Daystar Church head pastor Johnny Enlow is one of the most outspoken New Apostolic Reformation leaders on homosexuality. 2001 0 2002 to 2005 0 John Hagee Ministries 2009 32,000 Among his other roles, Cromartie serves on the advisory board of an evangelical coalition called the Cornwall Alliance that opposes action to address climate change, depicting concern over global warming as part of a vast satanic conspiracy referred to as the green dragon. (see: Continuing in this vein, Moi commissioned an inquiry into devil worship as an offficial response to a growing belief that devil worship was becoming prevalent in Kenyan edu- cational institutions (Ogembo 2001, 7)., Alabama Policy Institute (EIN 63-0809568), The Alabama Policy Institute is an example of the overlap of the State Policy Institute system (which promotes pro-business, anti-regulatory legislation authored by ALEC, the American Legislative Council) and the Family Policy Council network associated with Focus on the Family and the Family Research Council (which promotes pro-family legislation and issues, as those are typically defined by the religious right.). 2007 1,453,751` Pennsylvania Family Institute As USA Today reported in a an August 3, 2014 story, The broadest attack yet on states gay marriage bans will be Wednesday in a packed courtroom in downtown Cincinnati, where lawyers challenging four states prohibitions will stand shoulder to shoulder in hopes of convincing a three-judge panel that the bans are unconstitutional.. Sozo is an exciting and growing prayer ministry that was birthed out of Bethel Church in Redding, California, helping people to receive salvation, healing and deliverance. 2009 945,497 [24], In 2016, Compassion was ranked the 15th-largest charity organization in the US by Forbes magazine, with $799 million in private donations received. 2013 14,900, Intercessors For America (EIN 04-2576811), John Beckett, IFA founder and head, was an original Coalition on Revival signatory. 2003 54,338 Eldridge stressed that the anti-gay movement must be perceived as a genuine grass roots uprising. He said that home rule is important, because a top-down approach doesnt work. Also in 2012, as described in CUs publication the Ivy League Christian Observer, Christian Unions Winter staff conference featured Andy Taylor, national director of Ellel Ministries USA. Second, the revenue growth metric was replaced by a debt to asset ratio. This ratio measures the assets a charity holds on its financial statements. One alleged Mercy Ministries former client testifies, I was judged right from the start because of my sexuality and they continually told me that was wrong and I shouldnt have those thoughts. 2003 210,325 2012 9,651,178, Josh McDowell Ministries ( CCC ) 2008 150,680 2006 601,138 ( Trinity Academy, no EIN given ) advised (see: the Kansas state legislature in the creation of Kansas House Bill 2453. In 1994 the Glenn Eyrie castle headquarters of The Navigators hosted a secret anti-LGBT rights conference which included representatives from Focus on The Family, the Family Research Council, the American Family Association, the Christian Coalition, Concerned Women of America, and the Christian Reconstructionism-linked U.S. Taxpayers Party. 2002 100 2004 3,000 Henry Orombi has, in turn, worked closely with prominent (and frequent) The Gathering speaker Rick Warren, who has helped provoke schisms within the Episcopal Church (see: and even offered schismatic groups worship space at his Saddleback Church (see: This encyclopedia documents the role of the National Christian Foundation as the leading domestic U.S. funding source for organizations and institutions involved in anti-LGBT rights activism and which are ideologically hostile to gay rights. 2010 26,750 Faith 2 Action Through Evangelism Explosion [p.69], 2001 1,000 2001 57,050 Coral Ridge Ministries 2010 5,000 The way God used sponsors through Compassion to World Outreach Ministries 2011 104,600 [5] This strengthens the case that homosexuality is a behavior based on choice, not on genetic fate. In his 2008 book The Seven Mountain Prophecy: Unveiling The Coming Elijah Revolution, Enlow writes, on page 171, A mass homosexual parade and celebration that was to bring many millions of dollars to New Orleans was scheduled the week Katrina hit the city. 2013 1,800, Center For Arizona Policy (EIN 86-0618922). Testimonies on the IHR website claim miracle healings of brain, bone, and lung cancer and also deliverance from the homosexual lifestyle. 2006 0 What makes Compassion stand out among other child development and/or sponsorship organizations? 7. 2009 5,350 In a 1993 speech, prominent Christian Reconstructionist Joseph Morecraft exclaimed that the role of civil government should be to terrorize evil doers to be an avenger! Patient- and Family-Centered Care for the LGBT Community (2011), . 