larry glick recordings

Ha Ha Ha. Also Rex Trailer with the green mist coming up while flying with a tranquilized gorilla Ha Ha Ha : ), Posted by Henry Wasserman March 27, 09 12:47 PM dn.. Larry was an automatic when I was driving home from a concert, a movie or a party. Boston is, and will always be, one of the great hubs of live overnight talk radio, and it's WBZ's legacy to maintain that. In his heyday many would say he ran the nighttime airways. Yes, some people will certainly do anything for media attention. Voter data is deleted after every election, according to our voter data policy. Remember this exchange: Larry!-- Al!, Larry= Al! I listened today its been nearly 30 years since I heard that stuff. It was beautiful! The Singing McMurrays with 2-Year Old Brenda and 4-Year Old Brian, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Also I went to his live hypnotism show at the Bull Run Restaurant in Shirley. Now I finally get to thank you. text-align: left; I wish someone would compile a sort of best of if they still have the tapes. Posted by Fred Winer March 27, 09 09:00 AM j.. As someone who use to listen to Larry growing up he will be sorely missed. i still rememebr the jongle for his on air number, well for a long time anyway, 2-5-4 5-6-78. kind of to the tune of the beginning of jimmy crack corn, He made a lot of overnight shifts, bearable. Posted by John Healy March 27, 09 10:07 AM au.. Larry Glick was probably the last radio host who would hold you in your car even after you arrived home from a long drive back from work. Larry Glick interview with Dr. Diane Ravitch* *Bestselling author and nationally-recognized expert on public education in U.S. Around the World in 20 Days; East Africa Trip; Birding - Life list over 6,427; Jazz; Golf; Planting and Saving Trees on six continents; Reading; Wildlife Photography About Larry Glick Photography has always been a part of my life. And who can forget the "Graveyard Marauder." Larry you are one of a kind. } He arrived wearing his cowboy hat ,of course. remember that? He kept me laughing many a night as a kid, that's for sure. Mr. (Lawrence) Glick called to ask if I would meet with him to discuss my concerns about the take line proposal. He was as generous, thoughtful and entertaining in person as he was on the air. May a flight of angels sing thee to thy rest. } more, The Gluck Method is a step-by-step program of results driven fine art instruction for children and adults developed by world-renowned artist and educatorLarry Gluck. He was friendly, warm and so witty! I wish I could remember their names. border-radius: 50%; His last words were, Hey, Im going into surgery looking good, Israel recalled. In addition to his daughter Nannette, Mr. Glick leaves his wife, Lisa of Boca Raton, Fla., and her daughters, Tali Israel and Tirana Mamur; a brother, Edwin of Denton, Texas; and a step-granddaughter. Posted by debbie March 27, 09 06:04 PM gl.. Memories of 25-30 years ago flooding back! Thank you and I look forward to working with you! It was so often requested that they eventually had to a.communitylink { color:black; font-weight:bold; } He truly was a "people person" and had that magical way to putting people at ease; you loved him within 10 mintues of meeting him. I have a TV now but my nights are still reserved for WBZ. I was once asked why I didn't own a TV, Who needed TV when you had Larry Glick! } I loved listening to Larry at night in the car or when I couldn't sleep. In 1971 I took a History teaching position in Athens, WV -- Concord College. Cards can be sent to P.O. I have missed your calls to the world. In 1922, in the year that Larry I Glick was born, the Reparations Commission assessed German liability for World War 1 at 132 billion gold marks (over $32 billion U.S. dollars at the time). Incumbent Linda Griffin faced Jody Luna for the Place 3 seat. Larry Glick, legendary Boston talkmaster, dies at 87. { .widget-row { He will always be missed. max-height: 580px; As a kid I would listen to him and hope thart my parents thought In was sleeping! Someone called his show and seemed very depressed . With the goal of proving the best in fine art training to their students, the Glucks soon began to expand across Southern California. Thanks for the laughs. He had a smooth style, never condescending or rude to his callers and seemed right at home behind the microphone. Radio will never be the same. Larry was charming, good-natured, uniquely humorous, and his voice literally graced the airwaves with a smile. The funniest people call larry's show and sing him crazy songs They say wild things but he don't care, He shoots them off the air. "And I don't think he was getting away with anything bad. Posted by Nathan Glick March 27, 09 02:20 PM eq.. to the AM radio, SOMEtimes TV. Available in standard sizes. RIP, Posted by Bill in Beavercrek March 27, 09 10:18 AM az.. WBZ had Jerry Williams (8 - 12) then Larry Click (12 - 6). I am so amazed