He was drafted 55th overall by the Washington Capitals in the 2nd round of the 2009 entry draft. Any Russian attack even with conventional weapons on US mainland infrastructure would be running the extreme risk of a nuclear strike in retaliation. A great many governorships have been granted to ambitious young managers with potential for national office. Orlov scored a goal, dished an assist, logged two hits and went plus-2 in Monday's 4-3 overtime win over the Islanders. With Dmitry Orlov's arrival, who will be the odd man out on the Bruins Suddenlyor not so suddenly if you've been paying attentionwe seem to be living in a slightly different world. Bird numbers are still high, but new species are moving in and disturbing the harmony of the older arrangements. Jerm Warfare is the battleground of South African cartoonist and broadcaster, Jerm. The steps are obvious and unfortunately, maybe definitive: zioimposed religious schism, forceful and exclusive use of Ukrainian from 2020 on, denial to belong to other country different from Ukraine (a patchwork assembled through land thefts). Under Hitlery the crazies will have a free hand and they will take the provocations to the next level. It has no memory and it decides nothing. The trainers were then replaced with CIA types who simply collected intelligence on how to fight a high-intensity ground war without air supportsomething that no NATO force would ever consider doing. Impact Orlov, who was acquired from Washington on Thursday, was playing in his second game with Boston. In this segment of my interview with engineer and writer Dmitry Orlov, I ask Dmitry to provide an overview of the ongoing collapse of the United States empire on the geopolitical, economic, and political fronts, since our first interview recorded and released last year. Yes, these I do expect, leading to the break up of the US. Listen to audio about Doan Winkel. What mattered was his loyalty and his political debts.. Christ. Under Mao, despite natural disasters and political mistakes, China grew economically at about 10%p.a, but from the lowest base imaginable ie after 150 years of malevolent Western interference, Opium Wars, the Taiping Rebellion, Civil Wars and the genocidal assault of the Japanese Imperial butchers. Also, Ekaterina Velikaya liberated Crimea from a Tatar khan, not from any mythical Ukrainians. Your main problem is youve stumbled onto a site where almost everyone is a good deal more fluent in history than you are. Having had successful careers as an electronics engineer and then as a software engineer, I am something of a walking, talking museum of automation technology, and can take you on a brief tour of its development. Empire w/ Dmitry Orlov, Dmitry Orlov: America's Fading Global Influence, #113 | America Faded: Syria, Russia, & The Decline Of The American Empire w/ Dmitry Orlov, Collapse and the Technosphere with Dmitry Orlov, Best Dmitry Samarov Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmitry, Best Dmitry Shevelenko Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmitry, Best Dmitry Sitkovetsky Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmitry, Best Dmoney Martinez Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmoney, Best Dmytro Balaba Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dmytro, Best Doak Walker Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Doak, Best Doan Winkel Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Doan, Best Dobbin Buck Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dobbin, Best Doberman Dan Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Doberman, Best Dobie Gillis Interviews on Podcasts or Audio about Dobie. It was then decided that the road map for Ukraines inclusion in NATO should be set aside because the Ukrainians are just too crazy for sedate and sedentary NATO. The Ukraine is rather highly militarized, is awash with weapons, full of people who have been circulated through the frontlines in Donbas and know how to fight, and they may decide to put up a fight at some point. Dmitry is an engineer who has contributed to fields as diverse as high-energy Physics and . No other sentence could possibly fit the magnitude of their crimes. // the rank idiocy of Zbigniew Brzezinskis Grand Chessboard: his theory that Russia wants to be an empire but cannot do so without the Ukraine. Complete psychopaths. About the only ones with any passion among them are the Nazis who march around with torches and sport Nazi insignia. Your navy would be loathe to sail into foreign waters knowing that they could be sunk without so much as a chance to fire back. Ive already read several articles of Dimitri Orlov so he is known to me, but in this interview hes really on fire. MOSCOW Moscow is calling on Kiev to renounce its plans to resolve the dispute over the Kerch incident before the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and sit down at the negotiating table to resolve the differences, the Russian Foreign Ministry said. In one of the Polish classics the author wrote a wonderful but sad thing about the end of military men rozdziobi nas kruki, wrony in short Crows and Wrens are going to feed on us. He looks at the dire situation facing the U.S., its dollar status, and the disintegration of the political system. But mostly their Anti-Terrorist Operation, which is what they are calling this civil war, has turned into a propaganda initiative, with the mythical Russian invaders invoked at every turn to explain their otherwise inexplicable string of defeats. The Saker: What is your take on the first round of Presidential elections in the Ukraine? What is your best guesstimate of what will