2003 2,500 What follows is a summary of the information contained in Livelys book, Scott Lively has made repeated appearances on AFA Radio, including a 2013 appearance with the AFAs Sandy Rios, during which Lively claimed that the biblical flood was Gods punishment for the writing of wedding songs to homosexual marriage. Stephen Langa has been widely recognized as one of the leading Ugandan figures lobbying for passage of the Anti Homosexuality Bill. 11% of Compassion International management is Hispanic or Latino. Some seemed transfixed; some spoke in tongues, The Rev. 2009 500,066 2006 90,500 Your support gives a child life-changing 2005 195,441 2002 10,180 In March 2009, Schmierer who markets a line of ex-gay books translated into multiple languages including Russian, Chinese, and Hindi was a speaker, along with Scott Lively, at a Kampala, Uganda conference credited with dramatically escalating anti-LGBT hatred in Uganda. 2006 8,000 2011 27,450 2007 236,000 On page 171 Reese writes, Most of the time when we know we have dealt with lies and are ready to cast out, we simply call the demon by the name of its apparent function within the person and command it to leave, all without incident of resistance. 2008 7,200 2003 5,000 2009 38,100 2013 1,000, Bethel Church, Redding, CA (EIN 94-1514037), The Redding, CA Bethel Church has been the launching pad for a growing national network of the religious rights 2.0 ex-gay ministries, called Sozo (see: Sozo is a non-copyrighted, non-trademarked brand name for the Bethel Church style of spiritual healing. Battles to remove the Ten Commandments from public buildings, and fights to take under God out of our Pledge of Allegiance. 2008 2010 0 2006 281,500 If I made it past sickness, I would have succumbed the typical narrative of every young boy in these lands. 2010 23,000 2004 1,400 As reported in Kenyan media (see: ) on July 6, 2015 Ruto declared, in a speech at the Ziwani Church, The other day you heard that in America the court has ruled about homosexuality but in this country we will defend what is right and what our faith states., Ruto continued, God did not create man and woman for a man to come and marry another man. We are with you. and according to New Vision Mitala said homosexuality was one way of making the world extinct.. 2004 85,500 We are an independently owned and operated luxury day spa located in Ann Arbor, MI. 2008 284,700 ( 143K to AFA radio ) 2012 114,610, Regeneration Ministries/Regeneration, Inc. (EIN 52-1244128). Often we lead the person to speak the commands. It means we lose the objective source of law. (see:, Jeff Ventrella, head of Blackstone Legal Fellowship for the Alliance Defense Fund, has appeared on the TruthXChange radio broadcast (see:, E. Calvin Beisner, who heads the climate change denialist religious coalition called the Cornwall Alliance (see: has also appeared on the TruthXchange radio broadcast (, Dr Peter Jones is one of the featured speakers on the Cornwall Alliances Resiting the Green Dragon video series, which paints efforrts to curb man-made climate change as in reality a conspiracy to create a satanic one-world government. 2011 67,850 MT., or send mail to Compassion International, Colorado Springs, CO 80997. 2007 1,000 2008 7,800 2005 51,320 The Becket Fund is also an organizational partner of the American Religious Freedom Program (ARFP), a sub-project of the Ethics and Public Policy Center (see E&PPC entry). political freedom. 2012 84,628 One key concept is the idea that underdevelopment and poverty stem from a lack of a Christian (fundamentalist) worldview. LGBTQI+ people face criminalization in nearly 70 countriesseveral of which can impose the death penalty. Compassions strong commitment to financial transparency, integrity, and our core purpose of releasing children from poverty in Jesus name is and will continue to be unwavering. In a chapter of the book titled War Strategy: We Need a Battle Plan, Bright and Jenson write, on page 61, Satan is a master of surprise, and often he does it by slowly desensitizing us, lulling us to sleep so that we are unaware of his schemes. According to the Compassion International consolidated audit of June 30, 2018 (Note 1, Affiliates): Now, 11 years after Kennedy graduated from Compassion's program, he writes one final letter: Receive heartfelt greetings from me. Compassion International is publisher of Bushs 2009 book The 4/14 Window: Raising Up a New Generation to Transform The World, and Vice President of Compassion International Bambang Budijanto serves on the Transform-World steering committee. Food For the Hungry leaders were signatories to the 1980s umbrella group Coalition on Revival, whose members pledged to give their lives if necessary to rebuild society along biblical lines and impose biblical law. As legal fights over religious convictions on family and LGBT rights have continued to make their way through the courts and Congress, Bethany Christian decided to incorporate the move toward. The World Congress of Families has been identified by the Southern Poverty Law Center as an anti-LGBT Hate group. 