that so many people listened with the transistor radio like I did! Golf is an important thing and I felt I had to say something.. font-weight: bold; As a matter of fact, Glick said, Trump had never even played a round with Oscar de la Hoya, the latest accuser. Incumbent Larry Glick won election in the general election for Garland Independent School District school board Place 1 on May 4, 2019. He remained on WHDH until 1992, when he left Boston's airwaves for good. He was truly an ambassador for New England . Are you there? That's a great gift.". Box 1477, Boca Raton, Fla., 33429. This is a wonderful experiment in Posted by oceanfoam March 27, 09 07:02 PM gw.. A genuine nice He was one of the legends of radio I was lucky enough to listen to (along with Norm Nathan). top: 2px; Larry Glick's Phone Number and Email. The popularity rank for the name Larry was 803 in the US in 2020, the Social Security Administration's data shows . Larry Glick did not complete Ballotpedia's Candidate Connection survey. I loved listen to Larry at night, he filled the void when, music, sports or other distractions got old. Printed with durable, fade-resistant inks. Posted by Robert (from Newton) Heaps , Peoria, AZ March 27, 09 12:37 PM dk.. background-color: #6db24f; As I was a frequent guest in the late 70's and early 80's and consider myself a personal friend. Though tame by today's standards, Mr. Glick's material could occasionally raise an eyebrow or two in the 1960s and '70s. Larry used to amuse and entertain. Glick obtained a bachelor's degree from the City University of New York. I spent a great deal of time } display: inline-block; Posted by Dan March 27, 09 08:46 AM e.. Larry Glick was one of a great generation of Boston AM radio personalities. Rest in Peace Larry. p.survey-question {font-weight:bold;} I didn't get one but started my own. Posted by jonas whale March 27, 09 01:47 PM eh.. You were the best! 122 records for Larry Glick. more, As a Master artist, with thousands of works in private collections around the world, Larry has built a body of exquisite work that spans decades. background-color: #003388; One had listening skills, R.I.P. .survey-result {padding:10px;} Thank you Larry for making it fun. your first tape recorder ? "Larry was just synonymous with fun, and I think people felt that listening to him on the radio," Casey said. He previously owned and operated Glick & Glick Consultants. Posted by Jay March 27, 09 11:09 AM cd.. What a great radio station now in the great beyond with Johnny, Jess and Larry together again Eternal rest, Larry. I used to listen to Larry Glick as a kid back in the 1970s. Voting for this election ended May 7, 2022. What I remember most: "Keep it clean" - when referring to the T-shirts. left: 0; I recorded everything, I may not give you the right answer, but I'll give you an answer.." Who was the greatest talk radio show host? Golf is an important thing. came and went (when images were called "pictures"?) } .indicate_scroll { .votebox-scroll-container { Rest in Peace, my dear friend, and thank you for all of the joy you have given your listeners over the years. } Posted by Too Many Bills March 27, 09 11:43 AM cp.. RIP Larry. I was lucky enough to give him several good calls. defer(); See also:Garland Independent School District, Texas, elections (2019). Mr. Glick was persona You were a mentor and one of a kind. } WHDH radio hired him away and he worked there until 1992. Lorenzo says, "Let him wait, I have a Marine pilot here." float: left; You were (are!) making the winners of the Glick University T-shirts promise to "keep it clean." He loved all people. He put a smile on my face while I was driving the bus around the city. .widget-row.value-only { You should know that behind the scenes Larry was a mensch, a gentleman that took his craft seriously, a rare showman dedicated to providing his audience with an escape from the usual - a welcome relief from the press of their daily affairs. Posted by Chris March 27, 09 08:42 AM c.. nobody will ever come close to the great Lorenzo Glickiano.THE last of the great radio last "Larry Glick Salute" to the master. Terry Sweeney USMCR. background-color: #db0000; With his long running show, he built a loyal following of fans, called "Glicknics," who had nicknames, and would often suggest guests for . height: 50px; font-size: .9em; $('.hideResponses').hide(); He was a wonderful man; he even took my husband and I out for a drink to celebrate after the closing and about 4 years ago when he was in the area for a visit he stopped by just to say hello. Email: [email protected]. Nothing in radio ever come close to the magic of Larry Glick. I went through many batteries on my transistor radio when I would fall asleep with an earphone in my ear. (early 1970's ?? ) We might permanently block any user who abuses these conditions. Overnights were the province of Larry Glick and "Glick University". } Posted by elcubunda March 27, 09 04:54 