The, DaneWigington "Dangerous Arctic Blast Ushering Coldest Air For 2023 Across Northern US",a new FOX newsharbinger headline of the coming winter weather warfare that is scheduled, DaneWigington Mexico has "banned" geoengineering, do they mean it? Dear blacks its a technology of mass destruction called HAARP. Much of the "overcast" in the overall image is also aerosol in composition, but the visible dispersions are not detectable as they have already spread out. A geoengineeredrecord deep freeze is scheduled to hammerthe Eastern US, just in time for the holidays. Earth's life support systems are literally collapsing from countless forms of human activity. All available data indecates the geoengineers have been actively suppressing cyclones in the Atlantic basin for at least a decade. Weather system cloud configurations like the oneshown above are historically unprecedented and completely unnatural. Generators at the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) operations center in Alaska (buildings to the upper left) feed power to the large antenna array to the right. In the programmes FAQ section the university states: Radio waves in the frequency ranges that HAARP transmits are not absorbed in either the troposphere or the stratosphere the two levels of the atmosphere that produce Earths weather. Such experiments have been conducted since 1999 and include Milikh et al. The ionosphere. Health Freedom News, Our government is nothing more than a state sponsored crime syndicate. Caring for the future of our planet and our children requires action, it requires effort and prioritizing. Even with all the unbelievable anomalies that cannot be explained by conventional meteorology, the entire climate science community tries to anyway. Cape Verde is an island country with an area of 4,033 sq. The geoengineers are continuing to ramp up on their forcing of the climate processes even as the whole climate system frays apart. DaneWigington Does the sun feel scorching hot? While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. This narrative is being pushed by, DaneWigington Air travel is becoming evermore hazardous to human health for a host of reasons. Africa, the second largest continent, is bounded by the Mediterranean Sea, the Red Sea, the Indian Ocean, and the Atlantic Ocean.It is divided almost equally in half by the Equator. Photo credit: Dirk Poole. Radio frequency transmissions emanating from the French Southern and Antarctic Lands, captured on satellite imagery. Though, DaneWigington The public has been trained and conditioned to believe that federal agencies like the EPA exist to watch over them and warn them of, DaneWigington How do we retain our health in an increasingly contaminated environment? DW, Must view, THE DIMMING,ourmost comprehensive climate engineering documentary:. The global climate system is being torn to shreds from so many directions and sources that there is virtually no natural or unattained weather left at this point. The gravity, DaneWigington Ongoing investigations and document releases continue to expose the endless flow of lies and deception emanating from the US government. The weather makers continue to wreak havoc on the climate system overall. So many scientists are participating in research and activities that have already pushed us past the point of no return. The ones who are a threat to the global elite get arrested, committed to psychiatric hospitals or worse. This must also be considered, ALL forms of climate engineering involve the use of highly toxic materials that quickly descendthrough the breathable air column and are, therefore,inhaled and absorbed by all life forms. Is Climate Engineering Contributing To Noctilucent Cloud Formation? DaneWigington Is the military industrial complex insane enough to incinerate Earth's last remaining forests, DaneWigington Many are now aware of and justifiably concerned about Lake Mead soon becoming, DaneWigington The global controllers are utilizing every tool they have at their disposal to, DaneWigington Climate engineering operations are cutting off the flow of moisture to the US, DaneWigington Geoengineering is wreaking havoc all over the world, from fires to ice. Make your voice heard in the critical battle to expose and halt the global climate engineering / weather warfare assault, and for the greater good. The latest "Temperature Departure From Average" map shown below is very revealing in regard to the true state of global temperatures. Responsibility for HAARP was transferred to the University of Alaska Fairbanks in 2015. The climate engineers will likely try to weaken the stormto create the largest expanse of aerosolized sun blocking cloud canopy possible (SRM operations), and, again, possiblyto keep the storm from actually making landfall on the US east coast. HAARP, in full High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program, scientific facility for studying the ionosphere, located near Gakona, Alaska. DaneWigington Extreme weather whiplash is now the norm, how much worse will it get? They decide. Um, no, No