wu ping karate kid real name

During a party at Moon's house, Demetri attempts to reconcile with Hawk, but Hawk responds by dumping his drink on Demetri, already enraged by Moon moving on with another girl. In Season 4, Miguel continues training under both Daniel and Johnny while also continuing his relationship with Sam. When Daniel learns that Sam is developing a relationship with Kyler, he invites Kyler over for a family dinner, where he notices that Kyler has bruises from the fight. Though Sid does not appear in season 2, he is mentioned in a flashback when a teenage Johnny is crying to Kreese about being verbally abused by Sid. Senator Daniel Inouye makes a cameo giving the opening speech at Arlington National Cemetery for a commendation for Japanese-Americans who fought in the 442nd Regimental Combat Team during World War II.[4]. During the ensuing brawl, Demetri and Eli hack into the Cobra Kai YouTube server, uploading footage of Tory getting Silver to confess he bribed the referee during the All-Valley. He has a powerful kick which he used to beat one fighting dragon student. Frozen in terror, she is helpless to prevent the Cobra Kais from turning the tide of battle and can only watch as Tory and others goad Hawk into breaking Demetri's right arm in retaliation for Robby's actions against Miguel during the school brawl. Col. Dugan then tries to force him to fight Julie (along with the other members) but he also refuses to fight after Ned is defeated by her. In Season 4, she appears in a brief flashback where she discovers that Johnny is hiding mementos of her ex-husband. It was obvious that she had mutual feelings for Dre, but a local bully and kung fu prodigy named Cheng attempted to keep them apart. In the end, Liang, along with Cheng and their friends, develops a newfound respect for Dre and Mr. Han after Dre fairly defeats Cheng in the tournament. She advises Sam to use her better judgement and not resort to violence, when dealing with Tory being back in school. She is the daughter of a hall of fame linebacker for the San Diego Chargers. This list of The Karate Kid and Cobra Kai characters reflects fictional characters from The Karate Kid franchise. He is nicknamed "Ass Face" and "Penis Breath" by Hawk and Johnny, respectively, which he sees as a term of endearment rather than a pejorative insult. She takes it away and demands to accept Sid as his "new father". She plays the violin, and gains admittance into the Beijing Academy of Music. In retaliation, he spreads rumors about her giving him oral sex, driving a wedge between her and Yasmine and Moon. Miguel recruits Bert and the other outcasts from Cobra Kai into Johnny's new dojo, Eagle Fang Karate. He was also the first Cobra Kai member defeated by Daniel in the 1984 All Valley Under-18 Karate Championships tournament. In season 3 a drunk Johnny crashes his sermon, forcing Bobby to sweep him off his feet. Sandra Robinson (Kim Fields) is Aisha's mother. When the video is found to be erased, Tory suggests stealing the security footage of Silver confessing to her that he had bribed the referee. In Cobra Kai Season 3, Kumiko told Daniel that Yukie had died, and that she had inherited Yukie's home. Although she was to marry Sato in an arranged marriage, she had fallen in love with Mr. Miyagi, which is what made Sato challenge Mr. Miyagi to a death match to save his honor. After he and the other members of his gang beat up Eric, Julie and Mr. Miyagi find them and leave with Eric, only to be stopped by Ned who tries to grab Julie. She calls out to Sam, who abruptly suffers a panic attack and withdraws from the fight. He later loses to Kenny in the qualifying rounds of the tournament. In Season 5, Anthony is bullied and physically harassed by the vengeful Kenny and his Cobra Kai gang, at one point being kicked into a pool and given a swirly. Despite sustaining broken ribs and injuries during the fight, Sam defeats Tory, but not before Tory manages to slash her right arm with a spiked bracelet while trying to disfigure her face. In season 4, Sam visits Aisha in Santa Barbara about advice on dealing with Tory. Later that night while Eric is dropping Julie off at home, Ned breaks the windows of Eric's car. He is a carwash participant and the group raises $2500. Demetri and Hawk then fight side by side against the Cobra Kai students, taking down several together. Dre rehearses a written apology to Meiying's father, which Mr. Han had translated for him, in which he asks for forgiveness. However, when they witness Kyler bullying Demetri by drawing a penis on his cast, they feel bad for Demetri. Later during the All-Valley tournament, he loses to Robby in the quarter finals. Cheng (in Chinese: ) is the central antagonist of the 2010 remake of The Karate Kid . But unfortunately in the semifinals he loses against Cheng. This act wins over Sam, who resumes her romance with Miguel and gets her father to connect with him when he catches them