PM ft.. Oh My.he was one of a kind..was great to listen tonever was able to win the Tshirt. The enormous void between what's available on Boston radio now and what Larry put out every night with such class and ease stands as yet another tribute to his memory. helpiing smiling at-home listeners go to sleep and for keeping night-time drivers awake and entertained. Posted by Dan C March 27, 09 03:57 PM fh.. My husband died at age 40 after 12 years of a devastating illness. Rest in Peace Larry - a life well lived. old. I too was a devoted Glicknik. Good Morning Larry, wherever you are. I did not want to intrude, but I was left with an image that has stayed with me. read a newspaper article from his local paper. With one asterisked miss *, I have kept my promises to you the citizens of Garland, Rowlett, and Sachse. These comments and fond memories are a lot of fun to read. To this day I still think of him when I use his phrase "Let's get the story behind the story"! I missed Larry after he retired. Posted by Henry Santoro - WFNX March 27, 09 02:36 PM et.. WOW.coming from you that means a lot Mr. Glasscock ! My wife and I used to sit for them -- they thought it was neat that I grew up in Boston and knew Larry Glick. This became so popular that people would beg him to shoot them off the air, said LeVeille, who had Glick on his show several times. float: right; When I was in elementary school l'd fall asleep listening to Larry Glick with my AM transistor radio and ear plug. I am so sorry that there's a generation out there who never had the opportunity to hear these two giants of radio so that they'd know what quality radio REALLY was. Posted by Bill from Malden March 27, 09 04:22 PM fk.. Reading all these comments makes me wonder if most the Eastern Seaboard had a radio under the pillow, one of those antiquated earpieces or a mother who yelled at them for staying up all night! color: white; } i only returned to bz" when it became broadcasting thru the internet , thanks bz" and steve l for the amazing memories! I'm not sure why Sleepy hung around so longmaybe it was just to talk with Larry.

. color: #888; Posted by Steve March 27, 09 05:31 PM gj.. RIP Larry Glick Posted by kevin kelly March 27, 09 05:08 PM gb.. Larry Glick was one of the most outstanding original talk show hosts. It was different. With his passing, I realize how old I am! Posted by Ken March 27, 09 09:09 AM o.. Good Bye to a dear friend, a great radio personality (the best of the best) and a true gentleman. Posted by cvana March 27, 09 09:19 AM u.. My wife wonders why I listen to the radio at night, and it all goes back to my childhood listening to Larry Glick on a cheap AM transistor radio. He was a pioneer and I still miss his show. I enjoy the discovery of an unusual angle or perspective on the subject of my interest. Posted by Reed Savory March 27, 09 05:23 PM gh.. Posted by Laurie Clarke-Mullen March 27, 09 09:19 PM ho.. limit their air time of it ! Larry singing the phone number . Posted by Jay March 27, 09 10:18 AM ba.. My wife and I used to listen to the commander as much as we could. Posted by frank t March 27, 09 02:51 PM ex.. ", Said Dave Rodman, Channel 7's first on-air news anchor and later spokesman for the Suffolk district attorney's office: "Larry could talk about anything and was interested in everything.". Posted by Dave Martin March 27, 09 01:47 PM eg.. Do you know any background info about this artist? vertical-align: top; font-weight: bold; I learned a lot and the radio kept me company during those sleepless nights. We reserve the right at all times to remove any information or materials that are unlawful, threatening, abusive, libelous, defamatory, obscene, vulgar, pornographic, profane, indecent or otherwise objectionable to us, and to disclose any information necessary to satisfy the law, regulation, or government request. Charlie DiGiovanni (sp?) We will miss you and never forget you Larry. } background-color: #ccc; Glick was with. .results_row td { .widget-key { .votebox_legend .non_result_row { Posted by Dan McCarthy March 27, 09 12:09 PM da.. 'BZ, find some clips, please! I'M GLAD I WENT TO THE RADIO AWARDS IN DEDHAM A FEW MONTHS AGO. He was 87. Many of today's talking heads, who would rather berate guests and callers, would do well to learn something from him. I still have six 8 trck tapes that I made when he was on the air and I plan on listening to them all today. color: black; The 87-year-old radio character died Thursday night in Florida after 10 hours of heart. text-align: center; And there was Larry in an overcoat gently guiding his young producer through the parking lot so he could drive him home. I would have been an AVID student- first one in my family to go to college- first one to graduate! His picture remains on their wall! The Garland Texan DON'T FORGET TO VOTE MAY 7th 000 Day (s) : 00 Hour (s) : 00 Minute (s) : 00 Second (s) WHERE TO VOTE I hope there is a commemorative service in Boston. font-weight: 200; Age: 74. Posted by GordonGekko March 27, 09 09:34 AM ab.. My prayers and wishes to his family. He did not sleep well and was a loyal fan of Larry's everynight! Shop tote bags, hats, backpacks, water bottles, scarves, pins, masks, duffle bags, and more. text-align: center; We are one of the leading AVID districts in the NATION. Scrobbling is when tracks the music you listen to and automatically adds it to your music profile. I still sing the Glick-Nic song. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours. Posted by franktalk March 27, 09 10:09 AM av.. if (typeof $ != 'undefined') { width: 100% !important; .expand-all:hover, .collapse-all:hover {cursor: pointer; text-decoration: underline;} Larry Glick - sui generis. display: inline-block; Theirs was a sweet era of broadcasting, pleasant and non-confrontational. I recall, it was around the time we got our first color Perhaps no one has enabled so many to acquire artistic talent as has Larry Gluck. Mine will always be associating him with his Larry Glick lemonade stand back in the late 60's. padding-left: 10px; A faaavor's a faaavor. Larry loved old-time radio, and he got a lot of fun out of our audience quizzes playing OTR clips for the radio listeners to guess. God bless you Larry and rest in peace, my friend. Do you remember Prior to ending its run on WHDH in 1992, Larry's show went out first over WMEX in 1965. background-color: #db0000; We encourage you to research and examine . Glick joined WBZ-AM (1030) in 1968 and was with the station until 1986. Read More. Fine, thanks.". I met the man once in studio many years ago, and listened to his program many times while on the road. You live on in the memories of your Glickniks. Listened all the time. margin-bottom: 1px; Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Reddit (Opens in new window), The latest on missing Cohasset mom Ana Walshe, Howie Carr: MassGOP wrecking crew making the rounds, Man charged with murder of ex-girlfriend in Stoughton ordered held without bail, Free emergency mental health care for veterans at any hospital after VA rule change, Sam Bankman-Frieds parents buy him a dog, as he loses all other friends: report, 'The Embrace' Martin Luther King Jr. Boston memorial causes a stir, Walters: No Common ground in Boston's 'Embrace' statue, Herald adds Gabrielle Starr as Red Sox reporter, Brian Walshe charged with murder of missing Cohasset woman Ana Walshe, Poll: What's your opinion of 'The Embrace' statue on the Boston Common? .widget-row.Democratic { color: white; High quality Larry Glick inspired canvas prints by independent artists and designers from around the world. display: inline-block; I was a Marine Corps pilot on leave once, called into the show and Larry said, "Can you come into the studio now?" Posted by Esther March 27, 09 04:47 PM fr.. Rest in peace, Larry Glick. It was the 60's and the music was phenomenal!! L. Garcia, Trustee Johnny Beach, and Superintendent Dr. Lopez. overflow-y: hidden; Don't forget his sign-off in about 12 languages, ending in Shalom melakem. I spent many a night listening to Larry and his GlickNicks!!!! Posted by paul March 27, 09 10:48 AM bt.. Larry, and Jerry Williams, and Johnny Most, were "Boston radio" for me growing up. When the radio played and lost to the ether. Larry: "Were you born in Italy"? Nobody then or since can come close to his dynamic personality that still touches people 30 years after he left the airwaves. I never won a T-Shirt but was a faithful listener and will never forget the funny interviews Larry did. Contribute Have you finished your recording? Glick. My late mother-in-law who lived in New York and then moved to the Boston area was one of your biggest fans. .results_row { .key-messages li:last-child { margin-bottom: 0px;} .contact_office { margin-top: 0.3em; margin-bottom: 0em;margin-right: 0.5em;} He was a class act for sure. I sure wish I could get shot off the air or hear one more person get shot! Thank you for so many good memories. padding-left: 8px; Posted by Joe March 27, 09 03:55 PM fe.. We live in Larry Glick's house. Posted by Steven Hill March 27, 09 08:56 PM hk.. Larry used to let us listeners call him to give him "a good call". From 1960 to 1964, he developed his style as a talk show host through the night at WINZ in Miami before jumping to WMEX in Boston for four years. Good bye, friend. background-color: grey; I found Larry Glick when I was a summer school student at Harvard, summer of 1969. border-bottom: 1px solid grey; Gave him a call and one the t-shirt. High quality Larry Glick accessories designed and sold by independent artists around the world. Posted by Paul March 27, 09 09:40 PM hq.. My greatest Larry Glick memory: in 1987, on WHDH, Mr. Glick hosted a rare early evening shift on Hallowe'en of that year, during which he hosted a recording of the original 1938 broadcast of Orson Welles's "War of the Worlds". font-size: 12px; Glick also ran a