Prayer For Awarding Ceremony. Bless also the new commander, CPT ______________, that as he executes his new responsibilities he will do so with wisdom, courage and strength. Father, give us the strength and wisdom to learn from their example, to uphold freedom and life at home and around the world. Support us in the day of battle, and in the time of peace keep us safe from all evil: endow us with courage and loyalty, and grant that in all things we may serve thee and our country without reproach. He blesses and empowers us to do more than we could dream and multiplies our efforts and ministry. Father, we also want to thank you for the diligent and faithful leadership of CPT _____________ as he hands over command today. You are welcome, Im glad you found something useful! A Prayer for Protection Lord, Thank you for the men and women who have stepped up to serve and protect our country. Amen. 0000001329 00000 n May we not harden our heart when we hear your voice, but rather circumcise those things of our heart that youre asking us to remove. Let us raise our hands and voices in acknowledgment that Gods Holy Spirit moves among us, calling us to new life in Christ. She has a passion for helping women discover, embrace, and live out who they are in Christ. And finally that thou wilt most graciously be pleased to dispose us all to do justice, to love mercy and to demean ourselves with that charity, humility and pacific temper of mind which were the characteristics of the divine author of our blessed religion, and without a humble imitation of whose example in these things we can never hope to be a happy nation. Thank you for the enormous contribution that they have made to our nations defense and development as they have served around the world both in and out of harms way. The Lord is the strength of His people, a fortress of salvation for His anointed one (Psalm 29:8, NLT). Give to us your peace that we can know even in the midst of turmoil. Give us renewed strength and godly courage to obey You without questioning. King David understood his propensity for sin, and in Psalm 19:12-14, he prayed against this. In this article, we will explore the different components of an invocation prayer and provide tips for crafting a powerful and effective invocation prayer for your worship service. Bless this time, bless all here gathered, and we pray that all that is said and done today will also be a blessing to you. Grant us thy help, O God, that we, the members of the United States Army, may valiantly fulfill our role in the Armed Forces of our country as a sure, strong arm for national defense and a power for the establishment of a just and lasting peace. Thank you, also, for each one who has made the time and exerted the effort to be here today to be part of this noble effort. The petition or request should be specific and relate to the worship service. Again, I thank you for the contributions of women throughout our history who have dedicated their lives to public service in a variety of roles. We also thank you for this opportunity that we have to induct into the SGT Audie Murphy Club those who have demonstrated excellence. In the name of the one who came and died of us all, amen. for streams of water, You are the God who never fails to keep his promises. Again and again, prayer after prayer, David proclaimed Gods goodness and reminded himself of who he was in Him. How To Become A Deacon In The Catholic Church. As children of God and joint heirs with Christ, we are to no longer live for ourselves but to live for the glory of God and service to mankind (2 Cor. Be with him now as he is active leading soldiers in the War on Terror. Father, it is your blessings poured out on us that cause us to rejoice. Hope you can send me a book i am a unit Command Master Chief who always tapped to lead prayers but i find it hard to construct. The voice of the Lord is powerful; the voice of the Lord is majestic (Psalm 29:4). based on the life of Sarah from the Old Testament, and maintains a devotional blog found atJenniferSlatteryLivesOutLoud.comand on her Crosswalk-hosted blog foundHERE. We acknowledge your holiness and sovereignty and ask for your guidance, protection, and blessings as we begin this service. It is a huge help with public prayer. O God, you do not willingly grieve or afflict your children. Call to worship scriptures and prayers are necessary for church and worship programs. Thank you so much for this Chaplain Kit Book of Prayer. Thank you for SGM _______________s time in the CSM seat, as he stood in the gap and maintained effective operations in 5-15. With this i can rely on the content. May you encourage, strengthen and comfort them as they remember that SGT ___________ gave his life contributing to the strength of our Army. Its the life yielded to the Holy Spirit, similar to a powerful stallion who is willingly led by his trainer. %PDF-1.4 % Thee. O Eternal God, bless all schools, colleges, and universities [and especially __________], that they may be lively centers for sound learning . We are gathered again in celebration of the safe return of 3-159 Attack Reconnaissance Battalion from Iraq. We ask for your inspiration and insights. Be with us today as we celebrate their graduation and entry into the ranks of those who have served honorably. It was written by a Christian writer named Isaac Watts in 1707. Be for them all that they need you to be just now and continue to provide for them in every way in the days, weeks, months and years ahead that they face life without their husband, father and son. In preparing today's invocation, I was reminded that several men of science, including Ben Franklin, Albert Einstein, and Steven Hawking all believe in the Break down the walls of separation that we have built to keep you from our hardened hearts. We give you thanks today for your providence for these great soldiers who graduate today, willing to fight for the causes of our great country. Go with these soldiers to their next assignment, that they will go with pride and confidence, ready to face what lies before them, depending on you for their strength and comfort. We also