjoys dancing and playing poker. In fact, she plays for her university team, where she is studying criminology and sociology. She says she wants to live life to the fullest. (Jim Wells photo), SUNshine Girl and Toronto Argos Cheerleader Shannon will be cheering for the Argos tonight as they take on Calgary in their home-opener. Tolkien tomes. Kassey just got back from Costa Rica, where she spent time surfing, ATVing and hanging around with monkeys and sloths. She also likes to hit the gym, but prefers staying in shape by getting out and enjoying the summer sun. (Stan Behal/Postmedia Network). The green-eyed Libra enjoys playing poker and being around family, especially when the barbeque is out! She likes the Twilight Saga, the band Hedley and one of her most memorable moments was meeting Eddie Murphy in Los Angeles. This blue-eyed beauty says she loves all music, but Christina Aguilera is her favourite singer. Her favourite movie is The Fast and the Furious. And this Scorpio, who has a cockapoo named Coby, wants to run her own hair salon. The photos usually feature a clothed or swim-suited female model, actress, athlete. 102 St & Jasper (EAST) (1981) ADVERTISEMENT 109 St. Bridge (1980) 10201 Jasper Avenue (1982) Cromdale School (1984) 100 Street looking north (1980) ADVERTISEMENT She has eclectic tastes: this rock music buff loves tattoos, chili and anything with feta cheese on it, UFC matches and motorcycles. CHICKS OF CANADA. (Toronto Sun). Brooklyn is also a fan of baseball -- especially the Jays! (Jack Boland/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Victoria is a finalist in the Miss Universe Canada 2017 pageant who is dedicated to the charity Operation Smile, which helps children born with cleft palates in the developing world. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun). This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Christine, is a 5-foot-7 Leo and loves going for sushi or shopping for clothes and heels, as she puts it. SUNshine Girl Lexi likes to work as an ambassador to help overcome childhood poverty and with World Vision. You can catch this 5-foot-5 Cancer in commercials too, including one for an event to fight breast cancer and another for a student discount card. (Alex Urosevic photo), SUNshine Girl Brooklyn, 19, wants to be a stylist - guess where? Hmm, any chance Elon Musk is reading this? November 3, 2022 Sunshine Girls Subscriber only SUNshine Girl Tonya SUNshine Girl Tonya is a soccer. SUNshine Girl Hannah is a five-foot-five Gemini who likes the outdoors, rollerblading, nature and photography. (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network). Lucky dolphins. (Alex Urosevic photo), SUNshine Girl Katherine, 27, is a writer, segment producer and anchor for The Naked News (excuse us a moment while we call our cable company). (Todd Gillis photo), SUNshine girl Loretta wants all the success in the world! That's hot! It still works. She posed for us in January 2018. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun) January 4,. (Ernest Doroszuk/Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network), SUNshine Girl Hailee, a Sagittarius who dropped by our studio in 2018, likes figure skating, spending time with friends and family, country music and funny movies. The by-then Senator Euler sold his interest to Southam Press in 1953. 2023 Toronto Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved. SUNshine Girl Danielle is a green-eyed Aries with a passion for interior design, but she also loves riding horses. This 5-foot-8 beauty likes confidence, personality and charm in a mate. Call: (916)383-0110 (510)781-4800. (Stan Behal/Toronto Sun). She would like to just sit by the pool, listen to tunes and tan, then go out for Thai, Italian or Japanese food and wait for her perfect mate, who will have gorgeous eyes and be sweet and attractive. This creative gal also enjoys painting and sculpture. The Sunshine Girl series has been criticized by some readers and media commentators for objectifying women. (Toronto Sun/Postmedia Network). She writes music, loves a fine wine and is a big fan of R&B and hip hop. [3] Critics have also condemned the series as degrading and inappropriate for a newspaper as a medium that purports to publish credible journalism. Watch a movie from the year you were born: Sweetie 2. The 5-foot brown-eyed Leo likes Britney Spears and Rihanna and the Twilight series. Back when SUNshine Girl Chantelle posed for us in February 2018, she was bartending and working in the hospitality industry. This website uses cookies to personalize your content (including ads), and allows us to analyze our traffic. So, many happy returns, Dee! They would all be post-40 women and then-and-now photos would be interesting to see, he says.

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sunshine girl archives 1980s