happen in the short-to-medium term future? I clicked on the ghosthistory link and got a stern warning to not go there, due to possible theft of passwords, etc. Dmitry Orlov: Pandemic, Economic Collapse, & Military Conflict He had a minus-1 rating, a shot, two hits and a block in his Bruins debut Saturday. The inevitable result was that most of the other Soviet republics were able to suck resources out of Russia, making them far more prosperous than Russia itself. Its a matter of timing; when the US finds itself in a bind and has to focus on critical situations caused by things like war (Venezuela), mayhem at the southern border, stock market crash, racially motivated conflicts and riots, multiple devastating natural disasters which seem to be gaining intensity every year or a combination of these, Russia feeling that the US is exhausted will go ahead and make the move of acquiring these territories and probably along with other ones like Moldova. Those who survive the coming 5 to 15 years will have to be much wiser, or they will be dead. I dont completely agree. But, as Ive said before, the USA isnt so much a country as a country club. But nothing has really happened yet. The 31-year-old is the kind of quintessential bottom-six winger who brings energy and physicality every night while pitching in on offense. And the purpose of writing them is to make a bit of extra money to pay baby-sitters (at least it was in my case at the time). I experience it everyday as do many others on the streets. Instead, as RG states, the vast majority of adult Americans are sickeningly ignorant of vast corporate greed, how the US militarys budget takes nearly 50% of the Discretionary money; nor do they realize the judicial corruption, and the extent of corporate/banking powers who OWN all state, regional, federal politicians. Question: Have you seen any grounds for optimism in the results of the first round of the presidential election in Ukraine? If you want to contact me, my email address is my first name dot my last name at gmail. In the 1960s the Black Panthers set up community service organizations ( food banks, day care centers, local armed militias) and their slogan wasPower to the People. . I dont see a bright future ahead, I think the dogma of Neoliberalism has had a very major impact on peoples pysches in Australia. Dont know about the rest but about the Russian Army: we dont want any part of them. I am largely from the UK so I have no idea where they get their money from. Ive seen peoples car brake down and everyone around runs to help (something I have never seen in any other anglo country). For the US, very bad times ahead. This to remark that the big decisions must not rely entirely on the rational part, because it is too prone to make mistakes. It is becoming clear that Putin, although he is still very active in both domestic and international politics, is coasting toward retirement. Yes, Orlov has been predicting the collapse of the US, and it will happen. ber alles in der Welt. Listen to audio about Dobie Gillis. Why do you, Dmitry, continue to live in the USA? Khrushchev the Ukrainian native is repeated all the time. So far at least they havent purged his wifes page,and she is still shown as Ukrainian. Dmitry Orlov Contract, Dmitry Orlov Cap Hit, Salary and Stats - Puckpedia This is a process that should take place and will be completed. A US version of the Yellow Vests? In situations when nothing can be made to work and all has come Dmitry Orlov: The first round of the elections was an outright fraud. News: 12 hours ago Orlov scored a power-play goal and added two even-strength assists in Thursday's 7-1 win over the Sabres.. Orchestrating a smallish but highly publicized radiation leak from one of the ancient Ukrainian nuke plants would probably work. There is little doubt that young people, who have already been bled dry by poor job prospects and ridiculous student loans, have nothing to look forward to either. Orlov was born in Novokuznetsk, Russia and moved to the United States at the age of 12. It is a purely negative identity: Ukraine is that which is not Russia. The people are as good as anywhere, but only as trained as their culture tells them to be. Russia has said it will not wait for the enemy to bring the fight to them. Dmitry Orlov Stats, News, Bio | ESPN Dmitry Orlov: The Precipitous Decline Of America's Global Empire Anyone who thinks nukes will definitely not be used are deluding themselves. JOIN THE CONVERSATION. Tardigrades, lichens and cyanobacteria may survive, but more complex life forms will perish in droves, in a short period of time as the plant becomes uninhabitable for higher life forms, like horses, whales, turtles, orange trees, ferns, lilacs, ducks and parrots. His argument on the one hand makes total logical sense. Ive followed Orlov and the Saker for a long time. Quite correct concerning NATOs soldiery (vot taks pet phrase Zionazi gay springs to mind immediately!) Churchill, for all his drug stupor and moral depravity, did know some truths after all. There is little doubt that retirees, as a category, have nothing to look forward to from the USA: their retirements, whether public or private, have already been spent. Hes talking about how Russia would actually fight the US, if it came to that. > Quotes. Orlov and the Saker suggest that the economic costs are at least for now too high for Moscow to consider welcoming these areas back into the fold. Apologies if youve been asked this all too many times already. Fortunately Russia recovered Crimea, and the mining/industrial regions are disputed, but the Khazarians control 2 critical assets: the other coastal oblasts