break-in or prison release at Umzinto in KwaZulu-Natal, Buckle up! Both of these facilities were built with both active and passive radio instrumentation similar to those at the HAARP facility. The conspiracy-minded believe HAARP is a secret weapon for weather modification and have blamed it triggering floods, droughts, major power outages and even earthquakes in Iran. Record forest die-offs and recordforest fires are yet more downstream effects. The geoengineers decide where precipitation will falland where it won't, where there will be record drought and where there will be record flooding. What are they doing to all life on Earth? This is true with the human body and it is true with the planet. But rarely have humans been lucky enough to see them happen in, Source Skeptical Science What The Science Says: Peer-reviewed research, physics, and math all tell us that a grand solar minimum would have no more than a, Source: Resilience Human beings are now waging war against life itself as we continue to destroy not just individual lives, local populations and entire species in, Climate geoengineering at scale must be considered only as a last resortThere should be no lessening of attempts to otherwise correct the harmful impacts of human economies on the Earths ecology and climate., Raytheon Corporation is the third largest weapons manufacturer, and is a partner in. Like sound waves, microwave transmissions ripple through the atmosphere,leaving their telltale signature on the geoengineering aerosol laced cloud cover. Transmitting 3,500,000,000 watts of ELF power into the planet in a sysmically sensitive zone can have catastrophic effects,available science makes this clear for those that are willing to do the research. In the capturebelow, again, extremes of composition and geometry are shockingly clear. The main instrument is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), an array of 180 radio antennas spread over an area of 0.13 square kilometer (33 acres). What steps will you take to help turn the course of the Titanic on which we are all currently passengers? high-frequency radio waves into the ionosphere. There is also the following much more dire fact that should be contemplated, the power structure is preparing for societal collapse. Massive flows of atmospheric moisture are being manipulated by the weather-makers. HAARP is an ionospheric heater, so called because the excitation of electrons increases their temperature, and it is the most powerful ionospheric heater in the world. Any and every form of climate manipulation / should and must be considered a form of weather warfare. These claims have been debunked many times. All of these installations have as their primary purpose the study of the ionosphere, and most employ the capability of stimulating to a varying degree small, localized regions of the ionosphere in order to study methodically, and in a detailed manner what nature produces randomly and regularly on a much larger scale. Radio frequency / microwave transmission installations have been and are a core component of the ongoing global climate engineering operations. This is not global warming mitigation, it is omnicide. There is an already massive grid of climate intervention transmittersis constantly being expanded. Yet, the so called "experts" continue to fortify the public denial of climate engineering by themselves adhering tothe lie on the officially dictated blatant deception. My thanks to the activist that sent the 1 minute video below. the waves, speeding up its electrons and making them briefly heat up. I first posted this in my other thread, but I want outside opinions.. We all have been told to believe that these two states, DaneWigington To what degree can the seismic forces of nature be manipulated? The 2+ minute video below tracks the path of Hurricane Florence while clearly revealing the network of radio frequency / microwave transmission facilities that were used to manipulate and steer this storm. Many are now finally beginning to look up and take notice of the ongoing atmospheric aerosol spraying that is occurring in skies all over the globe. Dane Wigington, Though "killing" a hurricane may sound like a very beneficial thing for the weather makers to do, is it really helping the planet and humanity overall? The goal of SRM (solar radiation management) is to create the largest expanses of cloud cover possible. A diagram of using sea based transmission platforms is below, the technological "cure" delusion continues to push life on Earth toward certain extinction. Climate engineering is the greatest assault on the biosphere ever launched by industrialized civilization. . Will Newsomdisclose the climate engineering factor that is, DaneWigington Yet again forests in the Western US are incinerating as the US east coast is anomalously wet and cool. Those who lead the cabal of power, and those they serve, exist only to perpetuate, DaneWigington Is the military industrial complex insane enough to incinerate Earth's last remaining forests in order to achieve the objectives of the global