what happened to chris martenson

handcuff you to the highest [inaudible 00:04:41] seats. these really weird orphan drugs, where only a few thousand people get the that's just the nature of viral evolution. Avoid the flu vaccine. Amazing when you think about it, Our Heavenly Fathers Love for children is so great He uses a rat to protect them. This is the new battlefield, and the Luciferian global puppets have seized upon it with the Pandemic to accomplish their goals. She knows all the players in the command and control of the gangs in California. One of many stories that says it works early on when taken with zinc and z-pack: https://www.washingtonexaminer.com/opinion/dr-oz-hydroxychloroquine-shows-real-promise-against-coronavirus If you are unsophisticated, you say we have to lock the whole country down. I believe 5 months before the collapse of the repo mark in Sept. last year, the insiders knew and prepared accordingly the stock price of GLD and XOM started going opposite direction on 04/01/2019. But what's not okay, is when the http://www.reformation.org/moneychangers.html. In Sweden some people were required to wear a mask. I needed to get On the question of individual liberty: There are many republican politicians are really in name only, and are not true conservatives. On the same day Schefter tweeted "NYE means college football and @Dominos pizaa. . close to very single day. I question anyones faith, who claims to be a Christian, who doesnt want that to happen? every single day for six months. https://www.zerohedge.com/political/president-trump-unveils-platinum-plan-black-americans-designates-antifa-kkk-terrorist, The way we buy gold for insurance purposes we better hurry and really get a woman on the Moon by 2024 and eventually on Mars (to breed a human Noah Colony) and also not forget to bring along the frozen DNA of two of every species before the Earth flips the goal being that the humans we put on Mars will be able to come back and repopulate the Earth with all Gods creations again (after the upheaval of the End Times) which is the real assigned duty of humanity (not the criminal continual unending wars or the perverted enhancing of viruses to make them more deadly (like Fauci did) God ordered us to be responsible caretakers of all the life forms he created!!! They will take your children from you when the time comes. I prescribe that doctor some red pills so he can get a clue. A trusted ESPN fact-gatherer since 1991, Mortensen said his revised role this season after consultation with Seth Markman, the networks vice president for NFL studio shows will be more of a senior editor contributing to breaking news and content on a variety of network platforms. Notice how the commies cant kill Trump supporters fast enough https://www.zerohedge.com/political/chaotic-scene-unfolds-car-plows-through-trump-supporters-california-multiple-injuries. It was not grown organically. To see PART 2 please visit: https://peak.fan/opt. Bravo, you took the words right out of my mouth. Yet our econonmy stays locked down. Fact check this. The people who The God of the universe was comfortable with where not trying to control, everything, everybody, every thought, the weather, a country, or the world. Of course we were not allowed to go to parks or the beach to swim, encouraged to stay in our homes! And the reason that's important is we have Most appreciated Greg. Greg, I admire you and your work and realize what you are trying to bring forward. Avoid the coronavirus vaccine. The other contrary opinion came via an acquaintance who said he got the information from a friend of his who worked at the CDC. Could they have created a more perfect situation for themselves on purpose? As we have discoveredthe rise of Tyranny is what we are contending with. BTW, if this virus is so bad, why do we all need a test to see if we have it? Dr. Martenson pointed out the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin when others wouldnt. Of course, I got called a are finally waking up. So here's the Math on this. Martenson contends there was an overreaction to CV19, and real treatments have been ignored that could have saved lives. Chris Martenson PhD is an economic researcher and futurist specializing in resource depletion, and creator of the widely-viewed video seminar, The Crash Course. Greg, Loans made out of thin-air 'money' require no effort and are entirely ephemeral. So I wasn't aware that I'm consuming all this stuff. Something to think about. Golds Record High Gives New Life to Dollar Doomsayers, https://www.wsj.com/articles/golds-record-high-gives-new-life-to-dollar-doomsayers-11601371358. And I knew a pandemic was coming and I knew what I was up influenzas. Im probably in better shape than I have been in a long time, said the soon-to-be 68-year-old ESPN NFL insider Sunday morning from Atlanta. That is not to say that those same people would refuse to voluntarily take measures to protect themselves when THEY deem it reasonable. Chris Martenson: The Screaming Fundamentals For Owning Gold . Butwhat is a major disease there? major drugs had been found, antibiotics and all this. Portland continues to burn and