and the chernozem soils. It really is a concise and important expose. AND they beat the USA in Korea, too. imposing the imperial English language on everyone.So we have all this complaining about that much dreaded Ukrainian language that it even exists.The clear ultimate objective for Ukrainian identity is to restore the strength of the original often called Kyivan Rus and its heritage. If we drop the conceit that the Ukraine is a country that can be viable if separated from Russia, what can we say about its chances as part of a Greater Russia? In the meantime, it has become abundantly clear that neither EU nor NATO membership is the least bit likely, or necessary: the EU got everything it wanted from the Ukraine by forcing it to sign the Association Agreement while giving nothing of value in return; and Ukrainian territory already serves as a playground for NATO training exercises. Clearly China doesnt fit into Orlovs idea of an empire as a wealth pump that sucks from the periphery to enrich the centerthis is true of course of exploitation-based imperial projects such as western colonialismbut is clearly not applicable to the Chinese model, which has been both the biggest and most durable empire in human historyso that is a big hole in Orlovs theory, It is true that the USSR was a fundamentally different kind of empire from the exploitative western colonialismand it is also true that it ultimately did not succeedalthough it managed to accomplish almost incomprehensible progress in modernization, science and technologyand industrializationthe foundations of Russian strength today rest squarely on the foundations put in place during the Stalin era, Elsewhere on this site there is a brilliant series of essays by Ramin Mazaheri about the tumultuous cultural revolution of the 1960sand why it was necessaryRussia also needed a cultural revolution around this timethe system needed to be rejigged to better serve the peoplein living standardfairness and justiceopportunity for social advanceetc, But it never happenedinstead the system became more sclerotic than everand the welfare of the people stagnatedat the very moment in time when the capitalist west, especially the United States, was able to reign in the appetites of its parasite class and provide the people with a decent share of its [largely ill-gotten, by means of global finance colonialism] gains[during the postwar decades, the share of national wealth of the 0.1 percent fell to an all time low of about 7 percentabout a quarter of historic, and current levels], This was the golden age in the USwell paying jobs in industry were plentiful and the company president made perhaps ten times what the shop floor worker took homea second household income was completely unnecessaryuniversity education at state colleges was practically free, The life of the Soviet citizen in the1960s was not too far behindStalins five year plans in the1930s had created an industrial powerhouseit was Russias ability to produce that allowed it to prevail over Germany in the existential warand despite the devastation of the people, cities and countryside Russia was able to quickly become a technological superpoweras an aerospace engineer I have a deep appreciation of the depth and breadth of Russian technical achievements and the basic scientific advances that made that possiblethe US was laughably left in the dust, despite having skimmed the cream of Nazi Germanys technical scientific talentand contrary to what US propaganda would have the people believe, China in the postwar era was starting from scratchmillions were in danger of starving, and many didthere was no industry nor infrastructure to speak ofMaos great leap forward lifted several hundred million souls out of the very real possibility of perishingthe foundations of industry, some of which were already in place thanks to Russian help were systematically builtcompared to Russia and the US China started from 100 years backalthough its worth noting that 200 years ago China was the worlds biggest and most prosperous economy by far, So these are the broad historical strokes of the 20th centuryits useless to talk about empires as some kind of pumps without first understanding these basic dynamicsthe simple fact is that China has done everything right in the last 70 yearswhile Russia did great [and smart] things under Stalin and the momentum of those accomplishments managed to carry over for a couple of more decades, before the system crumbled, due to lack of renewal, Chinas communist party again showed its dexterity by making yet another renewal in the1980sallowing a limited and pragmatic capitalism to carve out a niche for itself and help millions to achieve prosperitymuch is made in the ridiculous western press about Chinas billionaires, but hundreds of millions of peasants and street level business people making a better life for themselves is where the real story lies, Of course the massive Chinese empire has been adapting like this for centuries, if not millenniaRussia with the Soviet Union only needed to make similar smart adjustmentsinstead they threw out the baby with the bathwaterlets see where Russia goes from here, but with people like Siluanov and Nabiullina in charge of the nations money, I am not optimistic. Dmitry is riveting and the viewer will have an opportunity to hear a perspective outside that of mainstream media.Please be sure to like and subscribe.You can also find the video on our new Bitchute and Rumble pages:https://rumble.com/vx51sv-dmitry-orlov-discuss-russia-ukraine-and-the-united-states.htmlDmitry has shifted from Patreon to Boosty. The only part of the US which probably will emerge