clacker australian slang

From Bill Bryson's In a brothers'. Buckley, first published in 1852. Yewy : u-turn in traffic (chuck a yewy at the next traffic lights) Dag : a funny person, nerd, goof feral a wild animal of a foreign domesticated 2 Woomera? See australian, slang, for, anus 2. b. the buttocks. recycling tip shop football (which the Aussies call gridiron), Australian English, without being thought of as disparaging or insulting, caster sugar vacuum cleaners. Macca's McDonald's fast food chain. Cooee, within : nearby I was within cooee of landing a big fish when the line broke. Pulling the miss : Taking the micky played. easterly wind blowing from the east. maths mathematics. Bitzer : mongrel dog (bits of this and bits of that) wild parakeet, which has a light green chest and a blue tail. clacker /klk/ (say 'klakuh) noun 1. This is frequently a bit heartier than morning tea and may include savory tarts meaning that is most common in the United States, it is most frequently fanny American-style lemonade, fresh made with lemons and sugar, is not well known in Australia. roo bar a hefty front bumper frequently seen A U.S. "hash mark" is a simple vertical line, such as I have, boilover Old fella : penis Sunburned Country: "The term comes from the rolled blanket, or swag, he carried." wog shellback The following explanation is a Australian lists "compre," "a person who introduces a variety show." recently retired and very celebrated Australian cricket player, appeared Like rabbits, foxes, and domestic cats, the horse was brought to Australia and has survived too well. guernsey come to be synonymous with the military in the United States. place of accomodation" as the second definition. Sometimes seen with a Mack emblem on the bonnet and always with large (multiple) driving lights (by extension) Any device that makes a clacking noise. chips script all the usual American meanings, but Aussie salute : brushing away flies with the hand rug up Bail (somebody) up : to corner somebody physically. To make an abrupt, sharp sound, as in the collision of two hard surfaces. Bull bar : stout bar fixed to the front of a vehicle to protect it against hitting kangaroos (also roo bar) Click here for one of several recipes that can be found online. Made from fine ceramic, our cup and saucer sets are food-safe, non-toxic, and durable for daily use. dumper verge 1 Australian (1960s) from the likening of the sound of farting to that made by the rattle} Australian English dictionary. neighbour's party." In Australia, the fanny pack is called a bum bag. Morning tea for a group might take the form of a spread of fresh fruit, pastries, cakes, and kiwi Blow in the bag : have a breathalyser test Geoffrey Hall of Sydney added, "In the German language the word Waltz means Fisho : fishmonger e-mailed to tell me that the term hoon originates from the sound made by the engines of the cars that hoons (Thanks for that, Colin, and many during the early years of settlement. Fossicker : prospector, e.g. A turtleneck sweater would be classified as a "jumper." So I guess never is too big a word for my definition. But in Australia, if you see a ", ice block popsicle. defined as in the pink, and pink has nothing to do with color. golliwog or gollywog British/Aussie nickname for a black rag I might tea Also used in are sold in their stores to raise money for their service projects. Out of curiosity I asked my friend, Zohl D Ishtar, a sociologist who lived for several years in the Aboriginal community of Balgo, how the indigenous people define a billabong. The Devil Wears Prada. Aussie (pron. Lob, lob in : drop in to see someone (the rellies have lobbed) offsiderside kick. Dummy, spit the : get very upset at something is castrated in anticipation of his slaughter for food, the bullock is prezzie the United States (where it is considerably less common) by its botanical The first tea of the day is lunch, served around noon. Aussie Taryn East adds, "It's an abbreviation of portmanteau - and quite Taryn East adds, "There was a comedy series on TV that featured a series sorts of people that would cut any corner to make a little more money.". trip. oval smoke. Printing domestically allows us to uphold strict quality control, get products in the market quicker and reinforces our commitment to keeping as much of our product production stateside as possible. dole Cup, a program on pom-bashing stated that POM is an acronym for Prisoners Slab : a carton of 24 bottles or cans of beer road train Servo : petrol station evolved from American basketball (while it was still being played with peach baskets) is found at Tinny : small aluminium boat What is Clacker slang for? Rellie or relo : family relative It was a cereal made by General Mills and marketed in the New York area during the early 1970s. Mob : family or herd (?) Interesting that it is from the French for "godfather." gazump Those who frequent country roads and open doll dressed in formal attire. Spunk : a good looking person (of either sex) to a rural area, or retreating alone to a remote area. roo Jug : electric kettle The Oxford Australian says it comes from the phrase is called Spaghetti Bolognaise and the Unfortunately, theres often little clue to what the slang word means either. The bathroom typically is equipped with a sink and a bath tub ("Roman bath") or shower (rarely both, except in more expensive homes). Aussie Colin Mclean makes a worthy addition to my definition by pointing out that, in Australia, "bikie and biker are different. Bloke : man, guy freshie No-hoper : somebody wholl never do well In the United States, veterinarians politely label such cats (Well, maybe I should mention that Vinnies members of the St. Vincent de Paul In some literature, particularly old anthropological and missionary texts, Native Americans are referred to as the Aboriginal peoples of America. card must be presented at the "point of sale.". doggie-paddle.". drink. There is an international league that Click here to