hypnotism school in Newton. About. Posted by jfgriff March 27, 09 11:57 AM cu.. Jeeze, I thought I was the only kid with an AM radio under his pillow that listened to Larry Glick. Thank you for the fun times and world wide educational and listening experience. .external_links_table { width: auto !important; } To further my proficiency, I participated in Alison Shaws intensive and impactful workshop in 2015. everyone that came to my pad. Celebrities found their way onto Mr. Glick's shows, often when he tracked them down by phone. Posted by sportsAficionado March 28, 09 12:53 AM id.. I do hope WBZ replays some of his old shows. In January 2021, The Trump Organization's businesses, including hotels and golf courses, were reported to have generated at least $446.3 million in sales in 2019. The Spirit of New England WBZ Boston Group W Westinghouse Broadcastingits in peace Larry Glick! } Posted by Roger March 27, 09 01:16 PM du.. Oh man, Larry Glick. Posted by rpc March 27, 09 09:57 AM am.. div.survey-scrollbox { height:400px; overflow:scroll; margin:20px; padding:10px; border:1px solid gray; }. He loved show business. We lost another great one. listening to the local Boston radio stations. Posted by Marc in CT March 27, 09 02:28 PM es.. I second the request for Larry Glick highlights -- and please post them on the Web so we can all hear them. Turn your home, office, or studio into an art gallery, minus the snooty factor. He really did make you laugh and truly forget your troubles of the day. I asked Glick why so many celebrities would have accused his boss of cheating if he didnt actually do it. | 5012 11 9 2m 32s Grid List A message from Glicknick Dave 5012 11 9 2m 32s January 26, 2012 Larry Glick WBZ December 31, 1977 (Pt4) 4930 8 33m 27s November 7, 2011 Posted by jake jame mac March 27, 09 12:26 PM de.. Larry Glick loved kids and was completely accepting of people of all ethnicities and politics. I would wake my entire family at 3 A.M. while I talked with Larry on the air and shared leads for good guests and phone calls. R.I.P. background-color: #003388; Hello once, Hello twice, Arrivederci! .widget-img { Oh, the memories of listening to WBZ with the clock radio under my pillow Posted by Mikki March 27, 09 10:43 AM bs.. funny ways to respond to who is this text; larry glick recordings Our standards were fairly puritanical at that point.". Historical Person Search Search Search Results Results Larry Jay Glick (1978 - 2012) Try FREE for 14 days Try FREE for 14 days. I used to have a radio by my bed and his funny bits would make me laugh my way to sleep. Hmm, it looks like we dont know much about this artist. Eight brass monkeys from the ancient sacred crypts of Egypt * Nine apathetic sympathetic old men on roller skates with a marked propensity to procrastination and sloth Ten lyrical spherical diabolical denizens of the deep who hall-stall around the corner of the quo of the quay of the queasy at the very same time. There were some wonderful "regulars" who checked in with him every night. On that, we can all, Democrats and Republicans alike, agree. is real. In the early 80's, my older brother would fall asleep listeniing to Larry Glick. Iconic Boston talk radio host Larry Glick who manned WBZ radios overnight mic for years died last night in Florida following 10 hours of open heart surgery. Posted by Scott March 27, 09 09:00 AM i.. Incumbent Larry Glick defeated Bob Duckworth in the general election for Garland Independent School District school board Place 1 on May 7, 2022. Posted by DWeden March 27, 09 09:20 AM v.. Larry had a huge Audience at my Grandparents house. They were great, along with Gil Santos and Dave Maynard. .race_header, .results_text, .results_table_container, .votebox_legend { I agree with Greg. As a kid growing up in the Boston area, I loved listening to the radio late at night and that meant Larry Glick during the week, and on Sundays, the Kenny Mayer Show (another Boston legend & a lot of fun to listen to). His wife, Lisa, said today that radio was his life.. The responses were quite interesting andinformative. width: 90%; Larry Glick, booming in from Boston, and in that instant I felt as though I was home again, and all was right with the world. Kenny and Markie were Glicknics -- they listened faithfully. and calls/conversations that became popular requests. There still was no I have missed Larry since he left the Boston radio scene. Posted by joel March 27, 09 08:00 PM hg.. Rest in Peace me, you were the pioneer of Talk Radio. z-index:1; I have never worn it and got it when i was 16 (1984). } .survey-result {padding:10px;} . Do you remember when instead of convergence, all "devices" I haven't heard him in years but would love to hear it one alst time. R.I.P. Your first recordings ? We collect and match historical records that Ancestry users have contributed to their family trees to create each person's profile.

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