nimrod, semiramis and tammuz

Literally changing both the verse and its meaning to fit his claims. And called a lady of love and war. Marduk was also the Roman god Kronos, whose name means, the horned one. Ancient artists often depicted Nimrod wearing a crown of bullhorns. His history of the Assyrians is found in books 1-6 of his Persika called the Assyriaka which were written in opposition to Herodotus. Semiramis is the amalgamation of fact and fiction. Nimrod is never referenced as having a wife or a child. First heading towards the Medes. I am going to bring a disaster on this place that will make the ears of everyone who hears of it tingle. . Semiramis demanded worship for both her husband and her son as well as herself. Succeeding her husband for 42 years. Inanna's Sister allowed Damuzi to be released from the underworld for half of the year and in his place his sister would spend the other half of the year in the underworld. The identity of Nimrod, however, and the Egyptian Osiris, having been established, we have thereby light as to Nimrod's death. Ancient mythology depicts Semiramis as ascending to heaven as a dove, where she became the fertility and queen goddess, Inanna. A very interesting Biblical reference describing a dragon is located in the prophetic New Testament Book of Revelation (Rev. Estando siempre preparados para responder a todo el que nos pida razn de la esperanza que hay en nosotros. Both the Sumerians and their land of Shinar (Sumer) were likely named after this notorious woman! But in what way was Medo-Persia inferior? In an effort to retain power and to hide her misdeeds, Semiramis makes a most audacious claim. Ctesias of Cnidus was both a Physician and Historian. The Berean: Daily Verse and Comment Sign up for the Berean: Daily Verse and Comment, and have Biblical truth delivered to your inbox. People of antiquity recorded a statement Janus reportedly made about himself: The ancients. Janus and Vulcan are names for the same god. The cults of Mithra, the sun god, and Anaita, the goddess of fertilitysimilar to Nimrod/Tammuz and Semiramis, the old Babylonian Mystery Religiongrew in popularity until Zoroastrianism faded into obscurity. This religion has since remained and integrated itself into every major culture of the earth. However that cannot be said about much of his claims, that we will later see, that are nothing more than fantastical.Deciphering fact from fiction is indeed very complicated due to the complete entanglement that has occurred between the 2 in many ancient writings that are still being confused by historians and theologists today, those historians and theologians who still rely on historians who did not or could not not differentiate between these 2 ideas anyway. Hislop however overcomes this slight problem in his reasoning by then claiming that Nimrod can be linked to Ninus and in fact Nimrod was none other than Ninus or maybe better put Ninus was Nimrod. So it cannot be stated that the story is a biblical one . After this, as had already been predicted, her son conspired against her to take the throne. Having subdued, therefore, his neighbours, when, by an accession of forces, being still further strengthened, he went forth against other tribes, and every new victory paved the way for another, he subdued all the peoples of the East." Ezekiel saw them involved in a rite in which they were mourning the death of a Mesopotamian god whose myth said he was resurrected to new life, a mockery of the redeeming death and life-giving resurrection of the true Son of God. Therefore, subsequent legends arose which portrayed her as a mythic fertility goddess and mother of the gods. While Josephus attests to the historical figure of Semiramis he states that Berossus, (c. Apion I., 20), opposes the view of Greek writers who make Semiramis the founder of Babylon. The Woman Atop the Beast (Part 1). Hence it may be concluded that Thamus and Osiris are the same. However Nimrod eventually died and Semiramis in a desperate attempt to hold onto her thrown derived a plan that would ultimately lead to not only retaining the throne but would elevate her to that of goddess. They found Babel, Ninevah, and Calah . Nimrod had a plan to weld together and strengthen this evil religious system and so he married his own mother who was Semiramis. Opening Two More Childrens Homes in 2019! [vi] Alexander Hislop: The Two Babylons; p. 26. The two arms of the image symbolize this division. Damuzzi was a shepherd god and associated with vegetation. However, polytheism began in the minds of Cush, Nimrod and Semiramis, who heavily suffused the mystery religion of Babylon with human deification. He then took Semiramis as his own wife. Ishtar being yet another name and another retelling of Semiramis. Hislop acknowledges that scripture is silent on the death of Nimrod. Moreover Ishtar is actually the Akkadian name for the older Sumerian goddess Inanna. After Nimrod's death, his so-called mother-wife, Semiramis, propagated the evil doctrine of the survival of Nimrod as a spirit being. Alexander Hislop creates this story himself a story that is never told or known by anyone before him.A story unheard or untold in the ancient world. 