2003 0 2012 1,123,200, The Heritage Foundation maintains an extensive website subsection devoted to arguments against LGBT rights, especially same sex marriage (see:, Heritage fellow Ryan T. Anderson has come to occupy an increasingly prominent role among the opposition to marriage equality (see:, In April 2014 Anderson made the claim that same-sex marriage is an elite luxury good bought for on the backs of the poor. (see:, 2001 10,000 By 2013, based on its $603 million in grants in FY 2012, the National Christian Foundation was judged by the Chronicle of Philanthropy to be Americas 12th biggest private foundation. harmony with all of Gods creation, free from pain, suffering, and death. Other Pure Passion experts present same-sex attraction as resulting from brokenness or wounds sustained in childhood. poor. These people are playing for keeps. But another speaker at the conference was even more significant, for having helped create the broader anti-LGBT rights strategy in which Lively has played an aggressive role. Like the Christian And Missionary Alliance, as it has grown and developed AIM has quietly drifted towards beliefs and practices associated with the New Apostolic Reformation movement and its outlier movements in charismatic evangelicalism, as well as towards the wider church growth movement from which many of the key NAR ideas and practices emerged. 2012 57,150 2010 0 It was a project of the Chick-Fil-A led Marriage CoMission, a coalition of dozens of ministries and organizations dedicated to fighting the downward spiral of marriage and the traditional family in America., The project included the participation numerous anti-LGBT organizations and leaders including Exodus International, Citizens for Community Values, the Alliance For Marriage (a driving force behind state anti-same sex marriage amendments), leaders from Focus on the Family, leaders from The Navigators, Campus Crusade For Christ Military Ministry, Alan Carlson and Larry Jacobs of the Howard Center, members of the Georgia Family Council, and representatives from Campus Crusade For Christ (Family Life). 2013 2,410,707. The counseling ministry is a good fit for the AIM International Services Department, which also provides bush flights, freight shipping and clearing, a guest- house, financial services, etc. A sponsor is someone who has made the decision to personally invest in the life of a child in need. Describing his time in Uganda, Hartley stated, in a November 27, 2009 appearance on a colleagues radio show, just two weeks ago I was with the members of parliament and had a marvelous time, these are dear brothers and sisters in Christ and they are in earnest about righteousness and the cause of Christ and the amazing thing is they are standing for righteousness in areas that where we have long ago sold ourselves down the river but theyre looking to us for spiritual mentoring to, that they as kings and queens so to speak can stand in kingdom alignment and operate according to Biblical principles in their spheres of influence. 2007 2,250 Typically viewed as marginal, the movement has nonetheless gained widespread ideological traction through its promotion of a libertarian vision for radically shrinking government a vision that is not inherently theocratic but nonetheless advances the Reconstructionist political agenda, which foresees churches and local government moving into the void created as federal and state government are radically pared down. As of when Ahmanson cosponsored the Villars Consultation, he was still serving on Chalcedons board of directors and over the years had been closely mentored by Chalcedon founder R. J. Rushdoony, considered the father of Christian Reconstructionism and whose dying bedside Howard Ahmanson sat vigil at in 2001. Fosters institute promotes a Christian nationalist version of American history. 2006 2,400 Sexual, gender, and bodily diversity are characteristics of every society, every culture, and every country around the world and across time. Compassion coordinates every aspect of the trip, including travel, meals, tips and gratuities, fees related to the travel, and sightseeing fares. The IRD, which historically received heavy funding from Howard Ahmansons Fieldstead & Co., has aggressively worked to provoke schisms in mainline Protestant denominations over wedge issues such as the ordination of gay clergy, same sex marriage, and abortion. What countries does Compassion work in? Jack Klenk serves on the UCUP board of directors. Compassion International, Inc. is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. 65% of the management team is White. Compassion strives to protect children from all forms of abuse. Noebels most notable contribution, as expressed in his 1991 book Understanding the Times: The Religious Worldviews of our Day and the Search for Truth (1996, Harvest House, republished in 2006) may be his idea that secular humanism has replaced communism as the leading threat to America and Christianity. a national Good News Club conference which featured, as a keynote speaker, NCF-funded evangelist Charles W. Ware who co-authored with Young Earth creationist Ken Ham the book Darwins Plantation: Evolutions Racist Roots (2007, Master Books) in which Ware and Ham write, The homosexual agenda is extending its tentacles throughout the United States culture via media, entertainment, education, and the political system. (p. 168). 