controllers? If we are to have any chance of turning the tide, we must ALL make our voices heard in the fight for the greater good. Even internationally recognized institution like MIT and their publication, DaneWigington "Major and unusual", that is the term the Los Angeles Times used to, DaneWigington A must view report from a top scientist covering the climate engineering nanoparticle, DaneWigington Extreme and widespread flash freeze surface cool-downs have been scheduled for the western, DaneWigington To what degree can the seismic forces of nature be manipulated? Sound is a mechanical wave that is an oscillation of pressure transmitted through a solid, liquid, or gas, composed of frequencies within the range of hearing and of a level sufficiently strong to be heard, or the sensation stimulated in organs of hearing by such vibrations. All of us completely depend on Earth's life support systems, these systems have been derailed and decimated for decades by the global power structure. The degree of climate "forcing" being carried out by the global climate engineering cabal is absolutely astounding. The extreme fluctuations in the Greenland surface melt graph below are alarming and indicative of the ongoing climate engineering assaults in the region. Find out in the below videos. Africa Check is an independent, non-partisan organisation which assesses claims made in the public arena using journalistic skills and evidence drawn from the latest online tools, readers, public sources and experts, sorting fact from fiction and publishing the results. A NASA press release points out, Operators powered one of NASA's Space Launch System (SLS) engines up to 113 percent thrust level, the highest RS-25 power level yet achieved, during a test on . These two photos (above and below) reveal extraordinary and completely unnatural variances of cloud canopy composition. The HAM map below shows "departure from normal high temperatures", do the extremes on this map look "normal" to you? This narrative is so astoundingly falsefrom so many directions,the fact, DaneWigington Why are there so many record droughts unfolding around the world? DW. With all the heavy metals we are absorbingdue to the fallout from the spraying, our bodies are more electrically conductive. The ionosphere is of particular importance for radio because low radio frequencies are reflected off the ionosphere, allowing for long-distance communications. Or just stay ignorant and blissful. DaneWigington Yet more forest land is being incinerated by raging, unprecedented, and completely out of control wildfires in the US West. This atmospheric river is then directed back toward the west where it is drawn into a low pressure zone stationed right over Quebec, Canada, wherecatastrophic record flooding has just occurred. There has been an over 11 year hurricane drought in the US regarding major hurricane landfalls and that drought persists. Why? This in turn makes the lethal and immensely powerful signals from ionosphere heaters even more impactfuland dangerous. It is very likely these platforms (like the ground based RFtransmitters) are also being used for weather modification and attemptedmethane mitigation. The term "conspiracy theorist" has so far been very successfully used to trigger a mental shutdown in most people. The Chinese facility is on the densely-population island of Hainan, beside Sanya, a. This transmitter location is southwest of Eureka, California. Though a great deal of moisture has moved over Northern California in recent days (and headlines called for significant rain), very little made it to the ground. DaneWigington The East Siberian Sea is "boiling with methane", scientists have called what they are witnessing "truly terrifying". Awareness raising efforts can be carried out from your own home computer. The VLF group focuses on using HAARP to generate ELF and VLF waves through a process called modulated heating. Exposing and halting the ongoing geoengineering insanity should be (must be) our top priority. Erik Gregersen is a senior editor at Encyclopaedia Britannica, specializing in the physical sciences and technology. Convention on the Prohibition of Military or Any Other Hostile Use of Environmental Modification Techniques, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 25, 2023, #394, Nanoparticle Contamination Cover-Up: Answers From A Scientist, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 18, 2023, #393, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 11, 2023, #392, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, February 4, 2023, #391, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 28, 2023, #390, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 21, 2023, #389, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 14, 2023, #388, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, January 7, 2023, #387, Wildfires As A Weapon: US Military Exposed, Drilling Under Lake Mead To Drain The Last Drop, Domino Effect: Weather Warfare, Wasted Forests and Worldwide Collapse Of Ecosystems, California Drought, How To Party On