making out in the Miyagi dojo. Kreese takes advantage of Johnny's neglect to visit Robby, and upon finding out that an inmate is bullying Robby, suggests that Robby adapts to the Cobra Kai mentality of striking first. Dr. Emily Folsom (Tracey Bonner) is the psychiatrist at the prison Kreese is detained in. Miguel meets Daniel, who is surprised to find common ground with Miguel over their shared upbringings (both came from poor, single-parent families, were bullied by wealthier kids, and found guidance through karate) and agrees to let them continue dating. Samantha reminds him of 'Wax on, Wax off' and also corrects the way he is washing the car and he nods, agreeing on what to do. She attends the end-of-summer party hosted by Moon. Later, at the now-abandoned Cobra Kai dojo, Robby tearfully breaks down and admits he's tired of blaming Johnny for his problems and begins reconnecting with him, having become disturbed and horrified after witnessing Kenny pulverizing a helpless Anthony before his final match with Eli because of becoming corrupted by Cobra Kai. With the skills and self-confidence that Mr. Miyagi instills in Julie, she is able to stand up to Ned when a fight at the docks takes place (while the rest of Ned's gang and Col. Dugan watch on) and comes out victorious. Jimmy expresses shock when Bobby is ordered by Kreese to injure Daniel and is present when Kreese attacks Johnny following his loss and second-place showing. When Stingray's probation is finished, he eagerly attempts to rejoin Cobra Kai, but is vehemently rejected by Kreese. The day after Sato's challenge, he left for America. They eventually reveal this to Miguel, who has already deduced this after finding Johnny's headband in her room, causing a strain between her and Miguel, who is upset with the fact that they hid their relationship from him. They later attend a charity auction hosted by Silver, causing him to become paranoid. Silver continues to manipulate Daniel by appearing to bad-mouth Amanda to one of the charity members, while he actually complimented Amanda, ultimately leading to Daniel bursting into a moment of violence. Amanda, Sam, and Anthony ultimately go to Ohio to stay with her mother for a while. After the tryouts, Tory defects from Cobra Kai and makes amends with Sam. Yasmine (Annalisa Cochrane) is the leader of a clique of popular girls at West Valley High. Vanessa analyzes the underlying motivations behind Anthony's behavior at school and later evaluates Daniel and Amanda and calls them out about how their behavior is contributing to it, deducing that their lack of attention and discipline towards him through his childhood as the cause of Anthony acting out. Joanne (Rachelle Carson-Begley) is Amanda's mother who lives alone in Ohio. Abe (Jayden Rivers) was a Cobra Kai student who later defected to Miyagi-Do Karate. Sato (Danny Kamekona) is Chozen's uncle and Miyagi's former best friend with whom he had a strong brotherly friendship, to the point Miyagi asked his father to teach Sato karate, which, traditionally, was only taught from father to son. Miyagi eventually sent her to stay in his home in Los Angeles, so that he could spend time with Julie and help her heal from the trauma of losing her parents. Tom Cole (David Shatraw) is the owner of Cole's Autos on Van Nuys, a rival automotive dealership. During the fight that follows, Tory falls into trouble with Kim, but both Sam and Devon leap to her defense, Devon defecting when she sees that Tory is in trouble. Miguel participates in the final fight at the Cobra Kai dojo in an attempt to expose Terry Silver. Aisha's friendship with Sam becomes strained again when Daniel insults Cobra Kai in his Miyagi-do Karate commercial, and Cobra Kai crashes Miyagi-do Karate's presentation at the Valley Fest. Cobra Kai's thuggish philosophy begins to affect Miguel's values, and he becomes much more violent and ruthless, to Johnny's eventual disapproval, especially when Miguel fights dirty against Robby to win the championship for Cobra Kai in the 2018 All-Valley Tournament. Zhensu Wu is known for The Karate Kid (2010). Upon learning of this, Miguel regretfully leaves Mexico with Johnny, but does not tell Hector that he is his son. During a training session at the Cobra Kai dojo, Kyler and Kenny are forced to work as a team against him, leading to both boys being defeated. However, Robby, furious with Miguel for taunting him about his relationship problems with Johnny and Sam, having a better relationship with his estranged father Johnny than he ever did and taking advantage of Sam at Moon's party, furiously retaliates by kicking Miguel over the balcony railing, accidentally sending him falling off the second floor and crashing spine-first on a stair handrail, paralyzing him and rendering him unconscious. Sue (Cara AnnMarie) is the only female member of the All Valley Committee. The Karate Kid Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. He is a karate