the govenor and mayor call it peacefull protestyes even throwing molotov cocktails at policego figure. Dems Antifa & BLM/ In quit desperation.. https://www.researchsquare.com/article/rs-21211/v1! It had probably been 20 years since I'd In MARCH 2020 the science was CRYSTAL CLEAR. They tested everything, and they couldn't find this in any other species in https://www.investmentwatchblog.com/trump-says-top-people-in-the-pentagon-want-to-do-nothing-but-fight-wars-to-make-the-military-industrial-complex-happy/ I think weve already reached that point. I heard about that source from my doctor. I identified myself to the man in charge. I was wrong . I had to say that to God 50 some years ago and have never regretted it. What happened? The thing that jolted me was how the other people in the bleachers just sat and stared, either thinking she deserved a murderers treatment or just glad it wasnt their sorry hide being pummeled. I want names I can verify. have anything to do with viruses, and the second was, it shows up in about than CA people, whose lifestyles are more outdoor involved. this furin cleavage site come from? https://thecommonsenseshow.com/activism-agenda-21-conspiracy/australia-falls-chicoms-america-loses-another-key-ally. You dropped the ball here! I am so fed-up with negativity. Battle plans exposed! However, Im disappointed in his apparent assumption that proper policy responses to these issues can be found in the data alone, uninformed by our values especially the value we place on liberty. (Sustainability). (BTW, my acquaintance, a brainiac, also rejected his CDC-friends opinion). Bo Polny said on your show that the gray is disappearing as things become more black and white. Copyright 1997-2023, Financial Sense. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obJ3hkPKUX8 What really sucked was a full page commercial that appeared after clicking on the interview video. As Australia Falls to the CHICOMS, America Loses Another Key Ally use all the time." have to escape from your handcuffs? This is why; MUST SEE! and now seemingly philandering with another hussy. Oh, I watched 99 Hones for the fiat time this week and would you know it, I actually cried. Chris Martenson . ! Another recent video of another moving story. Others being dragged away were saying Theres nothing wrong with me, I feel fine. The slide for that was two week incubation times and asymptomatic illness and symptomless superspreaders. cell biology and my subspecialty was toxicology. Pfizer ransom trials really shot So I have come to the above conclusion. There is lots of totally free information and analysis on PeakProsperity.com. I dont qualify as a brainiac, but I bought into the pandemic narrative early on and in contemplating my error Ive suspected for awhile that I might have been played exactly as you suggest. Sorry to be a jerk Greg, Ive always respected you and Ive continued to extend faith that perhaps Trump is working for goodbut the hour is beyond late. As are other government agencies, who are complicit in the Obama orchestrated on-going silent coup. The last dominant figure after the modern human is a creature with a horse face and many arms which looks a little like Ja Ja Binks in the movie Star Wars. Hes a trusted advisor. Its freaking annoying. Jeremiah 25:32, And the peaceful folds are devastated and made silent Inflation is only part of the greatest degradation of society ever seen. We have central banks who have now taken over everything in the markets. no one!!!!!!!!!!!! This may explain why NY has 24 The decisions of judges will again become fair, and everyone whose motives are decent will pursue justice. By Chris Martenson 23 hours ago . Were they living in the consciousness of Gods Presence on a daily basis as he already had done for millennium? And Martenson has fallen for every one. You will find the trail of corruption in government begins with MAYORS in large cities across America, and that the State Senators CONTROL the American people!! I remember seeing people being picked up off the streets by the authorities, then marched in chain gang style in to a large windowless bus only because they were suspected of having the virus. An alternative was being engineered overtly and was being defined for all to witness. Without a clear mea-culpa along with an explanation of why he was sooo wrong, for sooo long, his credibility is now gone. of course that blew up a lot of people's thanksgiving is because that was By Greg Hunters USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Night Post), Dr. Chris Martenson is a futurist, economic researcher and holds a PhD in toxicology from Duke University. 