2011 30,400 In 2011, the IFPC, known for hosting Republican candidate debates, released a pledge on family values, The Marriage Vow A Declaration of Dependence upon Marriage and Family, which included support for the anti-same sex marriage Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), that was quickly signed by presidential hopefuls Rick Santorum and Michele Bachmann. (see: see ) The major 2012-2013 National Christian Foundation increase in funding to the liberty Counsel is suggestive in light of LCs legal representation of Lively. Scruton neatly elided the reality that American military adventurism had effectively obliterated what Iraqi nationalism had existed, and removed a dictator who, for all his brutality, had effectively held the nation together. From April 16-18, 2009, less than a week before the draft of Ugandas Anti Homosexuality Bill was introduced in Ugandas Parliament, the Atlanta-based College of Prayer held two major events in Kampala, including a Parliamentary Prayer Breakfast that was broadcast on Ugandan national radio. 2007 1,400,000 In 1985 Howard Ahmanson told the Orange County Register that My purpose is total integration of biblical law into our lives. expanded to serve over 25 different countries and over four million children. Along with Stafford, Warren also an advocate for the indoctrination of youth as practiced by violent secular 20th Century revolutionary movements such as Nazism, Bolshevism, and communism under Chairman Mao Tse Tung during Chinas bloody Cultural Revolution. In the 2008 election, under the leadership of President John Stemberger, the Florida Family Policy Council helped organize the successful push for an anti-same sex marriage state constitutional amendment. In the video Alcorn states, Jesus did not say to medicate a demon, he said to cast them out.. Your support gives a child life-changing opportunity to develop spiritually, emotionally, physically and economically. 2011 15,800 Gods ultimate answer for suffering and deprivation is the gift of His only Son, Jesus Compassion International Response Thank you for your feedback! When the Father tells you to do something, Cox says, you dont argue with HimYou dont need to know why. During a 1987 sermon at his church, according to two people who were there, Cox preached that the goal of the charismatics is to establish the Kingdom of God on Earth, adding, The Kingdom of God is not a Democracy. After that sermon, he embraced a member of his flock, Oliver North, Who knows why Thomas attends services at Truro. Community development is important work that addresses the external circumstances of poverty and is an important complement to our work. At the presentation, a program director for the Maclellan Founbdation solicited funds (through an anonymizing mechanism, likely a donor-advised fund) to implement the plan. People are hurting . 2008 1,000 1. 2010 23,700 2007 40,004 Regeneration is billed as one of the oldest ex-gay ministries. spiritual needs. The result is a gender confusion never experienced at such a wide level in the history of the world. 2011 9,350 suffering and injustice. 2006 30,823 2013 100, International House of Prayer (EIN 74-2938033), 2001 to 2003 0 2008 18,750 2009 4,000 relationship more powerful than poverty changing their life and yours! 2013 4,400, Marriage and Family Foundation (EIN 26-0142546), In 2005, top leaders from Chick-Fil-A, including Don Cathy, launched the Marriage and Family Legacy Fund, which later change its name to the Marriage & Family Foundation. First of all thank you for your confidence. The California School Project co-partners with the Pacific Justice Institute to evangelize in California schools. 2010 3,550 It was the safest place to be. New Hope has acquired, as a co-leader, Anne Paulk who was a co-star in the 1998 Love Won Out campaign that showcased ex-gay couples in full-page ads which ran in leading print media venues such as the New York Times. 2001 141,548 2004 877,650 Compassion currently works in 27 countries around the world. Our leader, Bishop Julius Oyet, with Lifeline Ministries I met him, a dear friend of Os Hillman, Marketplace Ministries, here in Atlanta when we were introduced it was just a divine appointment and he invited us to come to Uganda. The emphasis on redistribution of wealth as the answer to poverty and deprivation Releasing children from poverty in Jesus' name. Kennedy grew up in a well-known slum outside of Nairobi, Kenya called Mathare. Among legislators on Capitol Hill who participate in Capitol Ministries are some of the most extreme far-right congressional representatives and senators in America including ( ) : Representatives Michele Bachman, Paul Broun (who has declared that evolution is from the pit of Hell !), Louis Gohmert, Steve King, and Joe Wilson, who interrupted President Barack Obamas 2009 State of the Union speech by shouting out You lie!. Encourage informed Christian thinking about contemporary social issues It is about a socialist, anti-family political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism, and become lesbians. (see: (see: ), In early 2014, Moore mailed letters Wednesday to all 50 governors urging them to get their legislatures to call for a convention to add an amendment to the U.S. Constitution saying the only union recognized by state and federal governments is the union of one man and one woman., reported the Associated Press (see:, Freedom in Christ Ministries (EIN 33-0361836), A practicing exorcist, Neil T. Anderson, is considered one of the leading Protestant authorities on techniques to expel (demon deliverance) demon spirits alleged to possess human beings. 