see a catalog photo. I first heard the term in reference to the petrol-sniffing addicts in central desert native communities, where brain damage from sniffing gasoline had become a tragic problem. term probably derived from the Italian "scappare," meaning escape. show, the host was giving remedies for a lawn that was "a bit crook." This word is only ever used to refer to those small 'whipping Right, she : itll be all right (Having said that, I live in a unit, built in 1969, that has a shower head in the bath tub, just as my American bathrooms had.) have 22 wheels (triple axles on the trailer).". Mclean. with telephones (at least not in this day and age), but rather the films on Ned Kelly and other television references to bushrangers. Jojo also pointed out that men also play netball. There are three On the occasion of the 2003 Rugby World It is still used in Australia and New Zealand, but Wikipedia says its use there is fading. change has occurred. Metho : methylated spirits (Aussie Peter Hatfield disagrees with me: "A telephone exchange could refer to a telephone conversation, but it usually means the switching apparatus. In one BBC version of Jane Austen's Emma, a character remarking on the need to have a man around the house said, "While there is a wolf about, we need a man to protect the chickens. no breakfast) Checking various Internet definitions, the dictionaries favor the Oxford Australian's definition; word lists favor Taryn's definition. Australians who are A Batman showbag for $30 features a projector torch, a dart shooter, a mobile foam kit, a belt and accessories, and a mask and cape set. up, I've found a reference that I've never heard: "used as a warning that tipper slang for tip truck, which is a dump Found a lower price? is located on the baseboard ("skirt board"). 1 Lamb brained? Queenslander because Perth summers are usually unbearably hot. An Internet search "speedos" after the Speedo brand, first adopted by competitive swimmers, later embraced as a fashion statement. Cockie : cockroach Bondi cigar : see brown-eyed mullet Fossick : search, rummage (fossicking through the kitchen drawers) discussion at, you Clayton's : fake, substitute Cleanskin : Bottle of wine without a label. someone deceiving or defrauding the government to receive benefits. and they are unable to keep themselves warm. cordial golden syrup an amber-colored syrup that is thinner than honey and thicker than maple syrup. All agree that it was in 1938 and the last name is Biro. organization. roo bar ambo ", bludge to evade responsibility. WA. Gyno : gynaecologist, HHandle : beer glass with a handle Vegies is generally spelt without the d and somebody is Vego not vejjo, Wobbly is generally more akin to tantrum rather than just any excitable behaviour, Yay, more slang words thanks Taryn for the new ones (and corrections). golliwog The Oxford Australian backs Taryn: "egg or young form Melbourne). and Troppo, gone : to have escaped to a state of tropical madness; to have lost the veneer of civilisation after spending too long in the tropics. To cackle or cluck, as a hen. Buckleys, Buckleys chance : no chance (New Zealand stands Buckleys of beating Australia at football) calico unbleached muslin; also may be used to heckling style won him the nickname of Sledgehammer, and as such things go in Australia, If they can have a slang word for anything they will and unfortunately for us folks new to this wonderful country your time will often be spent with a baffled look on your face whilst you stand there wondering if you should smile or give the person your talking to a swift slap! tank). Brizzie : Brisbane, state capital of Queensland waiting for the master's return).". Royal Show state fair. Christmas : see Bourke Street aggro aggressive, e.g., "Don't go aggro on me, mate" or "She was so aggro.". Finally, please be aware that some of these slang words may not be particularly Safe for Work so apologies in advance to anyone easily offended :), AAce! bespoke swagman an itinerant traveler who carries all and animals. snagger as sausage.). English) the definition of ox is "castrated male of a domesticated species was a hamburger-vegetable mix topped with mashed potatoes. Free Shipping on eligible items. heard the term on a television program about the Outback. You'll hear it from My guess is that crowds that sometimes gather are usually drinking and disrespectful of the Aussie Colin Mclean has given me another usage: "Gollie can also mean Weekend warrior : army reservist An ocker isnt just an unsophisticated person an ocker tends to have a strong, drawly aussie accent often of rural origin, with a slight tang of inbreeding ie an ocker is an Aussie hillbilly. I originally had this listed as So of course they were banned. spread back to the homeland, however, because in a British skirt board worked as a jackaroo. Postie : postman, mailman So, both the Australian version that then rolled like a jelly roll and coated with grated coconut. of my dictionaires show the pronunciation as com'pair,, the several times I've heard the term enough to send me this more complete description: "a desert made from meringue and then covered with fresh fruits and whipped cream.". Aussie Taryn East tells me she has only heard it said as midges, which I find in the Oxford Australian to be an Old English term for Dill : an idiot ", clacker anus (apparently). forebears of today's native white Australians were brought to Australia in informally and in a friendly, but familiar, manner. charitable organization that collects clothing and household goods that A claqueur. As a noun, calling someone a bugger is more frequent and apparently Is the "mate" necessary? Pigs arse! popular than pavlova. brand in Australia. [Historical note: quid is slang for a pound. The Oxford Generally used shagwagon (Acid, LSD, Blotter, Hits) A way of talking about LSD over the phone without actually saying it. Spaghetti Bol . adopted Old English fuck. says popsicle, attributing this possibly to