ask that you bless the food that we will be receiving, that it will bring nourishment to our bodies that we might grow stronger to serve you better. Serve Me, and Ill flood you and your programs and events with the full power of the Trinity (Mat. Help them to stay true to their dreams, to use their gifts wisely, and to walk into the future with faith, hope, and great love. For the significance of this wedding day we thank you. What an awesome resource! Whether this Regiments mission was to defeat the enemy or train those who would, you have been with us, and for that we are grateful. The prayer may also ask God for help; for example, that the decisions you're about to make be good ones. It is because of Your loving kindness, care and protection that we are here. Please dont let us soon forget our comrades, friends and family who have fallen, but help us to honor their sacrifice through our lives lived for your glory. When your son taught the disciples the Lord's prayer, he taught them to seek your will. This sample closing prayer for worship service is meant to be used as a benediction over your congregation. May we never forget the price that has been paid for our freedom and grant us the courage to protect what you have given us. Forgive my hidden faults. We ask that you will be present with us during todays events as well as the days ahead. Seekest thou the praise of angels? Who for us men and for our salvation came down from heaven; And was incarnate by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary: And was made man: And was crucified also for us under Pontius Pilate; He suffered and was buried: And on the third day He rose again according to Scriptures: And ascended into heaven: And sits at right hand of His Father whence He shall come to judge both quick and dead: Whose kingdom shall have no end.. And remembering our history, may we not be doomed to repeat it. Why you might ask? Any concern over the potential misuse of any copyrighted material on this site should be addressed to the webmaster. As we also seek to be renewed and rejuvenated, attempting to gain resiliency and find meaning in a life that sometimes seems hopeless and futile, I pray that your presence will be especially evident to us this morning and that you will speak to us, and maybe even bring healing to us, as you know best. Again, Lord, bless this gathering with your presence and each one present with your love. Ive used this 1 minute standard throughout my time as a chaplain though I usually come in under a minute realizing that the prayer isnt the main event but should enhance (and empower) the main event. what's on this page? We again come to you and thank you for your goodness to us and for the good time and wise words of the evening. Provide for her everything that she needs to serve with faithfulness, courage and integrity as she continues the great work that Command Sergeant Major, The Chaplain Kit Beyond the, Establishment of the Army Office of the Chief ofChaplains, First Army African-American CommissionedChaplain, First Army African-American AirborneChaplain, First Army African-American Chief ofChaplains, First Army Female Chaplain in Combat ArmsUnit, First Navy African-American Chief ofChaplains, Places of Divine Worship-Far East AirForces, N.A.S. If thats you, and youre able to pray an effective prayer extemporaneously, keep it up! Prayers of invocation cause us to give pause during the busyness of our life and refocus on God. All His power, wisdom, love, and grace. Guide him each day as he serves our country in this position. It is essential to use inclusive language, such as we and us rather than I or me. This helps to create a sense of unity among the congregation, and encourages everyone to participate in the worship service. We approach God in a posture of submissionunpretentious and unassuming. Enable us so increasingly to know the sources of true strength and courage that throughout all our days we may ever grow more kindly in thought, more gentle in word, more generous in deed. Born of the Virgin Mary. Sign up for her free quarterly newsletterHEREto stay up to date with her future appearances, projects, and releases. We thank you for the faithful service rendered by LTC _________________ during his time in command of 5-15. Bring to us, we humbly ask you, the time when parents dont have to grieve the loss of their children killed in war; hasten the day when spouses dont have to say goodbye to their loved ones because they serve their country; provide for us, dear Father, a world whose children do not have to grow up without a father or a mother because of the evil that envelopes us. I thank you for this day you have given us and for this occasion that we gather together to celebrate the alliance which exists between the United States and the Republic of Korea, particularly tonight- in the Intelligence community. Father, hold all of the troopers of the 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment in the palm of your almighty hand and protect us in the shadow of your wings. 0000006282 00000 n Help us to be bringers of hope rather than fear. Bring to us, we humbly ask you, the time when parents dont have to grieve the loss of their children killed in war; hasten the day when spouses dont have to say goodbye to their loved ones because they serve their country; provide for us, dear Father, a world whose children do not have to grow up fatherless because of the sin that envelopes us; and be victorious, Almighty God, over the Evil One, establish your Kingdom on Earth finally and forever, that we may enjoy your loving and peaceful presence for all eternity. (an invocation prayer) Almighty God, Thank you for your love, risen from the grave and freely offered for us all. In Jesus Name, Amen (Alisha Headley). Finally Lord, we pray that you will bring real peace to our land, so that we can rest in safety and comfort and not have to send our sons and daughters into harms way. An invocation prayer is a type of opening prayer that is commonly used in worship services to invoke the presence and blessings of God.
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