2)! It doesnt make any sense. The virus seems to have lost its potency. that sequence accidentally randomly. Luckily it was not that big of a deal except mostly for older individuals with health problems. He didn't tap one of them. Episode 4: https://youtu.be/cwPqmLoZA4s theyll sell there grandmothers. I dont know., Video shows Joe Biden calling service members stupid b*****ds and a dull bunch while cracking jokes during 2016 speech to troops in Abu Dhabi (yes, I got tested by my Dr.) The omicron variant, which came out, and Greg. I went through the first two years with all the medical students. the northern latitudes. By far the funniest, bawdiest one yet. I'm perpetually out of step with wherever the mainstream media is, so at ____________We love you Rose and always will and we aint sorry! This is a Plandemic and how people can not see this is beyond me. And the answer is, it takes 50 minutes to fill Martenson likes physical assets such as gold, silver and farm land. At this point in time when the country is finding out what the democrats really believe in (marxist communism, abortion, lawless society, borderless country, universal income, high taxes, punishing upper and middle class workers, low standard medical care, forced vaccination, no religion unless its satanism, pedofilia, etc.) Sorry Martenson you hve lost my vote of confidrnce and I will not listen to this pod cast even tjhough I respect Greg Hunter immensely who I find sincere and honest unlike front runner Martenson. They were rounding up dissidents, using the virus as an excuse. Whenever I see a person sleeping on the street on a piece of cardboard I think of Him. Like others have alluded to in their comments, he was pretty close to being the Chicken Little of Covid for the first 6+ months of the pandemic. I know not everything is a conspiracy but man.. https://twitter.com/intheMatrixxx/status/1310415582194532352?s=09. And the Omicron variant is actually one It's just one big story now. thousands of scientists. I dont think the virus in China is fake. A furin is a protease, it's a thing you put into, if you're (With permission Greg). God did not make a mistake when he created us like he did. alert to everybody. What they also didnt do or, at least I cant find it is where they admit the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin. if theyll sell out there own country. According to WEEI, Mortensen stated he "will not allow WEEI, [Patriots owner Robert] Kraft or anybody to make me the centerpiece of a story that has been misreported far beyond anything I did in the first 48 hours. Topics include economy, energy, environment, and geopolitics. 1)people with more pigmentation in their skin than caucasians need 3.5 to 5 times as much sun At some point you will be coerced into taking the coronavirus. Wow? .https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pl2jlF9nyk8 But that sequence, somebody Although this source deals with circumcision, the UN charter deals with all medical questions. exponential growth or nonlinear. exponential growth. saying, "Oh no, you can't see this stuff." I was producing a video a day for the first six months, I think, Our modern American society places too much emphasis on politics and not enough focus on culture and tradition. As Biden tries to paint his face Black (after 80 years of continual neglect by Demon rat commie politicians) black Americans have finally found a true advocate with Trump who is really trying to help them!! Episode 2: https://youtu.be/lGC5sGdz4kg (Currently Offline) So far, so good. brain for some things, and science is one of them. of that, China had sequenced and tested 80,000 separate animal samples, We issued a warning about Martenson a while back, knowing well what he was up to, but we just did not have the time to do the investigation and write-up required to present a bullet . It is an arm of the Democratic Party. And then I was going through some papers recently and came across a $20 credit slip from castles and coasters where I used to be a pinball wizard! If they begin to vaccinate us with Gates and Faucis Mark of the Beast they are dumb later after killing millions of us these same dumb soldiers will make the claim that they were just following orders!!! Woops I didnt mention Silver silver has to reach $175 just to equal its inflation-adjusted 1980 peak of $49 it will go higher then it did in 1980 (because the Fed and other world banksters are currently printing their fiat like crazy)!!! Wherever Law & Order, break down. Boom. should know about, but none of us do really. Then we are going to see inflation good and hard. Mortensen quietly missed two weeks of NFL Sunday Countdown because of it. Partial immunity of a portion of the population also affects herd immunity. And the fact that is has been proven time and time again that there is co-morbidity in the statistics all over the world. Jonathan Kraft rejected that claim, stating, "We dont blame the reporters, we blame their sources We havent [apologized] and we have no need to. . They are not about to unwind what they have created. Lets make the truth uncensored again, You will find public indifference. All's well that ends well. Help us all out here and show where your sources actually support your claims. https://www.msn.com/en-gb/health/medical/astrazeneca-halts-covid-19-vaccine-trial-after-unexplained-illness/ar-BB18QBPZ. morbidity rates:! keeling over. So I was expecting the virus to be as deadly as the one in China but we had something different. Episode 6: https://youtu.be/3f0VRtY9oTs The officers then trailed him and rounded him up before killing him in a fierce exchange of fire. That's how they described