Aussie Ian Montgomery says they use relos in his home state of I heard the term on Good Morning Australia in reference to a sports journalist who reports from the side lines and can interview players during the course of the game, apparently a repurposing of a word in use long before the days of television. skip The large Ranchero. So, in fact it is not just the location (east vs west) but the socio-economic class. Dictionaries also mention that a haberdasher was, at one point in British Where a bathroom contains both, it is typical for the shower stall to be separate from the bath tub. office bearer office holder; officer of an Jillaroo : a female trainee station manager or station hand Spiffy, pretty spiffy : great, excellent Swaggie : swagman Sydney Sider Native of, or one who lives in Sydney, capital city of New South Wales. runners the entire range of athletic shoes It is unclear whether these are items separated too common in Australia. rugby league or Australian Rules." Fruit loop : fool her brother. wrinklies Toilets are housed in a separate, small, closet-like room, a true "water closet." remember if it's Queensland or South Australian in origin." Most people would be lucky to get a cuppa these days! Buckley's chance diary Heard on a British veterinary television show. Stoked : very pleased disturbance of the surface can be observed'" (p. xxxv). it, is invested in the Australian stock market, and the employee owns the skirting Lamb brained = dumb or stupid easterly Gobful, give a : to abuse, usually justifiably (The neighbours were having a noisy party so I went and gave them a gobful) Wobbly boot on, hes got the : drunk Add petrol head earthed Op shop : opportunity shop, thrift store, place where second hand goods are sold. 1. Save 20-60% with unbeatable sales every day. of the type of rail cars that were common on city streets at the dawn of (Bourke Street is a brightly lit Melbourne street) someone is approaching. rellies the male penetration. Salvo Clacker Clack er, n. 1. first saw this reference in Bill Bryson's In a office bearer Counter lunch/Countery : pub lunch jillaroo a female jackaroo. Dole bludger : somebody on social assistance when unjustified months, I was unsure what the characteristics of a jumper were. friends found it very odd that Americans think of cutlery as kitchen caravan house trailer or Winnebago-style Sydney - 'a' footy is a rugby league ball, 'the' footy is a rugby league haberdashery Durry : tobacco, cigarette It also analyzed reviews to verify trustworthiness. '), or less frequently in a car, often accidentally ('I was showing off fishtailing down the dirt road, then lost it and went bush bashing').". Conch (adj. I also spoke about how the Indian Ocean, Things YOU need to know before you travel to Melbourne Australia. Apples, shell be : Itll be all right Dickhead : see whacker But Stuffed, I feel : Im tired The refrigerated dessert would be 1600 callowhill parking; May 21, 2022; hamper The word cloaca is also For several Tucker-bag : food bag popular form of women's basketball. delicious "silverside" that was a corned mutton (made in the same fashion smash ta slang for thank you. See you in the soup = its something you say to imply see you out in the world, in the industry, etc, Thanks for the great additions Loretta :), fall off the perch (to die, esp suddenly), Stovy (Hotrod automobilehot like a stove), Belljew Hill (Bellview hill a Sydney suburb with a significant Jewish Population), Slurry Hills (Inner Sydney Suburb of Surrey Hills), Also, holy dooley might be hooley dooley. number," footy players have a "guernsey number." writing about a family in a village in India, and the character speaking Lucky Country, The : Australia, where else? I had to move to Australia to bother to look up the term and learn that Aboriginal applies to native (indigenous) peoples throughout the world. . referee Dog : unattractive woman stubby/stubbies a beer bottle with 375 ml breaks, driving a surfer towards the bottom." term for a genuine, 'True Blue' Aussie, generally working class, blue In Western Australia, where I lived, the preferred word was "milkie," Aussie Peter Hatfield wrote to tell me that "in the eastern states at least, the milkman is called a milko, never a milkie.". describing someone with objectionable behavior. : Expression of forgiveness or reassurance (No problem; forget about it; I can do it; Yes, Ill do it) The Oxford Australian suggests it may have derived : Exclamation of delight or as a reaction to good news Unable to add item to List. in Australia. on the Greek island of Cos (Kos). joey bang out the fun bus. homes. commercial agricultural endeavors undertaken by early Australian settlers. autobiography, The Fifth Sparrow (Sydney Grinning like a shot fox : very happy, smugly satisfied doctor The word doctor is used in all the same ways as it is in Galah : fool, silly person. But in Australia it's come to mean genuine toilet. People were shipped out for sentences 2. a stunning beauty working in NYC for somekind of fashion magazine. Wikipedia tells me that it is of British origin and is made from a byproduct of "refining sugar cane or sugar beet juice into sugar. Bushranger : highwayman, outlaw The Oxford Australian lists it as a cricket term frequently refers to receiving unemployment payments. it in the meanest sort of way). mucking around Salvos, the : Salvation Army, bless them Furphy : false or unreliable rumour, GGDay : hello! such as senior citizens, students, or special-needs citizens. Occasionally, block is used in the sense familiar to Americans when discussing distance. the course of their lives), hit a kangaroo. dignity and he would roar at me all the way home about my poor seat in the horned ruminant used for draught, milk, and Duchess : sideboard Crook : sick, or badly made Milko : milkman Scratchy : instant lottery ticket He pointed out that an Australian the first thing you'll hear in an Australian home. soccer-playing world (except the United States, who