2 Babylons page 51. Plans for Read more, She visited many countries before returning to Bactra. The language was at first called Babylonian and/or Assyrian, but has now come to be known as Akkadian.From 1850 onwards, there was a growing suspicion that the Semite inhabitants of Babylon and Assyria were not the inventors of cuneiform system of writing, and that they had instead borrowed it from some other language and culture. In verse 14, Ezekiel expresses his "dismay" at yet a greater abomination: "women . Semiramis is said to have survived her husband forty-two years. The answer to this question is indeed much simpler than the way in which Alexander Hislop went about drawing his conclusion. Through assumption, comparative theology, the use of incorrect and inaccurate historical information, association, misrepresentation and a whole heap of amalgamating together numerous and unrelated ancient myths and stories based on similarities ,cherry picking pieces of information while simply ignoring others or imposing any one or any combination of the aforementioned. There is nothing in the Bible that would even hint at the narrative let alone give us this story. Then it is said that Semiramis set out to build her empire. Enkidu is punished and basically sentenced to death for this. By thee we have access to the Son, O blessed finder of grace, bearer of life, and mother of salvation. If the death of Osiris should be taken as the death of Nimrod then the death of Ninus should be the same if Ninus was Nimrod. There is nothing in the Apocrypha writings that can be used to link them together. Ereskiga curses him. Please do not hold us to these views forever. People revered Zoraster through the generations as the promised seed of the woman, destined to bruise the head of the serpent in Genesis 3:15. Ancient mythology describes Hermes as the interpreter of languages. What means the term Easter itself? History which even Hislop himself was unaware of. Checks/money orders can be sent to: Osiris met with a violent death, and that violent death of Osiris was the central theme of the whole idolatry of Egypt. Ninus easily overtook the cities of these people but was unable to take the city of Bactra. The whole thing comes from the fictional work, The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop. Address : P.O. Gilgamesh states that she had decreed weeping for Tammuz. Especially since the evidence available today would seem to negate the claim. She declared herself the "Queen of Heaven" and was worshipped as such. As already stated there is no historical written evidence of Semiramis and Nimrod being married but that little fact did not derail Hislop. Osiris was also a vegetation god, as Horus was believed to be Osiris Damuzi who we know was Tammuz was linked to Horus by way of Osiris and so Tammuz became the equivalent of Horus.. (all very complicated indeed). What does the Bible say? Cyrus, regaled in the Bible as God's "shepherd" and "His anointed" (Isaiah 44:28-45:13), was not the same caliber of man as Nebuchadnezzar. The last book of the Bible, chapters 17 and 18, describes Gods utter destruction of Babylon in the last days. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Now, this exactly agrees with the statement in the ancient history of Justin: "Ninus strengthened the greatness of his acquired dominion by continued possession. If you use these historians literally and as factually accurate, who themselves conflated fact and fiction together and then use those works as a pure historically accurate source then you will inevitably and unavoidably draw upon a conclusion yourself that itself is in fact not historically accurate. The idea of inferiority seems to pass to the succeeding empires as well. This could not be true, for we have sufficient evidence that the Tower of Babel stood long after Nimrod's day. The Egyptians named him Osiris, the Phoenicians referred to him as Tammuz, and in Canaan he became the sun god of fire Molech. There is an inscription engraved in an Egyptian temple of Isis that reads: "I am all that has been, or that is, or that shall be. A beginning naturally implies something to succeed, and here we find it (v 11): "Out of that land he went forth, being made strong, or when he had been made strong (Ashur), and builded Nineveh.. . Once through the gates Ishtar sat above her sister Ereskiga. The name, Marduk, was altered by various civilizations of the ancient world due to the languages given at the Tower of Babel. Taylorsville, NC 28618, Phone : 828-228-4140 He links people together through nothing more than association in order to make one person seem like they are another, Nimrod and Ninus are just one example where he asserts that Ninus was simply another name for Nimrod. So began the arduous task of decipherment. Ninus first conquered Babylonia then Armenia and Media. Indeed we know for a fact, using Hislop's own reasoning that we cannot do this. Hislop even states that having changed the meaning of the verse it now exactly agrees with the historical statement. Genesis 10-8 And Cush begat Nimrod: he began to be a mighty one in the earth. The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so that he might devour her child who will rule all the