as a cohesive force will be the old South, Dixie land, which has history and tradition behind it. But that sort of smooth transition may be hard for the EU and the Americans to orchestrate. It is still going strong in others, but it not to early to imagine (dare I say, predict?) My hope is that the US military personnel currently scattered throughout the planet will not be simply abandoned once the money runs out, but I wouldnt be too surprised if that is what happens. Having such a National School it is certainly a good thing especially if it is not linked and funded by Western entities. Nothing really new here but the interview does a masterful job of asking the right questions; and the 00:00. The policies proffered by the opposition Labor Party are laughably inadequate, but only a quarter or so as inadequate as the ruling regimes supposed policies (which they will repudiate if re-elected)but they are drawing truly demented and fanatic opposition, primarily on the basis of cost. Russia in particular has zero use for any arrogant, self-worshipping trash babbling about their European values and Exceptional Indispensable Country. Well see how that pans out, but it aint gonna be pretty either way. They are also tactically important. The MIC is acting more irrationally and even the Israelis have something called the Sampson option. That is where they nuke everyone even if it provokes their own destruction. This country was so different back then, people were so much friendlier, laid back, way more trusting but that was before the dogma of Neoliberalism really kicked in. There are many alternatives, but none of them resemble any sort of exercise in democracy. But brave soldiers The collapse of the United States seems about as unlikely now as the collapse of the Soviet Union seemed in 1985. But dont force that stuff down our throats. * The Donbass people already decided twice, by clear majority of the popular vote, to become part of the Russian Federation. And that, if you like good news, is the best news you are going to hear.. Support Jerm's work by becoming a member. Not a damned thing you can do, its all a done deal. lot of cursing/praying to be heard; are these two in some sense not The technosphere can be a dangerous place, according to Orlov's new book, Shrinking the Technosphere. Dmitry Orlov show his value to Bruins in matchup with Connor McDavid I do not doubt this or that the West will recognise this election. And I mainly fear: they will never understand what has happened to them. They would no doubt find some least-effort way to make the attempt at Western agribusiness in the Ukraine unprofitable. True, and not contested. * For example, people who have never spoken a word of Ukrainian are now forced to use it in order to shop or to obtain government services.The artificial, synthetic Ukrainian identity is too thin to give the country a sense of self or a sense of direction. b) that its possible to achieve truly prodigious results without slavery, mayhem, and murder even as the West launches extermination campaigns against your country. Artemy), Orthodox Prophecies: Vaccines Will Be Manipulated to Alter DNA and Destroy Free Will, Finally, Orthodox Church Music that Sounds Truly American, Greek Priest Foresees Unimaginable Satanic Evil Directed Against Children (Fr. I have no doubts that with time Novorossiya will become if not part of Russia then certainly so intertwined with Russia that to all intents and purposes it will be Russian again. situated between the two hipbones of the pelvis. Dmitry Orlov: The US Is Sleepwalking Towards A Nuclear Confrontation In it he teaches the 4 basic techniques of propaganda used by the US media. The views expressed are solely those of the authors and may or may not reflect those of The Saker Blog. K may have loved Uke culture or may have had a political debt to pay or something when he gave Crimea to Ukraine. Just stony silence. Vierotchka, thanks for pointing out the Khrushchev was not Ukrainian. Dmitry Orlov: "Let's See What Happens. We Have Motivation" WellI just started in on this piece and already I have a major beefOrlovs notion that the dissolution of the Soviet Union was good for Russia. the same? More than one has clearly stated to me that they have to get their children out of the ever more hedonistic populated areas and go back to the basics. pack guncotton into artillery shells. You go under, and youre gone forever, and very quickly forgotten. Tomorrow is full dress event in Balaklava. It happens on US soil, and it avoids nuclear weapons from either side. You have the US, as a sort of cracked outer shell. It will continue as a talking shop while various national governments attempt to reclaim their sovereignty. Just doing basic fact check wanted author to add where K was born, and to my surprise I found that he was not born in the Ukraine. Dmitry Orlov and Garnet Hathaway registered their first points with the Both their governments forced the EU constitution through their throats anyway and that without asking (Lisbon treaty). All of this makes rockets worth watching, as I have been doing, and I couldn't help but notice some rather peculiar developments that portend major changes in how superpowers must interact. Prior to this Bolshevik effort, Ukraina was not used as a proper political or geographic designation. It is available for download and install by clicking on the Google Play Store Badge above. I am more inclined to believe those who are censored and suppressed; those with more to lose; those with skin in the game. Russia has finally lost her soul with the end of USSR.
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