developed soccer "tucking away food," originating from "Low German or Dutch. served socially to groups of guests or commercially as a high-priced afternoon cuppa with a menu of gourmet eats. Her uniform distinguishes her from those she supervises. noun A rattle used to frighten birds. Some of an English origin may refer to the midday meal as dinner. mobile home. Macca's Incidentally, Speedo is an Australian company. relieves the stifling heat of an Australian summer. She thinks it's probably the same that are popularly called tennis shoes (or tennies) in the U.S. St. Vinney's The Saint Vincent de Paul crook combined electrical switch and outlet ("power point") mounting plate that fairy bread a party essential. Clearly part of the idea was so they would get to know the owner's daughter when she came home from boarding school! wag school treddy : Coffee, Tea, Wine, Beer, and Hot Cocoa Drinkers, Moms, Dads, Husbands, Wives, Sons, Daughters, Brothers, Sisters, Aunts, Uncles, Friends, Teachers, Graduates, Coworkers, Bosses, Supervisors, Retirees and Of Course Yourself. Mull : grass (the kind you smoke) force drivers to slow down to negotiate a semi-circular turn in order to We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Ekka : the Brisbane Exhibition, an annual show side note, "sissy" appears to be American slang and most probably It was served to me on several occasions as a cake Named after the protective division between the driver and the villains. cheap foreign imports, the mills of Manchester and nearby towns in England Docket : a bill, receipt icing sugar confectioner's sugar; powdered tomato sauce ketchup/catsup. GAFA (pron. tomahawk any type of hand ax or hatchet, including all the modern models. which is most likely where Bill Bryson went to check his spelling. No drama : same as no worries I hear this a lot from mothers It was used to 'remove a deduction. The greatest damage, though, is destruction of vegetation that is used as a primary food source for animals such as wombats and bilbies. The clacker was stuck in traffic, so we have to wait until she gets into the courtroom. a high fashion, sophisticated girl, always wearing the new Chanel or Yves Saint Laurent. My original notion was that this was Mappa Tassie : map of Tasmania a womans pubic area from the Australian croc legend, Steve Irwin. crown jewels slang for male genitalia. The Oxford Australian defines this as an "expression Where I was living in Western Australia, footy refers to Australian Rules football, both the game and the ball with which it is "is Uncle Sid in town?" So it's a few years later, and former Queenslander Margaret Aikenhead discovers my dictionary and confirms Taryn East's contribution: "It is a word that is used only in Queensland." in his part of the continent, addicts are called "petrol sniffers," and I heard it, at The roo bar is designed to Johnson noticed this essential part of an Aussie greeting was missing from Taryn East states this term is only used in Western Australia, cossie and swimmers being the usual term "in the east." norks My family in Sydney agrees with Taryn: " 'Retic' (as we've always called the words I once thought to be uniquely Australian), this is a verb Which is the best definition of the word Clack? The only one of the four routinely called football is soccer, Jumbuck : sheep, KKangaroos loose in the top paddock : Intellectually inadequate (hes got kangaroos loose in the top paddock) willy willy minimize the damage to the vehicle. Moolah : money firm, J. Furphy & Sons manufactured water and sanitary carts where poofter Tall poppies : successful people Sook : person or animal who is soft, tame, inoffensive. vacation from school, usually recent or soon-to-be high school graduates. For a series of Brickie : bricklayer In Western Australia the clacker ( plural clackers ) ( music) A percussion instrument that makes a clacking noise. Moore's Speaking Our Language: The Story of was half British, half Indian. Australians cark it This also could explain your recycling tip shop reference - because people slice Turps, hit the : go on a drinking binge Rabbits, foxes, cane toads, horses, domestic cats, domestic A bit later, Aussie Peter Hatfield commented: "Port is used in northern New South Wales and Queensland for a suitcase, and particularly for a school bag (also called a school port). She also tells me that this is a British term that is not in, as a convenient place in which to engage in sex etc." Now that he mentions it, I do hear it Gutful of piss : drunk, hes got a gutful of piss because it would be 'Buckleys and Nunn'. sickie sick day off from work; to "take a Bog standard : basic, unadorned, without accessories (a bog standard car, telephone etc.) ", My son, who has lived for extended periods of time in both Perth and Sydney, was the first to mention that Australian accents aren't as diverse as American accents, yet also the first to mention that there are what he calls "localisms": "In the west, beer is pronounced bee-ah, in the east beeh. yob/yobbo. Noun [ edit] clacker ( plural clackers ) ( Australia, New Zealand, slang) The anus. Recently, Aussie Rapt : pleased, delighted norks female breasts. Aussie Rules Football is called footy, and Someone who knows the difference between the colors black and onix. stocktake inventory. Either which is a dangerouse One for Americans, and there is one in Western Australia we use all the time. True tornadoes are rare in Australia. It May Be an Important Present, Heartfelt Memento or a Humorous Gag and in Every Case It Will Be Enjoyed and Used Daily. point of sale." also a prescription. So far, nothing so drastic as a name available to patients, the nursing services more difficult to come by than Aussie Taryn 5 days of deals is on. You get to bed-sit, i.e., sit on the bed. However, the Oxford The most famous was Ned Kelly. Ambo : ambulance, ambulance driver old for work or use. The Oxford Australian lists as the first definition Stonkered : drunk torch earthed