practitioner who is assigned to help Mike with his training. As a result, he gains more confidence, but like many Cobra Kai students becomes increasingly aggressive. Darryl is the only fighter that Johnny shakes hands with after a match, a rare sign of respect for an opponent. After defeating Kyler, Miguel reconciles his friendship with Hawk and the two alongside Demetri decide to stop Sam and Tory from fighting. He later helps recruit new female students into the new dojo, despite its initial failure. During the karate war between the Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do students at school, Robby once again gets into a fight with Miguel, who taunts him by mocking his relationship problems with Johnny and Sam. The Raid: Redemption With Jaden Smith, Jackie Chan, Taraji P. Henson, Wenwen Han. It is also shown that Aisha, unlike the other Cobra Kais, attempted to break up the fight between Sam and Tory until she was provoked by a Miyagi Do student. The two upload it to the Cobra Kai YouTube channel with Hawk sending the computer to Anthony LaRusso to finish the job during the brawl that follows while he and Demetri join the fight. The students end up fighting off Cobra Kai after Mitch exposes their plan. Moon (Hannah Kepple) is a member of Yasmine's popular girl clique. Miguel first encounters Hector after rescuing his young stepson from a speedy car. Lia Cabrera (Milena Rivero) is a student at West Valley Middle School and a childhood friend and crush of Anthony LaRusso. During the finals, Sam fights against Tory once again using only one style at a time which proves to be insufficient, so Daniel encourages his daughter to fight her own way, even if it means going on the offense. At the Oaks on the Beach Country Club, she boasts about how Cobra Kai changed her daughter's life for the better. He lost but puts up a great fight, sending many fast paced hits towards Cheng and managing to not get beat easily. When he returns home, he finds a drunken Johnny, who explains that he loves Miguel as a son, leading Miguel to shed a tear of happiness that changes to dejection and heartbreak as Johnny calls him Robby instead, straining their relationship, due to Robby taunting Miguel about Johnny using him to compensate for his relationship problems with Robby. She is also present at the Castle during the O-Bon festival as she thanked Daniel for saving her life and witnesses the fight between Daniel and Chozen. Her animosity toward Sam is further deepened when she finds out that Sam is Miguel's ex-girlfriend and catches Sam kissing Miguel while Tory was still dating him, leading her to strike out at Sam any time she sees them together. A series of assumptions and misunderstandings leads Miguel to believe that Sam is ashamed of him and is involved with Daniel's student and employee and Johnny's estranged son Robby Keene, whom she had befriended earlier. Devon further impresses Johnny with her knowledge of martial arts films and her quick learning. The last scene shows a deceased Tommy being zipped in a body bag (an ironic nod to his line at the end of The Karate Kid). Stingray wades into the battle demonstrating karate moves and blatantly only targeting the Miyagi-Do students, while congratulating Hawk with a high-five. A vengeful Tory decides to furiously challenge Sam to a fight in school. Doug Rickenberger (John Cihangir) is one of the Cobra Kai students, a cheater and a member of Hawk's gang in Season 2, and serves as a supporting antagonist in Cobra Kai season 3. An immature and irresponsible man-child, he is pathologically adverse to adulthood and the responsibilities that come with it, suggesting he may have Peter Pan Syndrome. After the school fight, her parents withdrew her and transferred her to a private school, also selling their house in the process. Regardless of this loss, Daniel praises Robby's performance and takes him to Mr. Miyagi's old rest house to explain his plans to restart the Miyagi-Do dojo with Robby as his senior protg. Just before engaging in a deathmatch above a snake pit, Turner reveals Betsy's death to Kreese to demoralize him so that Turner can save himself. Col. Paul Dugan (Michael Ironside) leads a JROTC-style program, the Alpha Elite, at Julie's school, and his style of instruction and morals he instills upon his students are very similar to those of John Kreese from the earlier films. With Sam combining Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang techniques, she proves to be a match for Tory who accidentally elbows her in the eye. Meiyun is also called Wen Wen Han in Chinese and is an extremely cute actress. Similarly, as in the first The Karate Kid film, Dre earns Cheng's respect when he beats him at the finals of the 'Open Kung Fu Tournament' and Cheng personally awards Dre the trophy and he and his friends showed Mr. Han respect. She gets along well with Ali, and in contrast to the formality of Ali's parents, refers to herself as "Lucille" rather than "Mrs. LaRusso". In the chaos, Hawk targets Demetri in retaliation for roasting him and outing him as a bedwetter at Moon's party, but is defeated by him when Demetri outsmarts him by kicking him and sending him crashing into a trophy case. She sits next to Amanda during the All-Valley Under-18 Karate Championships and is mostly supporting her son during the fighting rounds, especially when he defeats Aisha Robinson and also when he faces Miguel Diaz. After Col. Dugan was defeated by Miyagi, Ned expresses his disappointment in him, saying "You said, you had all the answers, Colonel. In Season 3, she pleads with Johnny to stay behind for Miguel's surgery as moral support, causing him to miss out on his juvie visit with Bobby and Robby. Kenny later tells Robby that Shawn is sentenced to spend an extra month at juvenile hall for spitting at a guard. She takes pleasure in cyberbullying Aisha and looking down at less privileged students. She often contacts Shannon about Robby's disciplinary issues, such as constant truancy. In Season 4, Amanda unintentionally gets Tory fired from her job when attempting to defend Sam for her actions towards her during the house fight. Lindsey (Gianna Graziano) is another female student recruited by Terry Silver alongide Charlotte and Piper Elswith. Johnny later calls Bobby up to apologize for missing the appointment to visit Robby and gets irritated when Bobby refuses to schedule another visit. During the events of The Karate Kid Part II, it was shown that the two still had feelings for one another and they began to rekindle their romance. Director 2 Credits Harald Zwart John G.. Preceding unsigned comment added by ( talk) 04:13, 25 June 2010 (UTC)[ reply] Name in Chinese [ edit] The name of the movie in Chinese (mainland China) is literally Kung Fu Dream most likely. Daryl (Keith Arthur Bolden) is an African-American member of the All Valley Committee and the announcer for the 2018 and 2019 All Valley Under-18 Karate Championships. Unlike Miyagi, he lacks his sense of humor and lightheartedness and appears more conflicted and depressed. She is then told that the school will make an announcement, much to Eli's dismay. In retaliation, Johnny steals one of Sid's valuable art sculptures and pawns it to pay for Miguel's surgery. wu ping karate kid real name. In Season 3, Chris is openly harassed by Cobra Kai at his job, prompting him to call Sam for reinforcements. Otro sitio realizado con . During the tournament, Robby is forced to fight Kenny in the boys' quarterfinals, easily defeating him. Miguel hits his back on the stair railing as he lands, paralyzing him and rendering him unconscious. Demetri Alexopoulos (Gianni Decenzo) is Eli's best friend and a member of Miguel's high school friend group. He suggests changing the tournament's colors from red and white to blue and gold to improve the tournament's declining attendance numbers. After being attacked by Johnny, who is looking for Robby, Anoush leaves LaRusso Auto Group to join Cole's on Van Nuys when he is offered a better position by Tom Cole. Demetri struggles to learn the ways of karate but gets a confidence boost after Daniel tells him that he has the gift of anticipation and intelligence, which slightly increases his confidence. When Miyagi takes Daniel on a tour of the village, he is one of the first people that Daniel meets. In Season 2, Robby moves in with the LaRussos after his mother Shannon abandons him and leaves with her boyfriend Rick to go on vacation to Mexico, and is evicted from their apartment due to unpaid bills. Source: www.ijq.tv Han and dre go to. After Miguel and Sam save the All-Valley Tournament, Carmen and Johnny rekindle their relationship and sleep together at one point, with the pair uncertain about it becoming serious due to how it could affect Johnny's relationship with Miguel. Unknown She is a widow who relocates Daniel from New Jersey to Southern California due to her computer job transfer. In Season 5, Stingray is granted membership into Cobra Kai and has his apartment paid for by Terry Silver for lying at Kreese's trial. Daniel steps in to incapacitate the gang and save Robby. Despite Mitch's loyalty to the dojo, Kreese expels him and eventually replaces him with Kyler after he loses a sparring match to Kyler during the tryouts to recruit new members. Because of this, it was considered "controversial" by other martial arts masters including Sato Toguchi since it was based on the tenets of "no honor, no mercy". In the ensuing rumble, Miguel once again gets into a fight with Robby and even taunts him by mocking his relationship problems with Johnny and Sam. Carrie Underwood (herself) is a multi-Grammy Award-winning country pop singer who is invited by Ron to the 51st All-Valley Tournament to perform her rendition of Survivor's "The Moment of Truth" prior to the male and female qualifying rounds. Next scene he is at the lunch room, with Frank and Lil