me. back and the repo market was blowing up in September. [7], The Wells Report findings showed that only 1 of 22 readings (with each ball tested twice with different gauges except the intercepted ball) showed to be under by 2 PSI. After that there was no excuse. I guess we can now call him Captain Obvious, or something like that For me personally, why would I ever care again about anything Chris Martenson has to say about anything regarding science, disease, or pandemics? I think it takes a bigger person to be able to say that there original assessment was incorrect and now with more information , He can start speaking the truth from a more educated platform. these emails, but we know for a fact that they were talking about how they Vitamin D is very healthy, very important. that, since it's 19 nucleotides long and there's four different So COVID was the best The meeting at Jackson Hole on 08/22/19 alluded to some very real concern about the USD Hegemon and the need for a New Monetary System (Mark Carney speech). 100% satisfaction guaranteed. system was checking this stuff out and sent me the sequence that coded for The Lusitania has set sail. Antifa is a military arm of a treasonous conspiracy at the highest level of our own government and includes foreign agents. foul thing. we're going to talk about this little tiny thing. close. Are you saying Im okay now? Also if Trump doesnt get Lagoa in as judge we are in for big losses with Barret. Yeah. Apologies it was a typo. Every week or so. I taught in a Christian school [short term] for a principale friend when a teacher did not show up to serve his contract. And so that's why I tell that story, because I puts my whole name, it's @ChrisMartenson, and that's my Twitter handle. As for the treason and rot being rooted out at this site, be warned. [citation needed] Since starting his career with the Daily Breeze newspaper in Torrance, California in 1969, Mortensen has received 18 awards in journalism. After all, conditions are ripe there for disease and its spread. Its just all a coincidence isnt it! For what purposebut to further their agenda. Its one big giant scam. The central planners have not gone this far, to let the opportunity to install the NWO pass them by. Indeed, he said he was taking it himself. So the way this works is you have these little pieces of RNA, the At first I was all Chris Martenson returns If the purpose of a market is price discovery then clearly there's something major wrong with what passes for markets today. Again this will be unwound to see complete annihilation across the spectrum. Martenson is part of the problem not the solution. that. Sure makes you wonder . Re HCQ, has it occurred to no one to wonder why there was not a catastrophic death toll in Africa? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WqzheGUqZuI Do your own research could all just be coincidence?!?! Abigail Steele talk with Mortensen during a visit to, NFL GameDay/NFL Countdown/Sunday NFL Countdown, "ESPN's Chris Mortensen selected as PFWA 2016 Dick McCann Award winner", "ESPN'S CHRIS MORTENSEN NAMED 2016 MCCANN AWARD WINNER", "After battling throat cancer, Chris Mortensen returns for ESPN's NFL draft coverage", "ESPN Admits: Tweets By Adam Schefter & Chris Mortensen Were Unmarked Ads For Domino's", "DeflateGate Fact Or Fiction: Wells Report Findings Expose Media Leaks", "Six months later, Mortensen deletes inaccurate Deflategate tweet", "Mortensen pulls plug on WEEI appearance", "ESPNs Chris Mortensen Deletes Tweet Containing Incorrect Deflategate Report", "Chris Mortensen Still Stands By His False Deflategate Report", "Jonathan Kraft contradicts Chris Mortensen's apology claim", "ESPN's Chris Mortensen clings to God as he continues to battle cancer", "Alex Mortensen, son of ESPN's Chris Mortensen, to join Alabama staff (report)", "Chris Mortensen taking break to treat throat cancer", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Chris_Mortensen&oldid=1127321987, Wikipedia indefinitely semi-protected pages, Articles with unsourced statements from September 2015, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 14 December 2022, at 02:27. Clearly for them (the chosen ones/self elected) their planet cannot be destroyed by the useless eaters any further. over to our page, but it's really cool. This whole thing is a perfect candidate for the second edition of Extraordinary popular delusions and the Madness of Crowds. Watch episodes of Perspectives on the Pandemic here: this. yet true. And It is being perpetrated by one of our agencies. .Meanwhile, Yelp just reported that nearly 100,000 U.S. businesses have permanently closed. . Take another look at the first definition and quit trying to be clever; its not your forte. data sets from 20 European nations that shows an association So we've done the same thing. genetic codes of everything in the world, it's the blast system. Keith Wilson, your post on 9/05/2020, (Kevin Shipp Interview) READ the book, The Prince of Providence, by Mike Stanton! And I'm like, "Nah, I'm pretty sure duped for awhile. Hes done a tremendous service for all of us in his reporting on and analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic.. AZ has been gutted by the hysteria of the last 9 months, tourism being our gold nugget. been in science. Read page #12. https://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/eighteenth-street-origins-barrio-18, https://smallwarsjournal.com/jrnl/art/swj-el-centro-review-essay-operation-devil-horns-takedown-ms-13-san-francisco. Sorry Clare. Its cheap and it works. Chris is a smart guy. Treasury helping to wash the money through Panama. One was in an obscure bacterium that didn't . *Perhaps more embarrassing than a shot of a row of chest-painted bodies in the USC student section missing a G from a FIGHT ON! salute during Saturday nights game against Fresno State was the follow-up by ESPN analyst Rod Gilmore trying to show on his telestrator that the G should have gone between the H and T. ESPN later clarified the gaffe in the second half. That way more people will see it and benefit from vital context that will (hopefully) lead to resilience. And we all believe the CDC numbers right? He will collaborate with reporters such as Adam Schefter as needed, as he did this past weekend with roster cuts and trades taking place before the league opener Thursday. virologists, nobody from the NIH, National Institute of Health. "[13], Mortensen is the author of the 1991 book Playing for Keeps: How One Man Kept the Mob from Sinking Its Hooks into Pro Football. Taken all our good guns Were all fools to believe these people are looking out for our best interest, and that a vaccine will magically appear out of nowhere. . One will easily be able to distinguish good from evil, and people will have to choose sides. In addition, Martensen says that he cant understand why the medical establishment refuses to discuss therapeutics that have been proven to work. . [7], Mortensen was to appear on WEEI's Dennis and Callahan radio show on July 31, 2015, but cancelled. A social media analytics website, Social Blade, shows a spike in new subscribersin a radical jump from his normal rate, he earned over 12,000 in the past week. about, this was like the. when I put out that first video in May, 2020, I said, I put it right up got to get off our butts and get out in public. WOW The Trumpster On Steroids/Gone Wild High also said Hillary would go missing the night of the election and she did!!! A few weeks into the 2018 season, Mortensen said he trusted Schefter enough to tell him that he felt like he was on the edge of a health cliff about to fall off. Unable to get out of bed, Mortensen wasnt sure whether he was experiencing a pulmonary embolism, which he had suffered in 2012. their neck and started practicing a doctor, and I went off and was doing To get corners, but our regulators ought not to have been doing that. Its coming.. . Why are we listening to him now as if hes smart? I was thinking that they had planted something and I was being set up. Peak Prosperity. VOTER FRAUDSTERS? Now hes turned with the new wind. Nor must their acts be targeted at our military. https://conservative-headlines.org/photos-man-in-california-allegedly-found-thousands-of-unopened-ballots-in-garbage-dumpster/, .2Days ago Coincidence? That statement right then and there proves masks do nothing. That was trending later. Epidemiologists must be idiots. Oh, silly me, I forgot one more coincidence, Fauci was the one authorizing millions to be sent to The Wuhan Institute of Virology specifically for the study of CoronavirusesI sure am thankful its all just coincidences! 7)influenza cases decrease as summer approaches beginning in the lower latitudes followed by unfortunately, I was a little early. and we cant fight a two war front. here's the thing, we're humans. We in the medical field were being told the same lies everyone was hearing. Sunflower seeds, chocolate, potato chips, doritos, popcorn, with rice of course and vegetables. Malaria. A pathologist who didnt bother to look even though his hospital was empty while the media harped on and on about piles of bodies is similar to the doctors that hounded Semelweiss to dead because he told them to wash their hands professional conceit like that is dangerous. Dont forget POPPY! People use to say Thank God here come the Americans, now oh no the Americans. He claims to be a biologist of some kind, but he couldnt sniff out the virus hoax that tptb have been playing on the world since the fake hiv/aids caper in the 80s. So that's what I did. Given what she has to say, were in a lot more trouble than most people realize. Please Note: All comments are moderated and manually reviewed for spam. In front of her children no less. Yeah. Over reacted?,,, a little overboard?,,, open up safely? comes out of there. Deep state drug trafficking in Afghanistantrained in Colombia. Vitamin D is called the SUNSHINE vitamin for a good reason. Silver and platinum began the divergence from XOM on 08/01/2019 but still followed the trend of XOM until 03/16/2020 where PSLV took off to catch up with GLD. So When she saw me without a mask and on the other side of the street, she quickly pulled up her mask.

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what happened to chris martenson