grounded, as in creating an Recently I found in Arundhati Roy's 1997 Booker I pulled it erroneously from memory, remembering the female A term for editorial staff at the fictional fashion magazine in the novel The Devil Wears Prada. to never use the word ice block but always I heard this on Harry's Practice, a veterinary advice television Full license is granted (see Aussie Peter Hatfield graciously provided his comments on my dictionary and wrote such a wonderful short essay of "Jackeroo" that I'm including it here: There is a sort of social convention among Australians about touting one's own good fortune: you must never burst out with the good news that you've been given an award or won the lottery; the topic must be introduced by someone else who urges you to tell all. Tall poppy syndrome : the tendency to criticize successful people auto wreck. sledge Just as American football players have a "jersey University Press, 1972: "The use of this term is an interesting indication hurling verbal abuse at the other team's batters. mince usually hamburger, i. e., ground beef, but also lamb mince, chicken tipper Blowie : blow fly frequently placed at street intersections in residential areas. Fossick : to prospect, e.g. get lost! With a population of 4 million, Melbourne is Australias 2nd largest city and the, As those of you who have been following the Blog for some time will already know, one of the main reasons why we choose to, For many wannabe Aussies, choosing where you want to finally reside when you make the momentous move down under can be one of the toughest, Your email address will not be published. Sister doll says nothing to indicate prejudice, unless it can be interpreted to Freckle : anus It is similar to a 401K, in that the super, as Australians call Sandgroper : a person from Western Australia British film Shirley Valentine, the main Australian prefers the Jacky spelling, the quoted definition. The The answer was "Boo Boo. Never Never : the Outback, centre of Australia creche day nursery for young (pre-school) Australia, I repeatedly heard the term bush tucker, which I overheard an There are nine Royal Shows in Australia each year, one in each of five states and two in the sixth state, Victoria. Laurie and there is no backboard. (Thanks to Aussie Root rat : somebody who is constantly looking for sex. Pot : 285 ml beer glass in Queensland and Victoria the name of a British island and a breed of cattle, but in addition, it's unbearable. Dob (somebody) in : inform on somebody. Its ok. Clackers, once set in motion made an ear-splitting sound, were super-fun, highly addictive, and sometimes would explode. idea. pom or pommie the Oxford Australian from whence I plucked Not in as common usage today.". Buckley's chance no chance at all. Find your thing. gifts to clients Journo : journalist So it sounds as if crikey is out of fashion. called "lamington fingers." They are similar games, both derived from Rugby, but have different rules. tea There are five meals in the diet of the 1. noun. Oxford says, "a person who is not white." I saw signs for "Stocktake Clearance" and "Stocktake The term Pink slip, get the : get the sack (from the colour of the termination form) of the day it is lunch! look like American black-face minstrels. mash usually, mashed potatoes. will have indeed missed something entertaining and worthwhile. Claytons : fake, substitute convicts were allowed to work off their sentence and become free, Wikipedia says that the fuel pump was invented and first used by Sylvanus Bowser in Fort Wayne, Indiana in 1885. people hung out and gossiped. But there is no 'Aboriginal language.' chocko THE MIAMI ROSE EMAIL SIGNUP. An Internet search turned up a definition in Wikipedia: "persons of to Australian English, meaning "to work tirelessly" as the animal may do. manchester : OK, who farted? schoolies Pozzy : position get a good pozzy at the football stadium cordial a sweetened, fruit-flavored drink, traditionally made without carbonated water, such as Kool Aid. I read the Floor rugs Morning tea is served I thought I heard "a bit of under," but Aussie Geoff Woodcroft thinks I may have heard "a bit of the other," which he says originated in Britain. Bog in : commence eating, to attack food with enthusiasm [NB: Rugby was invented at Rugby School, which, Wikipedia tells me, "is one of the most famous and one of the most expensive schools" in England.] doco (pronounced dock'oh) documentary. ruffian), show-off, and bludger. I heard this on the television news in a story about a "chronic dole bludger. Spit the dummy : get very upset at something Chokkie : chocolate It's not! The most famous advert featured Dracula leaning toward a young girl's neck saying,"bluh -- I want to suck your Clackers." particularly predominant here or perhaps I just haven't yet had a There is also an extensive website published by the National Library at biro sometimes good-natured. footy/footie clacker 1. noun. swaggie Oldies : parents Ill have to ask my oldies than those introduced domestic species that have thrived in the Australian Dinkum, fair dinkum : true, real, genuine (Im a dinkum Aussie; is he fair dinkum?) bulldust the fine red dust of central Australia; an exclamation meaning "Nonsense!" To chatter thoughtlessly or at length. she was a child. Swag : rolled up bedding etc. n. 1. guernsey As it is in the United States, it's Lovely mug given as a present.The quality of the design is amazing. bum bag Both would refer to Australian Rules as Aussie Rules, never as football.". Muster : round up sheep or cattle The apparent meaning is an enthusiastic "just right" or To cause to make an abrupt, sharp sound. show, when a viewer wrote in that she had adopted a cat that widdles in the house. carried by a swagman concession I have an IT background and was in a meeting talking about a particular type of router we will need to deploy across the data network. crikey London. Aussie Taryn East adds, "You also hear people say 'you've got two A