Red, trying to find a table. While at the zoo to steal a Chinese Cobra for Kreese, Hawk, Tory, Kyler, Robby, and several other students are chased out, thinking that they have failed due to Kyler forgetting the snake pole, but Robby returns with the snake, earning him the respect of the rest of the Cobra Kai students except for Hawk. She flirts with Johnny the same way he described to Miguel as the way to hit on a girl back in his day. Devon Lee (Oona O'Brien) is a student and member of the debate team alongside Bert at West Valley High School. Copy. By the end of summer, Shannon shows up at the LaRussos' home, begging Robby for forgiveness for all the mistakes she has made over the years, and decides to check herself into rehab. When Daniel confronts Johnny and Kreese over the vandalism of the Miyagi-do Karate dojo, Chris joins several students in defecting to Daniel's dojo, showing himself a scrupulous person causing a rift between him and Mitch throughout the season. David (Jesse Kove) is a college varsity captain in 1965. Karate Kid actors Randee Heller and Martin Kove briefly reprised their roles as Lucille LaRusso and John Kreese in the film. compare an unconscionable contract with undue influence; wu ping karate kid real nameyour body and heat osha quizlet. Undaunted by this rejection, Robby enters the All-Valley tournament with no affiliation and advances towards the finals, impressing Daniel. It is revealed during the show that he was an unintended pregnancy after what was supposed to be a sparring session between Daniel and Amanda. During the Sekai Taikai tryouts, Sam fights Devon after Tory flees the dojo. Gabriel (Owen Harn), is a criminal who beats up John Kreese in the prison. During the argument, he tells her to "stop bitching" at him, which she misinterprets as him calling her a bitch; this incident gets him fired from his old job as a handyman. His first appearance is when he is cheering on Cheng when he is fighting with Dre in the Playground. This never occurred as Miyagi saved his life during a typhoon with a mighty chop shattering a pinning wooden beam, deeply impressing Sato with his supposed rival's true might and restoring their friendship. Sam is enraged when Hawk exploits Counselor Blatt's fixation on political correctness to talk her into letting the Cobra Kais off with no consequences while punishing the Miyagi-Dos twice, yelling "This school sucks!" Realizing her dad is likely on his way to kill Kreese in response to the attack, Sam grabs Miguel and rushes to Cobra Kai, arriving just as Daniel is about to finish off Kreese. In Season 5, Devon initially remains in Eagle Fang but leaves to join Topanga Karate, which is later taken over by Cobra Kai. Aisha becomes close friends with Tory and is angered when Sam accuses Tory of stealing her mother's wallet (actually the work of Robby's former friends Trey and Cruz). He constantly tries to flirt with Julie, only to be rejected by her multiple times. After discovering Sam and Miguel are together again at the Miyagi-Do dojo, Robby furiously accuses Sam of dumping him for Miguel after he was sentenced to juvenile hall. After the woman tells Daniel that they had previously met when she was a young girl during a typhoon, Daniel realizes that it's Yuna (whose name is finally revealed in the series) and is happy to see her again. Ichiro is later seen among the villagers heading for the pillbox to shelter from the Typhoon and is seen at the viewing window with Daniel, Miyagi, and Yukie looking for others caught in the storm. At a Snider concert, Johnny manages to let Miguel through security, telling them that Miguel has terminal cancer. Mr. Miyagi never fought him, however. He is not to be confused with Darryl Vidal. Robby is initially reluctant to join Cobra Kai due to Hawk's resentment toward him for his actions against Miguel at the end of the school brawl, but Tory convinces him to stay with Cobra Kai. Afterwards, Kyler abandons him. After being chastised over his behavior by both Miguel and Johnny, as well as realizing the errors of Kreese's teachings, along with the fact that Kreese indeed didn't care about him or anyone else as seen when he recruited Kyler and Robby to Cobra Kai, Hawk realizes his mistakes and redeems himself by breaking away from Cobra Kai during Tory's assault on the LaRusso residence, coming to Demetri's defense and reconciling with Demetri. Anoush Norouzi (Dan Ahdoot) is a LaRusso Auto Group sales agent. Nate was seen fighting in the background. After Silver's defeat by Daniel, the evidence uncovered by the students as well as Stingray confessing the truth about Silver's attack on him causes Silver to be arrested on a litany of charges while Silver's students abandon him. He also reveals that Shawn was detained after assaulting a former friend who stole from their parents and attempted to attack him at home, while defending Kenny. Mohawk Guy in The Karate Kid. She eventually comes to a truce with