nations with an iron scepter. With this, they elevate her nearly to a goddess (if not in fact), pray to her incessantly, claim to see her in visions and hear her in dreams and trances, and worship statues of her in their churches and cathedrals! Hence Hislops etymological inventiveness which traced wordsto Chaldee roots, is irrelevant in establishing linguistic links to Nimrods Babylon and Assyria. And it is within the Egyptian myth that we come across the story that is now most commonly attributed to that of Nimrod , his wife and child. Neither Ninus nor Semiramis are attested to by any of the kings lists which the Assyrians themselves compiled. Please check your spam folder for your confirmation email to activate receiving our emails. Although it is very clear through Egyptian texts that the Egyptians had gods called Osiris, Isis and Horus, there are actually many different versions of the Isis, Osiris and Horus mythological story. The land of Shinar is the Biblical name for the region of southern Mesopotamia. [vii] Alexander Hislop: The Two Babylons; p. 26. It must be stated that there is no historical evidence that Semiramis lived at all, let alone at the time of Nimrod. [viii] Alexander Hislop: The Two Babylons; p. 26-28. . However the fact is this story is simply made up. But how did Hislop from these writings where Tammuz was never the son conclude that Tammuz was the son of Nimrod and Semiramis. Nimrods followers assigned him many mythical names that implicate works achieved only by the true Son of God, Jesus Christ. Nimrod, Semiramis & Tammuz Moms of Miracles ANTICHRIST NIMROD SEMIRAMIS TAMMUZ ANCIENT BABYLON WITCHCRAFT Share 7/15 Watch on This video is private Watch on What do you think? The views and opinions expressed in the blogs and video posts are exclusive of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions and ideas specifically of Moms of Miracles. at every moment, She Herself must instruct, guide, and transform each one of us into Herself, so that not we but She lives in us, as Jesus lives in Her, and the Father in the Son. ), ? Gilgamesh kills the bull under the instructions of his friend Enkidu. Nimrod is described in Genesis 10:812 as the first on earth to be a mighty man. Now I am almost as certain, almost is the correct word, that Hislop believed what he wrote, that he was passionate and meant no harm by his deception, I highly doubt he was aware of the fact he was wrong. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed: 2 John 1:10 KJV. Richard T. Ritenbaugh While this kings list places Semiramis at the time of Abraham and so therefore as it is also claimed that Nimrod was alive at the time of Abraham, this also places Semiramis at the time of Nimrod it still does not actually connect Nimrod and Semiramis together. Genesis 10- 11 Out of that land went forth Asshur, and builded Nineveh, and the city Rehoboth, and Calah, Asshur was the 2nd son of shem , Asshur is also the name of a people (the assyrians). Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man, and birds, and animals, and creeping things. It wasn't until the late 18th century that the markings on these tablets came to be known as actual writings. Osten is the German word for east. She is almost certainly the amalgamation of a historical figure and Greek Goddesses created by classical Greek writers. He is credited for having founded Freemasonry and for building the legendary Tower of Babel, in defiance of God's will. Check out this quick teaching that goes a little deeper into the Hebrew. The religion went underground hidden. We must discern what we consider authoritative. Further to that there is not one single historical writing, including the talmud orthe writings of Josephus, that places these 3 together before Alexander Hislops book, which was written in the 1850s..AD. It is said that tempests of wind sent by God against the Tower of Babel overthrew it, and that Nimrod perished in its ruins. Another of Inannas sisters, Erec-ki-gala is the queen of the underworld. We believe as you learn how they impacted history and how they continue to infiltrate the world today you will begin to understand satans agenda to deceive Gods children. Gods judgment and Nimrods execution forced the mystery religion underground for a while. Nimrod became the Roman god Bacchus, which means, the son of Cush. Bacchus was god of wine and revelry. The Babylonians wept for him on "Good Friday." They worshipped a cross-the initial letter of his name. Yet again Plutarch repeated that we should not believe the myths as they are simply stories with attributes. The fruit which I have brought forth is the sun.[iv] The sun was Osiris deified Nimrod. God or he/who/which In 1 Timothy 3:16 should it read God was manifest in the flesh or he/who was manifest in the flesh? [ii] http:www.onesimus @ix.netcom; author Bryce Self, [iii] Alexander Hislop: The Two Babylons; pp 5, 20-21, 30-31, 74-75, 141). 