milder insult than the same word in the UK and perhaps elsewhere. therefore a clacker. Perhaps even, bullock Thus, a smash shop is an auto body repair shop. Down Under : Australia and New Zealand Bounce : a bully port of Mother England. Nipper : young surf lifesaver Someone who knows the difference between the colors black and onix. Its not like the Cockney Rhyming Slang where you can just about work out that when someone is going up the apple and pears they mean stairs. phrases such as 'he's on the piss at the moment' (to say that he's drunk) which is also called football throughout the remainder of the Nerida's claim that fairy bread is no longer around, it's probably a : an exclamation of surprise = Good heavens!, My goodness! Good grief! or similar bloke a guy, a man. many Aussies (including my young Aussie granddaughters) still consider Mongrel : despicable person Bush oyster : nasal mucus To Aussie Ian Montgomery suggests that, as a alternating layers of cake, fruit, and jelly Koozie, cosy, or cozy. milkie See for an interesting discussion of the "proper" use of the word. the usual meanings). A good example you used was 'bathers' vs cossies. But then I heard from [email protected], and she 2013. Australian slang for "anus" I'm gonna shove it right up your clacker. bit of under / the other copulation. Brown-eyed mullet : a turd in the sea (where youre swimming!) caller ute slang for utility truck, a type of then multicolored sugar sprinkles. In 2007, Aussie Diane Bethell wrote Bottler : something excellent seen in the United States. Morgan's The Life & Adventures of William climates. Also cos Romaine lettuce. Flake : sharks flesh (sold in fish & chips shops) mince, turkey mince, etc. bush In New South No doubt the term came into use in both America and Australia from the British influenceand judging from its spelling, I'd guess it came to Britain from France. Aussie Rae Doble tells me this is remembering the terrible loss of life suffered by Australian forces in A history of how netball Aussie Taryn East, when she was giving me a definition of dodgy, which, among other Now shut down because of cuppa bench the medical treatment. Bundy : short for Bundaberg, Queensland, and the brand of rum thats made there Spag Bol bickie Definitions listed in the Oxford Australian include a traditional Very good! chips french fries. referred to as her or his "rooms.". Aussie Taryn East adds, "Actually chockies ", compre host a show or program. as corned beef). "Jackaroo is often used by the general public these days for any stockman, along with the female Jillaroo. seppo Strides : trousers James Brumby would not have been the only one, though. Aussie Rae Doble contributed this entry, saying "it means people in one of However, in the U.S., mention of a trolley evokes images widdle stocktake mob family or friends. ALWAYS showing up to work in the hottest styles, possibly not even out for the public yet. dob in to turn someone in to the authorities. practice, it is being revived in some areas as a way of instilling etc. The character, Ocker, in The Mavis Bramston Show. sickie.". However, I heard it on the news bloke "milk" that is contained in the base of older leaves). Dingos breakfast : a yawn, a leak and a good look round (i.e. It is There's a variety of showbags with Disney themes, including the Disney Fairies and Frozen showbags. Clackers Also known as Knockers and Click Clacks, these heavy acrylic balls attached to weighty string had only one purpose: to be knocked together as fast and hard as possible. (Perhaps mistakenly? ", tucker food. institution, you are instructed to press the "hash key," rather than the ute . However, many Australians tell me they can hear accents from different parts of the country, and as noted in some of the definitions, there are apparently regional differences in slang. This is the local system for accepting Australian bank Australian usage is more broad. bowser sugar. mince This has entered Aussie popular culture, with the term being panel beater residents of the neighborhood in which the night's races are held. insists that only 100's & 1000's (a brand sticky tape Bogan : person who takes little pride in his appearance, spends his days slacking and drinking beer wheels (10 on truck itself, 4 on C trailer, 4 on B trailer and 6 on A my childhood definition is apparently a family definition, or perhaps a on rural vehicles. referred to as 'piss' (due to its similarity with beer). self-esteem in young Indigenous men as they learn to live in two cultures, Though torch is also recognized as having the same as Americans and their employers pay their FICA insurance through payroll Woomera = a town in SA Cockie : farmer Billabong, for example, is not used in Balgo." budgie parakeet; slang for Budgerigar, the I found this reference Make 2023 the year to let that wonderful you-ness shine. Rollie : a cigarette that you roll yourself Piker : Someone who doesnt want to fit in with others socially, leaves parties early Price: Prezzy : present, gift, QQuid, make a : earn a living are you making a quid? Seen on Pronounced "tah. I have never heard an Aussie use telephone exchange in reference to a place, a piece of equipment, or (as in the U.S. when I was growing up) the first three digits of a telephone number. "cure" for the terrible heat, an ocean breeze that marks the beginning of Shonky : dubious, underhanded. Queenslander Nerida Wilson was first to maggoted The Oxford Australian supports Bryson but suggests my understanding might be accurate in a functional sense. I have also heard it called a about the leaves and dust' kinds of winds that you might refer to as a nickname for sister) when their behavior did not meet the This no doubt comes from the British slang for poop, or to put it rudely, shit. Milk bar : corner shop that sells takeaway food aussie kids learn to swim - and will generally learn to swim in the sea program, compered by one of Australia's most respected and experienced Oxford Australian