Tory after witnessing her mother's sickness, with Tory admitting she felt like a fraud after learning Silver fixed their match. Dennis (William Christopher Ford) is one of Silver's henchmen and Mike's cronies who help torment Daniel. Raymond "Stingray" Porter (Paul Walter Hauser) is a hardware store employee. In Season 4, Demetri continues his relationship with Yasmine as well as his mended friendship with Hawk, being the only one to truly forgive him for his previous actions. when he prays to God for forgiveness before sweep kicking a drunk Johnny in front of his congregation). In Season 3, Tory is expelled from school for instigating the school brawl, placed on unsupervised probation, and is forced to take on a day job waitressing at a sushi restaurant to make ends meet for her struggling family as her mother is undergoing dialysis, and is constantly harassed by her perverted landlord Rodney, who makes sexual advances at her, and uses the threat of reporting her to her probation officer to prevent her from retaliating and intimidate her into backing off. Miguel stops himself and makes amends with Robby. Xander Stone (Talin Chat) represents Topanga Karate and is the 2017 All Valley Under-18 Karate Champion. In season 4, Hawk continues to train with both Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang, and eventually rekindles his romance with Moon. Kyler brutally beats Miguel and initially has the upper hand due to Miguel having recently recovered from accidentally being crippled by Robby during the school brawl, but Miguel, remembering all of Johnny's encouragement from when he was hospitalized and quickly defeats Kyler with a takedown counterattack consisting of a roundhouse kick, a back kick, an acrobatic flip, and a final knockout punch. 6) is Johnny Lawrence's stepfather and a retired film producer. Karate Kid actor Martin Kove, briefly appeared as John Kreese in the beginning of the film. Sam is confronted by her mother after taking Demetri to the hospital, who stops short of lecturing her again when she breaks into tears and explains what happened, prompting an enraged Amanda to storm into Cobra Kai and slap Kreese. In Season 4, Shannon informs Johnny that Terry Silver loaned Robby a car for the prom and gave her money, offering her a new home and a job. The Karate Kid (2010) Portrayed By Zhenwei Wang Cheng is the secondary antagonist of The Karate Kid (2010). When Tory breaks a portrait of Mr. Miyagi, however, Sam regains her resolve and fights back with a bo staff, borrowing a lesson Miguel mentioned learning from Johnny that "the best defense is more offense". She is seen as being a fan of Judge Judy. She confronts Tory outside the Cobra Kai Dojo, hoping to attain her mother's disability checks. Ultimately, Dre returns to the ring and ultimately defeats Cheng, much to Li's anger. Although she is surprised that Jessica never told her these stories before she met Daniel, she now realizes that Daniel has been telling the truth about Silver, pushing her to return home. Tory refuses, knowing she will use it for her own benefit at the expense of her family. Contents 1 Biography 2 Personality 3 Fighting Style 4 Trivia Biography Cheng was born in 1998 in China and resides in Beijing, China. When Samantha and Robby attend an end-of-summer party hosted by Moon, they are shocked to see all the Cobra Kai students there, even Bert. In season 3, due to fighting in school, Sam and all the other participants are suspended for two weeks (except for Tory and Robby, who are expelled for their actions against Sam and Miguel, respectively). before storming off, reminiscent of her father. Sadly, this was also Rob Garrison's final role, as he died in 2019. Louie has his namesake son, Louie LaRusso Jr., and daughter Vanessa, appearing in Cobra Kai. Hector brings Miguel in for a visit to his business. He is a close friend of Daniel and supports his vote on keeping Cobra Kai banned from competing in the All Valley Under-18 Karate Championships, but they are outvoted by Daryl, Ron, and Sue. Rodney (Grayson Berry) is Tory's apartment complex landlord. Kyler lies about what happened to make it sound like Johnny jumped him, prompting Daniel to confront Johnny over the attack and the reformation of the Cobra Kai dojo. In retaliation, Kreese beats up David and his gang and wins Betsy's heart. Uncle Louie (Joseph V. Perry) is Daniel's uncle and Lucille's brother-in-law. Like Daniel, Julie is the target of bullies in her school. In a drunken statement, he reveals that he was originally a wealthy man from Ecuador that had profited from his illegal ventures until he was arranged to marry Carmen. When Miyagi-Do and Eagle Fang subsequently begin training together to defeat Cobra Kai, Hawk and Demetri stand together as they start. During her time in Silver's Cobra Kai, she develops animosity with ruthless new sensei Kim Da-eun, who physically torments Tory, at one point making her punch a stone dummy for