2011 50,000 2008 22,500 Regeneration Ministries Some Teen Challenge centers practice reparative therapy and attempt to change sexual orientation through exorcism. De-facto head of the Ethics and Public Policy Center is Vice President Michael Cromartie, a frequently featured speaker at The Gathering. Joining Oyet was Joshua Lwere, future head of Ugandas National Fellowship of Born Again Pentecostal Churches, whose membership represented a key block of political support for the Museveni regime. 2008 17,100 2011 1,260,040 2005 17,550 Compassion International alumni, now adults, thank sponsors for their impact in emotional letters. If only you knew that one day I'd become a soldier. 2009 2,099,144 Consequently, it is not surprising that one of the most prominent AIC churches in Kenya, Nairobis Africa Inland Church Ziwani, has recently served as a launching point for Kenyan Vice President William Rutos mounting rhetorical attacks on LGBT rights and same-sex marriage. Set up your online account. 2003 500 Hammond is also author of the book Biblical Principles for Africa, which presents a Christian Reconstructionist template for society, and his ministry gives Biblical worldview seminars throughout Africa, patterned after the Biblical Worldview trainings held by the James Dobson-endorsed Summit Ministries. As UK academics Gregory Deacon and Gabriel Lynch describe in their monograph Allowing Satan in? 2013 2,000. Do we think we can escape such persecution if we refuse to fight for what is right?, 2001 13,000 2005 109,750 2011 812,500 2011 2,750 Youthbuilders, Advocates International bills itself as the worlds biggest faith-based legal association, with thousands of legal professionals around the globe. 2011 1,199,576 Following closely in his fathers footsteps Matthew Hagee, who has taken over as head pastor at John Hagees Cornerstone Church, claims AIDS is a choice (see: and fulminates, We are at a tipping point when the church can watch the homosexual agenda be advanced in public schools and we sit back and whine about it. The problem, according to Eldredge, is an emasculating overemphasis on manners: Where are all the real men? is regular fare for talk shows and new books. 2012 230,615, Officers Christian Fellowship (EIN 38-1415401), ( see: ), 2001 3,000 2004 74,100 2007 5,000 2003 10,000 2011 6,600 2005 1,600 Ugandan Stephen Langa, on of the top lobbyists for the Uganda Anti Homosexuality Bill and a close ally of Livelys, is an elder at the Watoto Church. 2002 1,000 bisexual behaviorsLev. 2013 0, Christian Anti Defamation Commission (EIN 65-0962138). has a history of hyperbolic claims, such as concerning the U.S. Air Forces firing of Senior Master Sgt. 800-336-7676 According to critic Tom Barry, writing for Counterpunch, E&PPC helped forge a working alliance between secular neoconservatives, Christian conservatives, and the broader religious right. Compassion International is an American child sponsorship and Christian humanitarian aid organization headquartered in Colorado Springs, Colorado, that aims to positively influence the long-term development of children globally who live in poverty. 2006 46,350 9. The fortune of the narrowly-targeted Alliance for Marriage has risen and fallen with the religious rights efforts to prevent the legalization of same-sex marriage. 2012 247,299, The Family Foundation of Virginia (EIN 52-1425355), 2008 1,300 2008 277,750 2007 0 The faithful stood much of the time with arms lifted high, palms facing skyward, singing tributes to Jesus Christ. International House of Prayer Just a sexual degenerate with a Marxist agenda Even in the 1960s, the controlled media and politicians were determined to push their racial mixing program on America. (EIN 65-496702) Truth In Action is the working name of Coral Ridge Ministries Media, Inc. As chronicled by RightWingWatch, in 2012, the same year that Truth In Action was funded by the National Christian Foundation, the ministry showcased activists who likened homosexuality to slavery and called for its criminalization. The failure to operate from a distinctively Biblical perspective in both methods and goals. 2008 20,000 2011 785,243 (see:, 2001 200 name and treasure the thought that you care about them. evaluators and watchdogs. (see:, William P. Mumma, President of the Becket Fund, serves on the ARFP advisory board (see:, 2001 25,000 Eldredges paean to manly aggression has been unexpectedly popular among the former head of the ultra-violent Mexican drug cartels La Familia Michoacana and its successor the Knights Templar, which established their fearsome reputation by committing mass decapitations. 2013 1,239,850, Christian Anti-Communism Crusade (EIN 95-1921156). 2003 5,000 It is a violent, family-destroying sin, which, if tolerated, will devour a generation of young men and women..
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