The Titanic, Geoengineering Creating Freeze Fry Extremes, Governor Newsom, Geoengineering And Unprecedented Wildfires, Geoengineering Is Fueling Firestorm Catastrophes, Global Weather Modification Assault Causing Climate Chaos And Environmental Catastrophe, NASA, And The Criminal Denial Of Climate Engineering, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 31, 2022, #386, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 24, 2022, #385, Engineering Winter: The Untold Story Of Hurricane Nicole, Hurricane Manipulation: Weather Makers Exposed, Geoengineering Watch: Our First Ever High Altitude Atmospheric Testing, Climate Engineering, New Film Footage Confirmation, Geoengineering Reality: Film Footage And Facts Prove Contrail Myth, Geoengineering, Weather Warfare, And The Contrail Deception, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, June 19, 2021, #306, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, December 14, 2019, #227, Geoengineering Watch Global Alert News, September 22, 2018, #163, Climate Engineering Contamination, Staying Healthy In A World That Isnt, US EPA Scientist Fired For Trying To Tell The Truth About Climate Engineering And Fluoridated Water, World-Renowned Doctor Addresses Climate Engineering, Weather Warfare Assault, A Physician Speaks Out, Covering Up Climate Engineering Contamination, EPA Caught Buying Its Independent Science Advisors, New Science Study Comes Closer To Disclosing The Catastrophic Health And Environmental Consequences Of Climate Engineering, Health Magazine Covers Climate Engineering: Heavy Metal Contamination And Mass Extinction Whats The Connection?, Caught On Film, George H. W. Bush And Monsanto Collaborate On GMO Assault, Into The Wild, With Dane Wigington, September 10, 2020, #1, Climate Engineering, Microwave Transmissions, And The April Noreaster, The Extreme Dangers Posed By Smart Meters, Geoengineering, Square Clouds, And Massive Microwave Transmissions, CYMATICS: Science Vs. Music Nigel Stanford, The Most Inspiring Speech: The Wisdom Of A Third Grade Dropout Will Change Your Life Rick Rigsby, I Should Have Done Something From The Conspiracy Project, My Christmas Duty To Warn Column: Questioning Christian Participation In Homicide By Remembering The Christmas Truce Of 1914, Duty To Warn: Two Of The Culprits That Are Behind Americas Iatrogenic Over-Vaccination Monster, Duty To Warn: Changing The War No More Sentiment Of Armistice Day To The War-Glorifying, Geoengineering, The Ultimate Weapon In The Toxic War On Humanity And Mother Earth. The power structure is quite literally playing God with the Earth's life support systems, we will all pay the price if they continue. Help us keep it that way by supporting our work. Is a HAARP Weather Weapon Causing the California Drought? Where is it cool? Researchers then analyse how radio waves interact with electrons in the ionosphere, allowing them to study natural phenomena like the aurora borealis or northern lights. Its geographic coordinates are 62.4 N in latitude and 145.2 W in longitude, its magnetic conjugate point is located at 56.67 S, 174.48 E (Gokowski 2009), and its McIlwain parameter L is equal to 4.9. Primary reservoirs. Though there are countless forms of contamination from human activities, the climate engineering. Quebec was not the only part of Canada to get pounded with record flooding following the well publicized conflict with the US, catastrophic flooding has also just occurred in other provinces across Canada. political party. Thank you for your continued support. In general of all the people who under estimate HAARP, I dont read of anyone here blasting Einsteins theories, and I can rest assured they understand HAARP less than they do General or Special Relativity. Because engineered cool-downs (like the one currently slated for the eastern two thirdsof the country) continue to fuel the division and confusion in the population as to the true extent of damage to the climate system (which global geoengineeringismaking exponentially worse overall while simultaniouslydestroying the ozone layer). The blind faith in the science community must be tempered. After over 65 years of climate "intervention", very real damage has been done to the Earth's life support systems (along with countless other forms of anthropogenic destruction to the biosphere). But what do psychological studies say about the sanity of "conspiracy theorists" as compared to those that blindly accept the "official narratives" without questioning? Though it recently snowed in the southern US near the Gulf coast, on November 24 warm rains were falling far into Canada almost all the way into Labrador. Much of the spraying is far less obvious but still turns the sky white and/or silvery white. The 2 minute video below is an excellent capture of RF manipulation on weather systems, it is shocking and well worth the time to view. It transmits radio waves upward into the ionosphere, where they cause electrons to move in waves. We fell down the White Spiritual Boy Trust rabbit hole, Meta's third-party fact-checking programme, Allowed HTML tags:
    1. . The research center, now run by the University of Alaska, Fairbanks, is called the High-Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, or HAARP, and is located in the frozen wilderness of . Radical weather and temperature extremes are rapidly increasing in intensity and frequency. Countless individuals within these groups have committedthemselvesto what is nothing less than a total betrayal of populations around the globe (along with the entire web of life). Yet from these theories came the Nuclear Weapons technology. Thanks to stunningsatellite images from NASA and the EU of, Source: The Telegraph Russia this year has suffered the most Arctic wildfires since satellite monitoring started as climate change creates the conditions necessary for blazes to, Source: A methane deathtrap continuing Arctic Ocean eruption of ever-increasing levels of methane brings forth speculation of a Black Swan Event, meaning society is, Source: The Guardian Well need to mitigate and adapt to global warming to avoid massive costs from sea level rise. Sharecredible datafrom a credible source, make your voice heard. If the public truly understood the gravity and immediacy of the climate unraveling (much of it caused and fueled by the climate engineering itself), there would already be global panic. Radio frequency transmissions are utilized by the climate engineers to manipulate the aircraft sprayed heavy metal and chemical particulates. The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program HAARP. They are also highly toxic due to the geoengineering jet dispersion of chemical, heavy metal particulatesand polymer fibers. DW. DaneWigington The agendas being carried out are complex, this should always be considered and kept in mind. Massive Aerosol operations off the west coast of the North American continent, such heavy spraying is used in conjunction with RF transmissions. Aluminum nanoparticle. "Technology Review" has acknowledged unexplainable atmospheric anomalies right above the quake epicenter just prior to the quake, EUCAH Director Arrested for Submitting Law Banning HAARP and Chemtrails to EU Committee [video], Possible HAARP Locations Around The World, Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda), the strongest tropical typhoon ever recorded, has resulted in devastating consequences for the Philippines, Environmental Modification Techniques (ENMOD) and Climate Change. The main instrument is the Ionospheric Research Instrument (IRI), an array of 180 radio antennas spread over an area of 0.13 square kilometer (33 acres). You can also help identify false information on Facebook. Source: Politico Irakli Loladze is a mathematician by training, but he was in a biology lab when he encountered the puzzle that would change his life. More and, By Penny Teal, PhD, contributing writer We all know despair. HAARP. The single greatest blow we could strike against those in power is to expose the climate engineering crimes, this would galvanize and unite populations around the globe against the cabal of insanity that is running the planet. Not only are air travelers inhaling high concentrations of toxic, Science circles and governments all over the globe are pushingthe narrative that "geoengineeringcould mitigate global warming". The content we rate as false will be downgraded on Facebook and Instagram. Funded by . Hurricane Matthew is about to decimate specific populations that are already struggling to survive. The very short animation in the video below is even more revealing in regard to the true state of the Arctic ice volume implosion. For further questions, please email [email protected] or call 907-474-1100. The HAARP ionosphere heater installation in Alaska is only one of many large radio frequency / microwave transmitters located around the world that are utilized for climate engineering purposes. A primary purpose of the constant spraying is to create as much aerosolized cloud cover over the planet as possible. We are all in a very real and very immediate fight for our lives and the life or our planet. Unfortunately the vast majority of the population currently cannot distinguish between natural clouds and aerosolized artificial "cloud" cover. Why has "Matthew" been at minumum allowed to strengthen? Where are the US temperatures predicted (scheduled) to go in the coming months? It has been retweeted more than 700 times and liked over 2,000 times. Or is there much more to the story? It is located on an US Air Force owned site near Gakona, Alaska. At the bottom of this post, there are several good examplesof tall microwave towers , and RADAR stations HEATING THE SKY above the transmitters. The ionosphere is a region that stretches roughly 50 to 400 miles (80.5 to 645 kilometres) above the Earths surface and forms a boundary between the atmosphere and space. HAARP The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program is a University of Alaska Fairbanks program which researches the ionosphere - the highest, ionized part of Earth's atmosphere.
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