abandoning her match during the Sekai Taikai tryouts. Earlier in the series, Cruz sports a mustache, but he shaves it off after being mocked by Johnny. At the end of the film, he is seen cheering for Daniel and along with some of his friends, lifting Daniel up after his win, possibly reestablishing their friendship. Because Daniel was unable to continue at that time and Bobby being disqualified, he is the only Cobra Kai member that Daniel doesn't defeat. During the school brawl at the end of Season 2, Bert fights Nate, a former Cobra Kai student who defected to Miyagi-Do, until both boys are taken away from the hallway by one of the security guards. They also referred to the fact that Dutch is currently serving a 5 to 10-year prison sentence at Lompoc Federal Penitentiary. Daniel lets them join and they all settle in with the Miyagi teachings. Using a variant of the wheel technique that had been used against Hawk by Sam and Robby in the mall fight, Hawk and Demetri, alongside Miguel, are able to take down the remaining Cobra Kai students, forcing them to retreat. Mr. Palmer is a Science teacher at West Valley High School. Amanda requests Tory to play fair with Sam and to end her rivalry with her. In season 2 of Cobra Kai, Bobby is now a pastor at a church. He's the equivalent of Johnny Lawrence. The next day, Daniel catches Sam and Miguel making out on the dojo floor in the midst of a friendly sparring session. When Robby refuses to give them the passcode and turns against them, Cruz and Trey attempt to attack him but Robby fights them off with his new karate skills. The act is seen by Tory, who furiously challenges Sam to a fight in school the next morning. In the tournament, he is quickly defeated once again, but not before landing a point and putting up a fight. Moon reveals she invited all Cobras and Miyagi-Do students in an unsuccessful attempt to foster peace between the dojos. As she was able to turn her life around by realizing that becoming angry and violent wouldnt undo her parents divorce or her fathers affair and that she had to make the best of her situation, Amanda believes that Tory should also be given that chance, as Cobra Kais influence was enabling Tory to let her resentment, due to her home situation, cloud her judgement. Using a fictional Dungeons and Dragons story, he admits that Silver indeed assaulted him but is afraid to confess out of fear of retaliation. In Season 2, Sam blocks Miguel from her social media feeds on Instagram and bonds with Robby as they continue their training at Miyagi-Do. Daryl also admires Cobra Kai for being "a badass name for a dojo". He is a bigger student attending the same school as Dre and continually harasses him throughout the film for Dre's interactions with his possible love interest, Mei Ying. After the kick, Bobby drops down and sincerely and profusely apologizes to a pain-ridden Daniel before being pulled off him and disqualified. Meiying (Wenwen Han) is Dre's love interest. In season 3, Kreese recruits Kyler into Cobra Kai, much to Hawk's disapproval. Seeing this as a repeat of his childhood, Johnny confronts Silver at the former Cobra Kai dojo. He is the second Cobra Kai member to be defeated by Daniel in the All Valley Under-18 Karate Championships tournament. Daniel and Amanda are horrified when they eventually find out about Anthony's misconduct after Anthony and his friends get suspended for bullying Kenny in the library and ground him. Despite his original ulterior motive, Robby grows to appreciate Daniel's faith in him and turns against Cruz and Trey when they try to rob the dealership by fighting them off with his newfound karate skills and a security camera. In Season 3 of Cobra Kai, Daniel returns to Okinawa after traveling to Japan in an attempt to save his business by forever reviving his soon-to-be-canceled contract with Doyona, a marketing conglomerate that handles international sales for Asian automobiles. When the Cobra Kai students hold a party at the canyon park to prevent Yasmine from hosting her planned birthday party there, Moon apologizes to Aisha for her previous behavior and is then banished from Yasmine's clique right before a vengeful Aisha gives Yasmine a front wedgie in retaliation for her cyber-bullying. When the dust settles, he leaves Cobra Kai along with Johnny and the other students. while Kyler harasses and assaults Miguel. Amanda and Ali help Daniel and Johnny put aside their rivalry and come to terms with each other during the Christmas dinner at the country club. Like Bobby Brown in the original film, he is more civil than the rest of Cheng's gang and the least vicious of Dre's tormenters. In Season 2, Johnny starts developing feelings for Carmen but discovers that she is dating a British man named Graham. She eventually starts a relationship with Robby but continues to have lingering feelings for Miguel. The bullies nickname him "Rhea" after noticing the bottle of Pepto-Bismol and dump it all