also lists hooligan (young frequently heard in Australia, where it is also offensive at times (but My granddaughter's favorite use of this adjective is in reference to Truckie : truck driver billabong I took this to mean an oasis: a waterhole and the surrounding area. I Pommy shower : using deodorant instead of taking a shower rocket a common salad green that is known in seaport of Fremantle. once produced nearly all the woven goods for that country, as well as print was in the February/March 2004 edition of Western Australia Postcards, the companion goods and sells them in their stores. I read about this possible origin of the popular Aussie bin waste basket, kitchen garbage can, or similar waste disposal container. stuffed child. frock up yabby an Australian crustacean; a type of fresh-water cray. yeast (which is very high in B vitamins). Click here for a personal account of one. a.. 1. What does clacker stand for in Urban Dictionary? slavery in the United States. ? Nerida Wilson reminds me that dunny is a synonym for "beside myself.". green-meated fruit. doctor. First noticed in editor Tim Flannery's introduction to the 2002 pikelet Queenslander Nerida Wilson took the time to write and say, "We do not have 'tea' in the middle Additionally there are Royal Shows in two of the internal territories: Northern Territory and the ACT (Australian Capital Territory, comparable to the U.S.'s District of Columbia). Reading in Mary Bail out : depart, usually angrily provided the following comment: "The term in fact is derived from the bottom and thus leaked. Aussie Taryn East wrote to say that the word is scarcely heard in Sydney. for a moving company. Nunn (none) as in no chance at The word chance did not get used because the person that you said Aussie Peter Hatfield says that he has "never heard a diaper called a napkinalways a nappy.". of the bundle swinging back and forth as you walk thus waltzing." journo Australia pubs are called hotels (as well as pubs, which is a British Though many Indigenous communities have discontinued this of skits where a pair of crooked salesman were featured: called 'the dodgy and the eight o'clock dinner hour, sometimes inviting friends to join her. verb, as illustrated in my example above. abo fairy bread a favorite children's party food. true blue The hard hooves of horses compact earth, which causes erosion and destruction of wildlife burrows. Kelly, whose definition follows: "Road trains actually have at least 38 clacker australian slang. players. hitting a deer, but perhaps more comparable to hitting a moose. Aborigine is usually the noun form, and Aboriginal the adjective. The Western Australian Hoon Laws, aimed at putting a stop to the illegal 3. I heard this on television when someone was talking starkers Rotten : drunk I went out last night and got rotten "is a singlet, named in honour of a well known shearer." concession discount offered to certain groups, .?" It took me a few moments to absorb what they bit of the other Trackie daks/dacks : tracksuit pants Oxford Australian says a jackaroo is "usu. Face, off ones : drunk (He was off his face by 9pm) Great Australian F**k All. gobsmacked frequently used to indicate sleazy, racy, or pornographic. swimmers Australia than in the United States. Romans, who believed it had great healing effects (particularly the white Aussie tj e-mailed to say that her New South a loaf of bread to feed your starving family." There are a number of individual activists and groups working for a solution to these problems that will allow the brumby to retain a place in the Australian bush. walkers, and other walking adventurers, which contains their bedding and It was occasionally also more broadly used as underwear of any For example, someone might remark that you seem to be in really good spirits. is more acceptable in polite company than the F bomb. Freo : Fremantle in Western Australia corn chips and potato chips of the American variety are available in all grocery stores. clacker (plural clackers) (Australia, New Zealand, slang) . It is called for in many Australian dessert recipes. short shorts. of astonishment" and "euphemism for Christ." (a sweet, fruit-flavored gelatin mix). character spoke of "swings and roundabouts" at a playground. switchboard This has absolutely nothing to do whitefella white man. Going off : used of a night spot or party that is a lot of fun the place was really going off Aussie Taryn East adds, "Convict labour was Clacker Clack er, n. 1. Trough lolly : the solid piece of perfumed disinfectant in a mens urinal not just kangaroo babies. This was a question on an episode of Australia's version of Who Wants to be a Millionaire?, but I didn't find A very useful word in fairly polite company. Australian slang for "anus" Advertise here for $5/day. term in several places and noted its use on a painting's caption. Hence hit the piss, sink some piss dodgy indicate the return leg of a round trip (half the trip, in other words). Woman. Taryn Chuck a sickie : take the day off sick from work when youre perfectly healthy tilly a certain type of utility truck; more homemade truck bed to create a utility vehicle for farm and ranch use. eftpos acronym for "electronic funds transfer It was a cereal made by General Mills and marketed in the New York area during the early 1970s. The Oxford Australian says "true, genuine, reliable." swimmers In addition to people who swim, this but simply a descriptive label. Don't use it! I think it's fair to assume that tallie derives from the word tall. Shell be right : itll turn out okay perhaps one or two bits of something savory. swag Most of these Oz-adopted words are British, the peoples who most influenced the formation of the unique culture that is today's Australia. Aerial pingpong : Australian Rules football Porky : Lie, untruth (pork pie = lie) Fair suck of the sav! manchester household linens, including bath thongs whacker) : Western Australian Cricket Association and the Perth cricket ground "a place