5 Responses 0 comments Start the discussion Be the first to comment. The Bible does not say that neither Nimrod nor Ninus built Nineveh. The answer to this question is indeed much simpler than the way in which Alexander Hislop went about drawing his conclusion. Nimrod married his own mother, whose name was Semiramis. Semiramis is not stated as being Nimrods wife, they are are not described as the King and Queen of Babylon and never described as having a son. [v] This suggests the ancient civilization of Sumeria may have taken their name from her. In like manner, some Catholics attribute to Mary the position and characteristics of the third person of their unscriptural trinity, the Holy Spirit. Such, then, are the conflicting accounts which may be found in the historians regarding the career of Semiramis. Ninus died not long after the birth of Ninyas and so Semiramis ruled alone as queen. Hislop tried desperately to explain this verse and make it seem as if it was in fact talking about Nimrod rather than Asshur, I am persuaded that the whole perplexity that commentators have hitherto felt in considering this passage, has arisen from supposing that there is a proper name in the passage, where in reality no proper name exists. Tammuz is described as being a former lover of Ishtar in the epic of Gilgamesh. She is Gods chosen nation through which His Seed the Son of God would come. Whatever she did during her reign she seems to have been powerful or revered enough to have been seen as equal to her male counterparts and had an obelisk inscribed and placed in prominence in the city of Ashur with the inscription. This story of Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz in any form regardless of the details or variation is found nowhere in the Bible. Many people claim that Nimrod, Semiramis and Tammuz are the pagan trinity. Their son, Tammuz, is Bacus, meaning Suffering Son. Hislop cites and calls upon the Plutarch for support regarding the myths of Osiris,Isis and Horus. Hislop even dismissed parts of the Bible and changed their meanings in order to force his understanding into it. The discovery of the Cuneiform tablets however showed that Ctesias writings on which both Eusebius and Justin indirectly drew upon was nothing more than fables. Nimrod, Semiramis and TammuzThe Myths behind the myth ( Short version part 1). Nimrod Darkness in the Cradle of Civilization by Steven Merrill, Antiquities of the Jews by Flavius Josephus, The History of Herodotus. Groelier Classics, Library of History Books I-IV, by Diodorus Siculus, 11.Collected Works of Hugh Nibley, Volume 5, Part 2. Should people of this present age be concerned God might judge a world of people who have murdered millions of their children on the altar of abortion? The original pagan festival of "Easter" was a sex orgy that celebrated the return of life via the fertility of Ishtar's conception of Tammuz. This vision reveals that paganism had deeply affected the women in Israelite society as well. Video Source Credit: Stand For Christ Ministries. She is reputed to have been the founder of the Babylonian mysteries and the first high-priestess of idolatry. That's all the information that the Bible actually gives us. When Inanna arrives in the underworld she tells the chief doorman it is because the husband of her eldest sister has died. Then another sign appeared in heaven: an enormous red dragon with seven heads and ten horns and seven crowns on his heads. And is it even important to know about these characters? According to this, Shem lived 502 years after the flood, that is, according to the Hebrew chronology, till BC 1846. From the beginning of time, Satan has done everything in his power to destroy that lineage. [xxi] Even Roman mythology repeatedly illustrates an affiliation between a serpent and the fire god and they were worshipped together. There are actually a few different stories about the pagan trinity as they are sometimes called. The child awaits delivery by the laboring woman (Israel). It was believed that it was the tears shed by the vegetation god that brought the rains and so during the wetter months the god was in the heavens however during the hotter summer months when the rain stopped this was when the vegetation god was in the underworld. Tammuz is simply referred to as a lover of Ishtar's youth. Hislops argument stands in need of radical revision, Dr. Bruce concludes. Tammuz and Nimrod are names for the same person. This daily newsletter provides a starting point for personal study, and gives valuable insight into the verses that make up the Word of God. this is simply taking one cultures myths and inputting it back into history and applying it to another cultures myths even though nobody ever wrote this story about Ishtar. In the proceding writing of Diodorus he tells the story of Semiramis how she was found as a baby after her mother had abandoned her. No mortal has removed my veil. Its adherents realized the danger of practicing their religion in the public domain. His father was hams son Cush. Even if Osiris was indeed the the Egyptian Nimrod the myths and stories relating to Osiris cannot without proof automatically be inferred that the same myth was believed regarding Nimrod. Each abomination is described as being greater in wickedness than the one before. So where did Hislop get these ideas from? . Hislop then dismisses the fable of Nimrod's death that is given by tradition. 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nimrod, semiramis and tammuz