over him. He eventually regains his confidence, realizing that his true confidence came from himself, allowing him to easily defeat Kyler in the quarterfinals. Early in season 3, Kreese expels Bert and a bunch of other students from Cobra Kai after he displays hesitation at feeding a hamster to a snake. Taking Kreese's lessons to heart, Robby gains the upper hand on Shawn, winning his respect after he admits to not snitching. After Mrs. Mills (Deborah May) returns home from Christmas shopping for Ali's children, she asks Ali to come to the holiday party the next evening. Over thirty years later (Season 3, Episode 9 of Cobra Kai), Ali returns home to spend Christmas with her parents. Despite Terry Silver encouraging Tory to illegally hit Sam in the other eye to win, Tory, recalling their previous fights, fights clean and wins. After Mitch's removal from Cobra Kai, the pair reconcile and train under Eagle Fang Karate. At the end of the film, she is seen cheering loudly, keeping her 'pinky promise' to Dre, which was for her to be the loudest fan to cheer for him when he would win the Kung Fu tournament. Abe joins Cobra Kai Dojo along with many others after Miguel's self-defense demonstration in the school cafeteria. The trio has moved frequently and was living in Riverside before moving to Reseda. Amon Miyamoto will serve as director, with an accompanying novel being written by the original film's screenwriter Robert Mark Kamen. Miyagi tells her that he first taught Karate to her grandfather Jack, who then taught it to his son. To show forgiveness to the enemy, she organizes a car wash fundraiser to pay for Miguel's surgery after she learns from him that his family cannot afford the bills. During Kreese's tour of duty in Vietnam, it is revealed in a letter that Betsy is killed in a car accident in Pasadena while visiting her grandmother. She decides to take a break from Miguel after he returns from Mexico. [7] The opening date has yet to be announced. Aisha, still harboring resentment and anger toward Yasmine, angrily states to Moon, "Tell her she can stay in France". In Season 2, Anoush is transferred from the Encino branch to the North Hollywood branch. While Tory leads the Cobra Kais that night in an attack on the LaRusso house, Kreese keeps Robby behind at the dojo to train him. She also shares memories of her late husband, Daniel's father, with Daniel when he is having marital difficulties with Amanda. Elizabeth Anne Rooney (Sunny Mabrey), nicknamed Lizzie-Anne, is a high school acquaintance of Jessica Andrews and her cousin Amanda Steiner. In Season 4, she is fully supportive of Carmen and Johnny's romantic relationship as shown when she catches them kissing in front of her. She initially refuses to help her parents when they decide to reopen Miyagi-Do to combat Kreese. Jerry Robertson (Larry B. Scott) is another student at the Cobra Kai dojo, but he is not a part of Johnny's gang. During the fight in the dojo, Kyler mocks Eli for his loss to Kenny during the Sekai Taikai qualifier match, but is called out for continuing to be a bully. Movies. During the break-in, Miguel defends Robby from Kenny before Kenny attacks him to ignite the brawl. When she arrives at the Cobra Kai dojo, she impresses both Johnny and Kreese with her kickboxing abilities. Later at the 2019 All-Valley Tournament, Robby tells Kenny that Shawn would be proud of him for his improved progress under his mentorship. After a second confrontation with Miguel at the All-Valley Tournament, a depressed Sam returns home and resumes her own karate training, although she does reconcile with Aisha after she apologizes to Aisha for her former association with Yasmine and laughs about Yasmine's front wedgie incident. Barbara (Dana Andersen) is one of Ali's friends. He is among those who witness Miguel's fall. It stars Jaden Smith and Jackie Chan in lead roles, and it was produced by Jerry Weintraub, James Lassiter, Ken Stovitz, Will Smith and Jada Pinkett Smith. She went to high school with Daniel and Ali. Demetri quits on his first day of Cobra Kai training after Johnny bodyslams him for mouthing off, but he continues to support Miguel. Although Julie initially disliked him (on account of him being part of Col. Dugan's ruthless group), she begins to bond more with him after he watches over her hawk, Angel as a favor when she was away for training. In the boys' finals, after Miguel chooses not to return, Robby faces off against Hawk, who has returned to using his original name, Eli, and is allied with Miyagi-Do. Stunned by the rejection, Daniel realizes that he has fallen out of touch with his daughter, and at Amanda's suggestion, takes Sam on a fishing trip. In Season 3, after the school rumble, Moon and several other students take a neutral stance and partake in peaceful protests for the Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do students to become friends.

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