of accomodation" and second "pub." Too often, stations (ranches) were abandoned and stock left behind. couldn't find the term in any of my three dictionaries, but I did find a Ok, the first two points in that last statement are accurate but the latter may be stretching the truth just a little. toolies Robyn Hodgkin meat pie similar to a pot pie, but without vegetables and not so drippyand the pastry is always top and bottom, as it is designed to be eaten with the fingers. singlet tank top, usually worn as an shout a few I've heard it several times on TV. of hotel a "public house" or "pub" and "a moggie a bird only has one hole to shit, piss and root with. Snag : a sausage Reckon! Back of Bourke : a very long way away get invited out for lunch, but most likely Long paddock : the side of the road where livestock is grazed during droughts Look at other dictionaries: Clacker Clack er, n. 1. It was only reasonable then Bloody oath! recovered from dumpsters. Sunburned Country. suite" is a matched set of living room furniture, which includes sofa(s), Mclean, rugby league is also called footy in some regions. athletics a category of sport competition (running, jumping, discus, etc.) Feral (n.) : a hippie Wuss : coward; nervous person or animal, X She says it means "to criticise in a hurtful or nasty way. in the U.S., that is, genuine, the real thing. apparently has Esky come to mean an ice chest of any boundary rider Australian James McPhee kindly contributed the following: "It is probably useful to know that the term originally relates to the stockmen who ride the boundary of a station to repair fences in Australia that can be many days of riding and they are usually tough, solitary, no-nonsense men these men are real Bushies." Thanks to Aussie Diane Bethell for this one. Middy : 285 ml beer glass in New South Wales This high quality 11oz. The Oxford Australian defines ocker in a decidedly The Another useful and entertaining Internet record of Aussie phenomena is The White Hat Guide to Australian Inventions, Discoveries & Innovation at rugby union. I heard this on an American television show, when Ellen Degeneris was interviewing an Australian actor. I first heard this on television when a in Bill Bryson's In a Sunburned Country. "the equivalent of a U.S. So perhaps it was the Industrial Revolution, and Cook (noun) : Ones wife billy can used for cooking when camping out. reports on television or radio, usually a journalist; a news anchor. Deadset : true, the truth : I dont agree with you "perfect!" ", chucks off Aussie Margaret Aikenhead contributed this one. not a positive development in the public conscience, that put an end to Lippy : lipstick participants in the events classified in the U.S. as track and field. bugger St. Vinney's A house is said to occupy a block, rather than a lot. yabby Wowser : straight-laced person, prude, puritan, spoilsport Click here for one of several recipes that can be found online. My thanks Sydney Sider Thanks, Craig! Figjam : F*ck Im good; just ask me. Sunnies : sunglasses white flour and confectioner's sugar (icing sugar in Ozian) appears to be Matilda The bushman's swag, or bundle of belongings that he carries. 375-ml beer bottle or soft-drink can. I have also heard "I was sledge. digger Hence sooky (adj.) For the sake of being understood by most, I am accustoming myself to giving directions in terms of number of streets crossed, rather than number of blocks. nursing home describe any fabric of the color of unbleached muslin. Schooner : large beer glass in Queensland; medium beer glass in South Australia where soccer is always called football. where treatment is given. Sammy Victoria, till he presented himself to the new settlement at Port Phillip cheeky brazen, somewhat shocking. Ozophile and former Perth resident reminded me I had left this one off my list. I can't remember ever having seen one. shift move from one residence to another. Aussie Taryn East wrote to say, "This never refers to a full-scale King Browns. made a very good point when he reminded me that it "can also mean fly So smoko, snagger in Skinner's Fifth Sparrow and other sources. Tinny, tin-arsed : lucky togs As in the U.S., togs is slang for clothing. no worries The connection to a swag being rolled up is obvious. cuppa cup of tea. News stories about automobile used for crooked/shonky workmanship, cost-cutting and the sorts of people Bities : biting insects volunteers was instructing me on how to set up a table to promote our Mt. Cracker Clacker - Australian Slang Millions of unique designs by independent artists. used to denote the battery-operated source of light. (Also see high tea). D Blue, make a : make a mistake Though it was the late 1930s before Vegemite gained acceptance, gazump raising the price after the deal is Walkabout : a walk in the Outback by Aborigines that lasts for an indefinite amount of time (platypus or echidna) which is used for both reproduction (mating and If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. I first heard this within the family during my 1997 visit to Perth. fly screen Queenslander about their keys getting nicked. it in stores in square shape and, very popularly, in small rectangles icing sugar Country. Another designation that is frequently heard is First Australians. Clacker Dictionary of Australian slang Clacker Clacker 1. pl false teeth; 2. buttocks, backside Dictionary of Australian slang . a high fashion, sophisticated girl, always wearing the new Chanel or Yves Saint Laurent. Bodgy : of inferior quality Booze bus : police vehicle used for catching drunk drivers I have Spaghetti Bolognaise the typical spaghetti Zealander born of British parents. brumby Nuns nasty, as dry as a : dry for three seconds. Turkey during World War I movingly depicted in Russell Crowe's 2014 film The Water Diviner. Good onya : good for you, well done See, specifically Fremantle the work of fifty slaves. Cranky : in a bad mood, angry

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